
Demon Hunter! A Fairy Tail Adventure

What would you do if you were given a chance to live again after your death?? Would you take it, and milk it for all its worth? Or would you be content and pass on naturally? This is a story of a young man who got that 'second chance' at life. Join Alex as he try's to make the most out of his second life in the wonderful world of Fairy Tail! Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy tail or any of the characters from the series except my own MC. This is just a fan-fic I'm doing for fun to kill some time. Might have some romance in the story, however there will be no harem and no lemons. So sorry in advance if that's what you're looking for. P.s. I don't own the image or anything related to WOW and will remove it if I am required to do so.

SpawnOfSatan · Anime & Comics
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Testing & a Hunt

Alex woke up feeling more refreshed than he ever has in his life.

He found this odd at first as he wasn't sleeping in a real bed and thought he should be stiff and sore.

After some thought he just kind of attributed it to the fact that there was magic in this world and left it at that.

He had more important things to do anyway, like breakfast and using MAGIC!

He decided to try his magic first, so he'd at least have a way to hunt for some food.

God had told him offhandedly that for the skills Alex chose, he'd have a natural affinity for them and the basics would be planted into his head.

From there it would be up to him to learn and improve upon them himself.

His attack spells didn't seem to have any names so he figured he could call them whatever he wanted. It was literally just sending out his magic with an 'intent' behind it.

Not dwelling on it too long he went through all the knowledge in his head and decided to try his {Inventory} first.

He thought using something like space magic would be incredibly complex, but it turned out to be very easy.

He simply had to focus on the {Inventory} skill and he'd get a mental picture of what was inside.

He was not at all surprised to see his Warglaives and nothing else in his inventory.

His Blades looked a lot like Illidan's from HoTS(heroes of the storm video game), they were not very fancy but looking at them gave him a very dangerous vibe.

Mentally focusing on them, they appeared in a flash of light, he was immediately shocked at how heavy they were and sub-consciously channeled mana through his body, reinforcing it to be able to move the big blades.

As his magic passed through his hands and touched the blades they started to glow in an eyry green light before bursting into green flames.

"Holy Fuckin' SHIT!" Alex yelped in surprise as he dropped the Glaives.

As the blades hit the ground, the flame died out and they want back to their dormant state.

Looking around to make sure nobody seen him yelp like a school girl, he picked the blades back up.

This time making sure his mana stayed away from them.

He focused real hard on the blades kind of hoping his status had an {Analyse} Function.

He was momentarily disappointed when he realized it didn't, but thought better of it later.

He had specifically said he didn't want that kind of system after all.

'Makes sense that I'll just have to figure it out myself through trial and error' Alex thought.

Just the thought of it made him subconsciously smile, this was the adventure he was after!


He'd do the tests and enjoy every second of it!

Having finished with his inspection of the blades, he focused back on the {Inventory} skill and willed them back in.

They were currently a little too heavy for him to just lug around and he was starting to already feel the drain on his mana pool from having his body enhanced.

Thinking he should probably work on increasing his magical capacity in the near future, he focused on his {Mana Manipulation}.

Initially going through his implanted memories for {Mana Manipulation} he was stunned at how simple the basic were.

He could already feel the natural mana in the air and earth around him.

When he tried to move it though, things became more complicated.

He had to be at the limit of his focus to get the Mana to move.

In fact, it took so much focus to manipulate the raw Mana in the atmosphere that he thought he was doing something wrong.

It was only after checking his status again and seeing it at lvl:2 did he stop that thought.

When he stopped trying to actively move the mana in random directions and just pull it inside his body to increase his capacity, he noticed it was much easier.

He still had to focus on it, but now it did not strain his mind.

The meditative like state he entered was actually very calming and even energized him (Mentally) to some extent.

If it wasn't for his stomach grumbling he probably would have lost himself in the act.

Deciding to focus on his {Fel-Fire} so he would have an offensive ability to go hunting with he dove back into his implanted memories.

{Fel-Fire} was the easiest thing he'd got into so far, since it was directly linked to his primary magic he could use it instinctively.

After some trials on a tree or 2 ...or 5, he realized that the difficult part would be to not hurt/kill something with his fire.

Shooting a stream of fire out of any part of his body was easy, even wreathing his entire body in flames.

It was very taxing on his mana reserves however.

If he used it for too long without rest he would enter mana deprivation and be helpless.

Knowing Food came before the rest of his skills, he set out to look for something to eat.

Using his new sense of smell, he followed his nose through the woods in the direction he smelled something he could only guess was wet fur.

It reminded him a lot of how dogs from his old world smelled after being out in the rain.

After about 5 minutes of following his nose, while trying to remain as quite as possible he could finally hear his prey.

He heard branches shuffling around and when he got to the clearing he seen a lone deer eating twigs, while looking around every so often.

Wanting to get as close as possible so he didn't accidentally burn down the forest, he slowly approached the animal.

When he was about 30 feet away, he made his first mistake.

He noticed too late the branch hidden in the grass and the deer became alert.

Not wanting to miss this chance he dashed forward forgoing the silent approach.

As he ran forward he released a stream of fire on the poor creature completely covering it.

It let out a pitiful noise before succumbing to the massive 3rd degree burns that instantly seared its pelt.

The Fire surrounding the animal changed after it lost its life, from the vibrant yellow-green to a dull orange.

He quickly had to use his natural mastery over fire that came with being a Fire Demon Slayer to quell the flames and keep it from spreading.

Only after looking over the very, very cooked corpse did he remember that he literally had a {stealth} skill.

If he hadn't been in such a hurry and done this all properly, he would have a proper steak instead of deer jerky.

'Oh well, what's done is done and its at least still edible' he thought, trying to not let his slip up get too him.

Not wanting to deal with the whole corpse, he pulled one of his glaives out and used it as an oversized butcher knife.

'Gonna have to make a trip to some town to get some proper equipment one of these days. Don't want to be eating like a wild animal all the time' he thought as he quickly quartered the animal and put the pieces into his {Inventory}.

Most of the sentances in the book will be spaced from each other. It doesn't bother me at all to have them close togeather, but I was told lots of people prefer it this way as it makes it easier to read. If it bothers anyone... well I guess you'll just have to not read the story or deal with it. Enjoy!

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