
Demon Emperor's Wild Husband

Demon Emperor's Wild Husband During his first life, he was brutally killed by those he called family. In his second life, he lost everyone he loved and cared for, while being betrayed by those he called allies and friends. In his third life, he won't make the same mistakes as his previous life, in this life, those family that killed him will face a life worse than death. He will also protect those he loves and cares for.

Empress_Tiny · Urban
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60 Chs

Chapter 35

"What are you saying, this is just a small office, don't worry about, use it, I insist", the director said not willing to take no for an answer. Ming Chen would keep insisting but he didn't want to seem rude towards the director and discard his kind gesture. In the end Ming Chen accepted the small office space. He said goodbye to the director and entered his office. It was indeed a small room space, but regardless he was happy with what ever he had. Ming Chen started tidying up a few things when there was a knock on the door. It was a female who looked like she was in her late 50's.

"You must be Ming Chen, the new paediatric doctor, my name is Ji Qing, I am head of Human Resources. I'm just here to give you these". Ji Qing said as she passed along a file to Ming Chen.

"It's nice you meet you Ms Ji Qing. And thank you, but if I may be rude to ask what it is". Ming Chen said looking at the file. Ji Qing laughed softly. 

"Inside the file include your work email, your username and password for the hospital system and your shift schedule. Oh and just some important information that you need to know, and of course the numbers and information of every employee in this hospital", Ji Qing said out of breath as she spoke the entire sentence in one go. 

"Sorry, since I am the one having to do it all the time, I got used to saying it in one go", Ji Qing chuckled. 

"Thank you, I will definitely keep these safe with me", Ming Chen said before saying goodbye to Ji Qing. He then went to his desk and sat down. He opened his computer and turned it on. In less than 10 minutes he was able to set up with work emails and log in the hospitals system. He also wrote down on his diary his work schedule. After he was done doing that, he went out and decided he will start checking up on patients who have already been admitted to the hospital. He thanked the lord that he wasn't put in the emergency department, that place gave him the chills. He still remembered when he was younger and had to gain experience in a hospital, he thought emergency department was the best place, oh how wrong he was. 

He didn't mind being a consulting doctor and doing the rounds of check ups either. But before he started doing check ups, he decided to get to know the people he will be working with first. The most important peoples good books he needed to get on were the nurses and cleaners. These people are the major backbone of all hospitals and without them every hospital would crumble. He went up to the nurses station and greeted them. All the nurses were busy eating the chocolates and snack from the gift basket. It was something he had ordered to be sent to every department early in the morning, before he had come to work. 

"Hello, everyone my name is Ming Chen. I'm the new doctor placed in this department, please take good care of me", maybe because, he had caught them at a bad time or that his handsome face had sunned them, but none of the nurses responded back to him. They all just stared at him in a daze. He couldn't help but wave his hands in front of their eyes. The first one to snap out of a daze was an older women. 

"My name is Hong Xi, a senior nurse on this floor, its wonderful having you join our team, and of course, we will take good care of cute little junior". Senior nurse Xi said while laughing whole heartly. Ming Chen couldn't help but feel embarrassed with what she said, and it didn't help that the other nurses were laughing along with her. One by one everyone introduced themselves, because it was still early in the morning, it wasn't busy, giving him plenty of time to get to know everyone. 

After chatting with the nurses, Ming Chen decided to start doing a round of check-ups. On the floor we were working at, there was no individual rooms, meaning there was at least 4 to 6 patients in each room, it wasn't cramped in there, as the rooms are very big, allowing patients enough room to move around too, including the fact that all the patients here were children. He went into the first room and checked his first patient. It was a young boy around 10 years old. He had fallen off the second floor of a building. Thankfully his fall was cushioned by boxes nearby. However, that didn't prevent his from having some broken bones.

The little boy had been staying in the hospital for over 1 month. Thankfully, he was doing a lot better now, than he was 1 month ago. He checked on all the other patients in the room and then moved onto the next one. About 3 hours later, the entire floor had been swept by him. He was now on break. He sat him office and thought about his life. He had wished that Li Jun had also come into the world. With the memory Li Jun, Ming Chen felt a pang of pain in his heart, and he felt like crying. He missed Li Jun so much it hurts. 

It has been 6 months since he left the Ming family home and moved into his own apartment. He also found himself a stable job too. Throughout, these 6 months, the amount of times he cried for Li Jun had decreased, although that didn't mean he thought of him less. He still thought of him every day and night too. He finally felt like his life was coming together and that he can stand on his own two feet. It has also been 6 months and no one from the Ming family has contacted him, except his grandfather. 

Ming Chen was currently taking a break in his office when a nurse came rushing in. 

"Dr Ming, the director has called for you to go to the VIP floor immediately", the nurse said out of breath, probably, because she had run to his office. Ming Chen put all his stuff away and got up and followed the nurse to the VIP floor. He knew that this hospital had a VIP floor, although he was offered to work there by the director multiple times, he refused. 

Rich and influential people's children are the main users of the VIP lounge, and he didn't want to use his hard-earned skills on them, even if they are kids. Some kids can be quite rude and snobbish. It reminded him of his brothers and cousins. They usually act like that. By the time his thoughts had come to him, he and the nurse had reached the VIP floor. It seems that there are some real powerful people on the floor. He could tell by the sheer about of bodyguards that were standing guard. 

As he got out of the lift, the director had come to meet him.