
Demon Hunter Bizarre Adventure (Currently Danmachi)

Aiden is your average otaku who unfortunately becomes an isekai victim due to the destruction caused by a certain alien and a certain bald man whose influence on him is for unknown reasons. In his grief and despair at being the sole survivor among more than seven billion humans, he can only try to survive in a rabbit hole where the gods pretend to live like humans. But fortunately, he has a glimmer of hope in this terrifying rabbit hole. He gains the bloodline of a certain demon hunter, which helps him maintain his small life in this dreadful rabbit hole and embark on the Demon Hunter Bizarre Adventure. [Currently Danmachi]

XElenea · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

[16 ] Intermediaries

Danitz keenly sensed that while the young man before him appeared modest, he did not refute Hestia's claim about surpassing the Sword Princess. Beneath his humble facade was a strong self-confidence.

Danitz wiped his right hand carefully with a towel and flashed his signature honest smile. "Hello, Aiden-kun. You're too modest. To receive such praise from Hestia-sama, you must be quite the genius. I'm Danitz Hood. Just call me Danitz. I've been making fried rice here for almost twenty years."

Aiden wasn't particularly moved by his flattery. He wasn't a pretty girl, after all. However, he was quite interested in the fried rice. "No wonder your skills are so refined. It looks like Hestia and I are in for a treat today."

Hestia giggled and gave Aiden a thumbs up. "Yeah, Danitz-ojisan's fried rice is the best."

Danitz chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, Hestia-sama, you flatter me. It's just ordinary fried rice." He returned to the stove to start cooking. "Aiden-kun, is there anything you don't eat? Hestia-sama, the usual for you?"

Aiden sat down on a nearby stool. "There's nothing I don't eat, but I have a big appetite. Could you make mine a double portion, please?"

Hestia continued standing there, smiling. "The usual for me, Danitz-ojisan."

Danitz expertly poured oil into the pan. "No trouble at all. Adventurers need to eat well to have strength. Just wait a moment."

Without internet, no phone, no novels to read, no youtube videos to watch, and no games to play, Aiden felt bored sitting on the small stool. He took out his arm brace and started fiddling with it. Attach, detach, put it back in the bag. He looked up at Hestia and Danitz interacting familiarly, gaining a clearer understanding of Hestia's popularity.

However, Aiden didn't have to wait long. A large plate of fragrant fried rice and a bowl of seaweed soup were soon brought to the table. Danitz's mastery wasn't just in his handwork but also in his perfect control of the heat.

Close observation revealed the culinary skills in this plate of fried rice. The aroma of eggs, rice, and unknown vegetables, and the rich scent of meat, blended perfectly. The meat's unique aroma intrigued Aiden.

Glancing at the neighboring table's fried rice, Aiden realized Danitz had added extra meat to his portion.

Most of the egg enveloped the rice grains, giving them a light yellow hue. The rice was loose, with a significant amount of meat covering it and green vegetables interspersed.

Aiden scooped a large spoonful, capturing meat, egg, vegetables, and rice all at once, and put it in his mouth to chew slowly. 

The rich taste and aroma of the meat, the freshness of the vegetables, and the egg-coated rice blended perfectly. Though it didn't bring tears to his eyes or transport him to a serene mountain forest, it did make him want to take another bite immediately. 

Aiden swore this was the best fried rice he had ever tasted in his life, bar none!

While praising Danitz's culinary skills, he was also curious about the ingredients used in the fried rice: "Danitz-san, after finishing this meal, I must say I completely agree with Hestia's high praise of your fried rice. But could you tell me what ingredients you used, especially the meat?"

No chef dislikes the praise of their diners, as it is the highest affirmation of their culinary skills. Hearing Aiden's sincere compliments, Danitz grinned widely. "Aiden-kun, you're too kind. I'm not that good yet. The culinary skills of Mia Grand, the owner of the Hostess of Fertility, far surpass mine. The meat I use in my fried rice is from boar, the vegetables are from farms outside the city, and the eggs are from Chocobos raised on those farms."

After a whirlwind of devouring their meals, Aiden and Hestia set down their spoons, fully satisfied. Both plates, large and small, were cleaned spotless, with not a grain of rice left.

Having had their fill, Aiden, despite Danitz's earlier offer to treat them, pulled out his money pouch to pay. But after Danitz's firm insistence, Aiden finally put his pouch away.

"Goodbye, Danitz-san." Aiden and Hestia waved as they left his stall.

"Take care, Hestia-sama, Aiden-kun." 

Their next stop was a real estate agency. Yes, even in a fantasy world, real estate agents exist. It's an ancient profession that dates back to a long time ago, so it's not strange that it's here either.

In this world, the profession is much the same. As long as there is demand, there will be a market. In Orario, the most bustling city in the world, old adventurers die every day, and new adventurers arrive. There are also countless merchants, workers, and travelers. This massive population movement fuels the prosperity of many industries, such as food, hotels, and real estate, all of which contribute to the city's vibrancy alongside the adventurers.

Orario's real estate agencies are similar to those on Earth, called intermediaries. Unlike modern real estate agents who specialize only in property transactions, these intermediaries also handle house rentals, livestock sales, weapon transactions, and even slave trading.

However, unlike the ancient real estate agents of Earth who often exploited the populace with unscrupulous practices, Orario's intermediaries are regulated by the Guild. This oversight minimizes the occurrence of behaviors like extortion, market manipulation, fraud, profiteering, and excessive commission fees, which were common in ancient time. The gods and adventurers are not to be trifled with, ensuring fairer practices.

This regulatory environment is why Aiden, despite knowing nothing about Orario's real estate market or intermediaries, dared to accompany Hestia, a goddess equally ignorant of real estate prices, to buy or rent a house.

So, what are the real estate agencies and housing prices like in this otherworldly city?


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