
Chapter 67 Some things are always inevitable...

Taniel's reservation at the "Starry Sky" restaurant was for noon.

And at this moment, it was just before sunrise.

Jason, of course, wouldn't foolishly wait around. After borrowing a carriage from the old baronet, with Finch driving, Jason and Taniel returned to the bachelor dormitory at the police station.

The morning sun rose, and the chill was driven away once again.

The thin morning fog began to slowly disperse.

In room 305, Bondi was informing Jason about the investigation in the cemetery.


The atmosphere was slightly oppressive.

It wasn't because of the content of the investigation, but rather... because of Jason!

Or, to be precise, because of Jason's hair!

Jason had lost his hair.

To put it simply...

Jason was bald!

In the recent explosion, satiety could heal the fatal injuries Jason suffered.


satiety couldn't grow hair!

Therefore, not just his hair, even Jason's eyebrows were gone.