
Demon Fox System

Feng Hei Lang was teen idol about to make her debut. However, on the way there, she was shot in the head when entering her car. It all happened in a flash and her hard work vanished. A demon god spoke to her, offering to reincarnate her. The demon reincarnated Feng Hei Lang with a system to assist her, but no one told Feng Hei Lang that she wasn't going to be a human. Watch as Feng Hei Lang journeys through the cultivation world as a little fox trying her best to survive~ Update Schedule: Mon ~ Sat: 1 Chapter I'll do my best to keep steady updates~ ^-^

ShadowPhoenix_9 · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Feng Hei Lang sighed and started trudging up the path away from the cave. 'That Xue is SO ANNOYING! I have to get her food now? Although she seems capable, I don't want to spend my tallies feeding a THIRD person!'

As she trudged towards the cafeteria, she pulled up her status screen.

[Level 2]

Species: Two-Tailed Shadow Demon Fox

Beast Level: Uncommon

Cultivation Level: None

Martial Art: Icy Demon (A)

Special Ability: Shadow Manipulation (SS)


HP: 20/20

Strength: 20

Agility: 30

Vitality: 10

Sense: 15

Stamina: 19

[Skills: Chomp (Lvl. 2), Claw (Lvl. 2), Blood Claw (Lvl. 1), Dash (Lvl. 2), Telepathy (Lvl. 1), Camouflage (Lvl. 1), Greater Enhanced Senses (Lvl 1. Passive), Faster Reflexes (Lvl. 1 Passive), Presence Concealment (Lvl. 1), Better Flexibility (Lvl. 1 Passive), Appraisal (Lvl. 2), Blood Slash (Lvl. 1), Night Vision (Lvl. 1 Passive), Human Form Part One (Lvl. 1 Passive), Flashing Steps (Lvl. 1)]

Stat Points: 0

Skill Credits: 20

Comprehension Coins: 0

Feng Hei Lang gasped when she saw [Icy Demon] underneath the Martial Art section. 'It's a martial art? And it's grade is A?! That's amazing! And [Human Form Part One] counts as a passive skill? Interesting!'

She quickly closed it as she arrived at the cafeteria. When she entered, there were many foxes as it was time to lunch. Feng Hei Lang walked to the line and looked at her tallies. 'I only have 410! I'm going to have to spend 60 right now...and if I have to pay for her food everyday along with Xing, this will only last me a day or two!'

She sighed and quickly ordered the same thing as yesterday.


[Total: 350]

Feng Hei Lang flinched when she saw the total dropping. 'This is really PAINFUL! I have to save my tallies...I'll go do some commissions later...'

She carried the plates using [Shadow Manipulation] and started walking out of the cafeteria. Feng Hei Lang opened the door to exit and immediately crashed into someone. She almost dropped the food by losing control of her shadows. Luckily, she immediately caught the food again.

Feng Hei Lang looked up to see a boy in human form looking down at her. He tilted his head and then turned away.

There was a girl behind the boy who just pushed her. "You little fox, you're lucky he let you off just like that! How dare you bump into the pride of our school!" She raised her hand to slap Feng Hei Lang, but the boy grabbed her. "Liu Xiu. Stop."

Liu Xiu let out a "hmpf!" She turned away from Feng Hei Lang and glared.

Feng Hei Lang sighed in relief. 'Luckily nothing bad happened...but who was that boy? The pride of Hu Li University? Who could that possibly be?'

She ran back hurriedly to Headmaster Zhong Qiu's office. When Feng Hei Lang entered, Xue was sitting on his desk.

Xue grinned when she saw her. "Ah! Student Hei Lang! You're back! WITH FOOD!"

Feng Hei Lang placed the two dishes on the desk and took Xing out of her shadow. "Time to eat Xing!"

He immediately started munching down on the meat.

As the finished eating, Xue let out a a breath. "Ahh~ I haven't had food in ages!"

Feng Hei Lang took away the plates and put Xing back into her shadow. "Master Xue, do you know who the pride of the school is?"

Xue laughed. "You think I would know? I've been in seclusion for around a hundred years! Buuuuuttt...I can look through Student Zhong Qiu's files!"

She started rapidly scanning the papers, throwing them to the side, and crumpling some up.

Feng Hei Lang lifted up a hand to speak. "Uh...Master Xue...I think Headmaster Zhong Qiu will need those papers!"

Xue shrugged. "No worries, Student Zhong Qiu can always just sort them out again!"

Feng Hei Lang sighed. 'What a satanic master...'

After a few moments, Xue pulled out a file. "I've found the student file! Hmm...He's quite an interesting student!"

She passed the file to Feng Hei Lang and she took a good look.

Student: Kirei Ren

Rank: Platinum Rank Disciple

Year: Third-year

Species: Royal Navy Fox Clan

Special Ability: Dark Pyrokinesis (S)

Summary: Kirei Ren is the third son of the current leader in the royal family. He appeared last year out of nowhere, since no one has heard of him before. There are rumors that he works as a private assassin for the family. His ability [Dark Pyrokinesis] is very deadly as it can almost burn anything, except for darkness itself.

Feng Hei Lang gasped. "A royal family member! And a Platinum Disciple! AND A S-GRADE ABILITY!"

Xue laughed at her reaction. "Don't be so shocked. Your ability is almost a perfect counter to his! You control shadows don't you? If you beat him in a duel, your rank will automatically move up to Diamond!"

Feng Hei Lang pouted. "He's a third-year, Master! And he probably knows much more than me!"

Xue got off of the headmaster's desk and stood in front of her. "Which is why, right now, I'm going to teach you how to fight with a dagger! Most of the times, daggers are the easiest weapon to smuggle in places, and the easiest to throw. Stand here, and I'll show you."

Feng Hei Lang spent the next two hours learning how to throw a dagger accurately and how to fight with one. She also learned the best places to hide them and throw them out at a moment's notice.

Xue waved her hand and a thin thread of light shone from her palm. "Now that you know the basics, I'll teach you the [Dancing Dagger] technique. Use your ability and attach a thin thread to the end of the dagger. It should be sturdy, but almost unnoticeable."

Xue attached her light threads to the daggers and started twirling her arms and hands around like a dance. The daggers flew through the air, twisting and spinning to the direction at the wall.

When Feng Hei Lang reached out to block the path of one of the daggers, Xue immediately did a small flick with her finger and it spun out of the way.

Light trailed from everywhere it flew, leaving a beautiful display that was similar to fireworks.