
Demon Emperor Descendant

Cultivation world where strength is everything and the weak meant to tolerate, He was the weakest. Follow Lin Shen who lost everything his loving grandfather to his love and in the end of his life he wanted nothing more than power that can protect his loved ones from danger in the end his wish was accepted. When he opened his eyes he found himself face to face a mysterious Demon Emperor who claimed himself to be his Ancestor And gave his legacy chance to the past. "I will protect my love and my grandpa, No! I will protect everything I care for, For that I need to become like the Demon Emperor NO! I WILL SURPASS HIM"

lazypoke · Eastern
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1 Chs

Lin shen's past


The sound of sword peircing the flesh was heard in the forest near a ravine where, a black haired man can be seen stabbing a silver haired man, silver haired man had dark blue eyes that were moist because of sorrow and anger, in his eyes one can see several emotions but, the most prominent one's were helplessness, anger and haterd, haterd towards the black haired man and the world that don't Want him to live his life.

"You Trash!, you thought you can steal Lia from me, How dare you think about this young Master's women." black haired man said with mocking tone, despite the ridicule of black haired man the silver haired man was looking at the young woman with blue hair that was screaming and wailing while being held by two middle-aged man.

"Time to end this" said the black haired man and stabbed the silver haired man in the stomach, "aahhkk" silver haired man spat blood out from his mouth and started quivering in man pain.

"Tsk!, Disgusting" said the black haired man, and started wiping the blood stains that were on his clothes, "Throw him in the ravine" ordered the black haired man and started walking away, his order was answered with swift motion when two man came forward and lifted up the silver haired man and threw him in the ravine.

'What have I done to deserve this? why me?' thought the silver haired man, when his useless and pitfull life flashed through his eyes.


"Hmm shen.... so I will name you Lin shen" said the brown haired man with grayish strands of hair here and there, the man seems like an middle-aged man in his late forties with some wrinkles on his face, despite that he had handsome looks and with his dark black eyes that can make middle-aged ladies head over heels for him.

in his arms was one year old boy with silver hair and dark blue eyes that were looking at him with curiosity, and with two teeth smile he was looking extremely cute.

Middle-aged man found the baby in the forest, when he was returning towards his estate, the cuteness of the baby melted his manly heart so, he decided to adapt him and name him but when he saw 'shen' written on the cloth that was wrapped around the baby, with black crystal necklace around his small neck, he understood that his parents named him 'shen' so he decided to abandon the idea of naming but gave him his family name 'Lin'.

"From now onwards, you are my grandson Lin Qiang's grandson, you should be proud HaHaHa" Lin Qiang laughed at his own antics and resumed to go towards his home with Lin shen in his arms.


A young teen with silver hair and dark blue eyes in luxurious clothing with the lion symbol, with three guards can be seen surrounded by bunch of people wearing rags and clothes with patches.

"Hey, make way for young Master" screamed one of the guard

"Astone don't be hard on them they are just hungry" said the silver haired teen in gentle tone.

" Yes young master Shen" said the guard who just screamed.

"calm down every one meal is coming" Lin Shen said with high voice but with the kind tone.

in the some distance a carriage can be seen coming toward the commotion, when carriage reached the group it can be seen it was filled with packages that had paper wrapped around it but with the smell coming from it was clear it was food packages.

"please distribute it" Lin Shen said to the carriage driver.

The driver started distributing the packages within 15 minutes carriage emptied among the people who started eating it, Lin Shen was seeing all this with gentle eyes.

"Young master Shen" came a hurried voice filled with exhaustion.

"Young master Shen today is your cultivation ceremony but you came here.... Sigh" the old man with white beard and bald head said in exhausted tone.

"Young master, you know your Grandpa has entrusted to protect you to me I know you want feed these poor people because of your kind heart but you shouldn't have came today, there was alot of assassination attempt on you from a week, so you shouldn't worry me to death" said the old man in gentle and explaining tone.

"I know Elder Wei, our enemies just want to destroy the bud before it could bloom but I wanted these people's prayers for me to get good talent, I know I am selfish" said Lin Chen with kind and innocent smile.

Hearing this Elder Wei could only shake his head"you are just too kind young master"Elder Wei said while shaking his head.

" Now please come with me young master"said Elder Wei while, looking toward a luxurious carriage with lion symbols.

Lin Shen just gave nod and entered the carriage while, elder Wei also sat with the driver, and urged him to go toward Lin estate.

In the capital city a huge bulk of people can be seen entering a entrance, where a huge decorated mansion was located, the mansion was made up of high quality ores, and was dazzling with decorations.

In the mansion a banquet was being held with happy mood, people were eating several dishes made by top notch chefs that were served by beautiful maids.

"I heard even king Wang Leng will attend the cultivation ceremony of young master of Lin family with top families, don't you think it's exaggerating" a old man said with disbelief to a middle-aged man.

"Hmph! what so you even know, it is already known that Lin family partiarch Lin Qiang is friend of his Majesty so it is common sense that he will attend his grandson's cultivation ceremony" the middle-aged said man with all knowing look on his face.

"Hmm it indeed makes sense" old man nodded and said.

A lot of conversation about Lin family banquet was discussed in the city.

"Lin family is truly rich, they are holding banquets in several part of city today" a young man said with a smile.

"It is after all, Lin Qiang's grandson, who himself is second strongest person in our Wang country, beside that Lin family is one of top 5 families of our country so they are rich" another young man explained.

Like this, banquet there were a lot other banquets being held in capital city, but in these banquets a banquet was slightly different because it was being held in the Grand Hall of Lin family estate.

In the banquet were a lot of people with luxurious clothes and were eating martial beasts.

On a platform high above there were six people with majestic and powerful aura, who were seated on majestic thrones.

they are the top families leaders who ruled the country: Wang family, Lin family, Shi family, Yang family, Liu family, Zang family, Wang family being strongest top family as well as being imperial family, Lin family was second strongest family while, Shi family third, Yang family fourth, Liu family fifth, and Zang family being weakest top family.

Even Zang family being weakest and Wang family being strongest there wasn't much difference in strength of the top families.

"Qiang! where is your brat he doesn't want to make us wait all day right!" Partiarch of the Shi family complained with annoyed look on his face, he didn't even wanted to come in first place, because there was a lot rivalry and bad blood between Lin and Shi family, it was just King Wang was coming so he had to give face and come, but now he was waiting for a brat all this while it was just too irritating for him.

"Yan you don't have to be annoying, today is my grandson's special day so, it is not strange for him to take his sweet time, so wait and don't be yapping like a kid" Lin Qiang said casually but, inwardly he was laughing seeing his enemy getting annoyed but unable to do anything.

"You!—" Shi Yan wanted to retort but was interjected by the announcer.

"The young master of Lin family, Lin Shen has arrived"announcer said in loud voice.

Lin Shen has just arrived in the Hall, when his grandpa came and gave him a hug.

"Come, my hero we have to hurry if we don't a kid will start yapping"Lin Qiang said in loud voice and started walking towards platform young Shen in tow.

On the platform, Shi Yan was fuming with rage ' calm down Yan... calm down the day will come when you will thrash that trash Qiang's face and become the king of the country so, for the better future endure.' Shi Yan thought and calmed himself.

"Congratulations, Lin Shen you will be cultivator from now onwards, so cultivate hard and become a genius like your Grandpa Ok!"King Wang congratulated Lin Shen and encouraged him.

After that a lot of people came with gifts and well wished him.

" Lin Shen you have to sit in mediation position, and try to feel your surrounding Heaven and Earth energy and absorb it"Lin Qiang said in serious tone he was anxious of the result because on this day young Lin Shen talent will be measured with how fast he will be able to feel and absorb Heaven and Earth energy.

Lin Shen sat in mediation position and started to feel his surrounding in an instant he felt the mysterious energy in surrounding and tried to absorb it and it came toward him like he was an magnet and absorbed it like he was black hole.

While Lin Shen was absorbing the Heaven and Earth energy, all the cultivators in the Hall had their mouth agape because they could feel how Lin Shen was absorbing the energy like a vacuum.

"such talent!"King Wang cried out loud in shock, because a new cultivators need 30 to 40 minutes to just feel the Heaven and Earth energy, to absorb it it would take an hour or two even if the person is a genius but Lin Shen absorbed it in less than a minute.

Lin Shen opened his eyes and stared at the stupified look of people in the hall.

"That's my grandson"Lin Qiang said in joy even he was stupified but it was his grandson so he felt happy for him too.

Lin Shen saw his grandpa coming toward him with happy expression he was happy to see his grandpa happy, but just when he started to say something he coughed up blood and started to feel his vision being black.

Lin Qiang was walking toward Lin Shen but stopped when he saw him fainting.

"PHYSICIAN!"Lin Qiang screamed at top of his voice.

Physician came running toward fainted Lin Shen and examined him, just as he did his eyes bulged out of his sockets.

"The Heaven and Earth energy is wreaking havoc in his body?!" Physician said in questioning tone that were like he was asking himself if he is seeing it correct.

The hall was quite when Lin Shen fainted so everyone heard what physician said hearing it every one said at the same time:
