
Demon Guardian in the Multiverse

The first novel so don't be too hard on me. Will read the critics. Just writing this novel for myself. If you enjoy it ??. if not criticism so I can become better. Our unlucky MC dies accidentally was put to two options. Option 1 Realm of Warriors Option 2 Reincarnation in a World the Godking wants him to be with the power the Godking bestows to him. So no free beans for someone interfering in the work of his wife. OP from the Start. System only shop and mission. Can't show real power because of society in the first World he is. Don't own anything of this novel just my OCs and a little plot. Pic isn't mine too. Warning: Irregular chapter but I will complete at least the first book. It may take some time.

Deathseeker · Video Games
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172 Chs

Kenichi vs. Raichi

The next day they returned to their everyday life with their pets while Logan shut himself in the forge to improve Ciri's sword by putting runes on it and making gauntlets and shines for the other three with runes on them too. He returned after three days in Ryozanpaku and meets with Akisame first who says, "You did a fine work with Kenichi." "Yeah, two years of training can do wonder. I taught him more than I originally wanted but it worked out," says Logan as he walks inside to meet Abigail that was still a little mad at him.

"How are the kids?" asks Logan and Abigail says, "They are fine. But your clone came yesterday saying they are beginning to move. What did he mean?" "That means Yomi and Yami are moving. They are finally moving. I'm bored with nothing to do but to train the kids. Don't know how you can support it," says Logan and Abigail hit him on the head while saying, "Because I have hobbies, not like you who only trains and wants to fight."

"I should deliver those weapons then just to make sure if something happens they are ready," says Logan and walks out wanting to give Abigail a kiss only to kiss her fist while she says, "You really think I would kiss you after five days you brought a woman home. Dream on." He leaves and arrives at school but no one was there so he went to the next possible location and that was the Shinpaku Alliance HQ.

Once there he sees Kenichi fight with a girl in a full bodysuit and a helmet and Logan recognize her as Raichi Li. He knew that her master would be around and began to feel for a ki signature around he didn't know finding Tenmon Li. 'Well we have only one problem right now and that is that Kenichi already entered Master level I hope Yami doesn't find out.' Kenichi was blocking everything easily Raichi was throwing at him and Kenichi out of instinct punched back bringing Raichi to ground.

Once seeing this Logan thinks, 'Finally, he hit girls.' But the next second he sees Kenichi sweating bullets while saying, "Sorry normally I don't hit girl that was out of instinct because my masters beat it in me." "I don't need your pity," says Raichi while making a handstand and kicks in Kenichi's direction. Kenichi blocks again and says, "Can't we stop this fight. I don't even know why we are fighting right now." "It's because you defeated Ragnarok and provocate us," says Raichi who was on his feet again and began to strike at Kenichi again who blocked effortlessly while asking, "Who is us?" "Yomi," says Raichi while making a low kick that Kenichi blocks with his leg and counterattacks again out of instinct bringing Raichi down again. Kenichi now feeling guilty walks over and wants to help Raichi up who was down this time out cold.

When suddenly the ki of Tenmon raised and goes down to avenge his daughter by destroying the Shinpaku Alliance HQ. But Logan appears behind him and says, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." "Why not?" asks Tenmon angry and Logan says, "Pretty easy to tell. You might destroy partly the building but inside there are two Grand Masters that I personally trained since they were six. They passed through an actual hell that neither you nor anyone else in this world passed through. And if you were to attack you would die since they aren't either Satsujinken nor Katsujinken. They like I don't like to be put into a category since we only kill if necessary and they will see it necessary if you try to harm their friends."

"And who are you?" asks Tenmon and Logan says, "Logan Wyrm, I live in Ryozanpaku now for a while even the Elder was a disappointment for me since I defeated him pretty easy. So don't think of attacking. I might not control myself and kill you because I used too much force. We don't want the girl to become an orphan, do we? Well, I could always take in another daughter and give her a better future but there are too many disciples in Yomi and I can't save everyone."

"As if she would listen to someone who killed her father," says Tenmon and Logan begins to laugh and says, "She will, after all, I can manipulate her memories making her think you died naturally or you got killed by a Yami master making her hate Yami and then I appeared and helped her and adopted her. That easy it is with my eyes and methods to do it. My first adopted son was also brainwashed by me but later on recovered his memories. He was really happy and angry at the same time since I took him in even after knowing everything he has done against his people. Now he is a respectable person between the people of the village. Now, what do you think your daughter could become with me as her father. She could become a Grand Master like my kids that are inside that building. They are only waiting for you to enter through the window to attack you since you can't feel ki like we do. I felt you when the kids were fighting and they might too. And when you raised your ki it puts them in full alarm mode. So just retreat your daughter will be fine."

"How do I know that she will be fine?" asks Tenmon and Logan says, "I can accompany you until she returns how about that or we can wait here and chat a bit and exchange some pointers. My last fight was against a God. It was a pretty good fight until I lost it and used too much strength and killed him. With a little aperitif like you, I might be able to know how hard I should hit your masters without wasting them or worse killing them because I used to much strength. What do you say?"

"I must have gone crazy that you are strong but now I know that you are weak. You must be crazy telling people you fought a God," says Tenmon and attacks Logan, who says, "It was two gods, two fake gods and old God that was corrupted and a clan of deities that I fought and killed over the years not counting the mortals." Logan takes the hit as if nothing and says, "Is that all. Pathetic I thought you people were as strong as the masters at Ryozanpaku it seems I was wrong. Or maybe it's because of me training them in ki. What will happen with you once I train them in haki too? Would Yami survive I don't know most likely you will all end behind bars or leave it. Now I will give you a piece of advice for your daughter's sake leave it before it becomes really ugly and I have to step in and annihilate everyone. Because I hate loose ends, not like the masters of Ryozanpaku they would just put you behind bars and let you escape so you can plan your next plan. I would rather kill you all that means your daughter and every disciple you all have and have it behind me. Except for the Tanimoto boy or my wife and daughter would kill me and I'm already in my wife's black book."

Tenmon then attacks again but this time Logan send him flying and says, "Fighting it is then." He flies after Tenmon and hits him back down making Tenmon hit the ground, breaking every bone in his body and Logan says, "Right I forgot you people can't fly. My mistake let's get you patched up so we can keep fighting." Logan puts a bean in Tenmon's mouth and put his hand under Tenmon's clothes and heals him up and then he says, "Time to continue our sparring. What do you say?" Tenmon was on his knees and says, "Please have mercy."

"Now now, I'm not a God yet so less kneeling and more fighting like said before I need to adapt my strength to fight Yami so I don't kill the others by accident and it becomes interesting for me at least your people will want to run away since it felt like a mosquito bite," says Logan being in position waiting for Tenmon to get in position too. But that never happened because he was still kneeling in front of him. Logan then says, "*sighs* You know you are a mean person first you attack me and after finding out that it was all true you just give up. I might have to manipulate your memories maybe you will fight me then."

"Please I know when I'm defeated and please don't touch my memories," says Tenmon and Logan says, "Fine but you can't tell anyone what I did you will need to firm here and here. If you ever break this contract you will die instantly you can only talk about it when I allow it do you understand?" "Yes," says Tenmon and wanting to sign he looked at Logan for a pen and Logan says, "It's just your blood and your fingerprint so bite your thumb and have it behind you."

Tenmon does as told and finally signs it and Logan then says, "Alright then let's wait until your daughter leaves the building then you can meet with her it will take some time so how about we leave to somewhere else until she awakens." "I can't do anything anyway what do you have in mind," says Tenmon and Logan opens a portal and says, "Let's visit my grandchildren I need to give my kids something that I learned while I was on my last trip. She should be awake by when we return and even made so friends."

He walks through it while dragging Tenmon behind him and the portal closes while they arrive on the other side. Logan then walks with Tenmon through the streets and says, "Welcome to Ferelden. Or better said welcome to Thedas. My first home. Let's go it's been some month since I have seen everyone." Logan guides Tenmon through the streets arriving at his son's home and knocks on the door. Malcolm opens it and says, "Aren't you here a little early. I don't think that Liona nor Ray are ready for a marriage."

"Too soon for that though they are in a relationship with people," says Logan and Malcolm lets them in and says, "For Ray, it must be the white-haired girl you took in to train right." "You are pretty good must be your age. But I'm also here to give you those scrolls. They contain new techniques that I got through my last adventure. I want you to train Cyrion and Bryce with them as well as your sister. Now let me see my grandchildren before I go meet your brother Gabriel and Sion," says Logan who completely ignored Tenmon while carrying little Leandra on his shoulders and seeing Cyrion train. Logan then pulls two amulets out of his pocket and puts them on Cyrion and Leandra and gives two other to Malcolm while telling him to give them to Bryce and Maric.

Then Logan leaves with Tenmon through the portal and does the same just this time he visits all his family while giving Sion the technique to teach the kids when they get older. Then Logan visits the last world and gives Aaron the scrolls to learn while finding out that Tali was with child that made Logan happy. Later on, he visited his brother Sion to asks about his development finding out that was working good between Hancock and him. And Logan was happy and then asked how he and Ray were adapting to the power of the fruit. Telling him that it is working fine thanks to Hancock being there to teach them. Then Logan leaves with Tenmon and asks, "What do you think about my family?"

"They look pretty united. I just have one question," says Tenmon and Logan says, "Shoot." "Why did they all ignore me?" asks Tenmon and Logan laughs and says, "Because you were never a threat. All my kids except for Aaron are over your Grand Master level. That's why they never felt danger from you. Also, my third son could be stronger then Hayato Furinji by now if he didn't stop training since he was born with more strength then all other of my kids. But we are only talking about them in their normal form if they were to show their real power no one would be able to stop them in your world. Now let's return your daughter should be awake by now. And if something leaves your mouth you know what will happen."

Logan then opens a portal back and says, "Looks like your daughter found some friends good for her she will need them in the future." "Why would she need them?" asks Tenmon and Logan says, "Everyone needs at least one friend or he will break apart because he can't rely on anybody but himself and that's how people most of the time die. Now then it looks like she is leaving. I will see you soon then." Logan then disappears leaving Tenmon behind who collected his daughter and left with her.

Hope you like it.

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