
Demon Emperor's Wild Husband

Demon Emperor's Wild Husband During his first life, he was brutally killed by those he called family. In his second life, he lost everyone he loved and cared for, while being betrayed by those he called allies and friends. In his third life, he won't make the same mistakes as his previous life, in this life, those family that killed him will face a life worse than death. He will also protect those he loves and cares for.

Empress_Tiny · Urban
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60 Chs

Chapter 33

"Where do you think your going so late at night, young man", Grandpa Ming said with a stern look on his face. For some reason Ming Chen felt guilty. Although he was going to tell it him, it would be after he had left, but who would have thought that he would be caught in the act of running away by his grandfather. 

"Grandpa, I um I'm leaving the Ming mansion", Ming Chen hesitated at first but then midway he was able to build up his courage and tell his grandfather. After telling his grandfather, Ming Chen kept his eyes closes thinking his grandfather would lecture him about running away and leaving his family home and all. 

However, when the lecture didn't come, he opened his eyes to see his grandfather looking at him with sadness in his eyes. Now Ming Chen felt more guilty. 

"I'm not sad because you're leaving. I'm just upset because I know the reason for you to leave", Grandpa Ming said as he shook his head in helplessness.

"Grandpa I- ", Ming Chen wanted to explain that there was nothing wrong with his relationship with his father, because his grandfather was a family man. He cared for family relationships more than anything and he didn't want him to feel even more upset. 

"Chen'er, grandpa knows", it was all he said but Ming Chen understood. Grandpa Ming knew about how his father and stepmother treat him. Ming Chen felt eyes dwell up on his eyes. He dropped his bags and went to hug his grandfather who had his arms open for him. Ming Chen cried for some time as grandpa Ming comforted him. 

"Your uncle Gu will drive you to wherever you're going", grandpa Ming said to Chen while still hugging him. Ming Chen didn't say anything but just nod while in the embrace of his grandfather. Uncle Gu had taken all of Ming Chen's belongings and put it in the second car. Ming Chen didn't question why there were two car's as he had quite a lot of things plus, his grandfather had uncle Gu put get some other things to put in the car. 

"Don't open those things until you get to your new house", grandpa Ming said to Chen, he agreed and hugged him again. The two were stood by the front door and were saying their goodbyes. As Ming Chen walked down a few stairs, his grandfather called for him. 

"Chen'er wait", his grandpa had walked to where he was and handed him a card. When Ming Chen saw it, he was shocked. It was a diamond card. Although he had a card already it for the money, he received outside of his work from the Ming family.

"Grandpa, what is this? I can't accept this", Ming Chen said. He wasn't lacking money in anyway, but he also didn't want anything for free either, even if it is from his grandfather. 

"Silly boy, this is the money that has been collecting up over the year that you have been working for me, this is your hard-earned money. Take it, its not for free", his grandpa said knowing that he won't accept anything for free. 

Naturally he didn't shy away knowing it's the money from the years his grandfather made him work for him. Ming Chen accepted the card and gave his grandfather once last hug before getting into the first car with uncle Gu in the driver seat. As the car was driving, Ming Chen could see his father looking from the window. Ming Chen turned his face to front and completely ignored him. The second car was following closely behind. 

Ming Chen told uncle Gu the location of his new home, and uncle Gu commented that, that area was a really hard place to get into, even when his older cousins Ming Yi tried to get a place there, he was rejected straight away. 

It took two hours from the Ming mansion to get to Ming Chen's apartment. Ming Chen got out of the car and went into the building and talked with the person waiting at the door. Ming Chen found that this man had been waiting for him. The man, uncle Gu and driver Lin helped Ming Chen move his belongings into his apartment. 

Once everything was done being taken into the apartment the man handed Ming Chen the card to the house as well as a small piece of paper which has the pass code to the house. Ming Chen thanked the man and the man left, uncle Gu and driver Lin were escorted by Ming Chen to their cars, however, uncle Gu went into the same car as driven Lin rather than the one he came in. 

Ming Chen gave him a confused look towards uncle Gu, uncle Gu gave him a knowing smile and handed him the car keys. Ming Chen felt like crying, he didn't say a thing to anyone, but his grandfather knew what he needed. Ming Chen hugged uncle Gu and thanked him, but uncle Gu told him to thank his grandfather as it was his idea to gift the car to him. 

Of course, Ming Chen was going to call his grandfather and thank him for the car as well as everything else he had helped him with. Ming Chen said his goodbyes to uncle Gu and headed inside his place that he will call home. Everything inside the house was already set up for him, the bedroom, living, the kitchen, pretty much everything in the house was already set-up, Ming Chen didn't need to spend another week or so buying and sorting everything else. 

This meant that all he had to do was do some grocery shopping and then he was set to start a new life. Even though there was a little pang in his brain telling him that everything about finding this house, getting to rent it and being allowed to move in right away seemed strange but he ignored it for the sake of finally being away from the Ming family. 

It was quite late at night so he couldn't go out and buy food so that he would have something to eat in the morning, but he remembered that on the way coming here he had saw a grocery stone. It probably took 10 or minutes to drive there, so he had planned on going in the morning and buy stuff then. 

Ming Chen went into his bedroom and unpacked all his clothes and other person al belongings. Once he saw his new room, he felt reassured and happy with everything that was going on. His heart felt light, and his mind was clear. Ming Chen went straight to bed and that night he had a sweet dream about Li Jun.