
Demon Emperor's Wild Husband

Demon Emperor's Wild Husband During his first life, he was brutally killed by those he called family. In his second life, he lost everyone he loved and cared for, while being betrayed by those he called allies and friends. In his third life, he won't make the same mistakes as his previous life, in this life, those family that killed him will face a life worse than death. He will also protect those he loves and cares for.

Empress_Tiny · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 31

"There, there my precious little Chen'er, don't cry, grandpa is here, don't cry", Grandpa Ming said trying to comfort the weeping, Ming Chen. It took Ming Chen sometime to calm down and stop crying. He looked up at his grandfather and saw that he had a worried expression on his face, it was then Ming Chen knew he shouldn't have let his emotions get the best of him. 

His grandfather was already old in age and his health wasn't great, making him worry at such an age can do harm for his body. Ming Chen quickly wiped his tears away and gave a big smile at his grandpa. His grandfather hugged him back.

"Silly boy, why did you cry? Did something happen?", Grandpa Ming asked. Ming Chen shook his head.

"Nothing is wrong with m grandpa. I just missed you so much", Ming Chen said. He wouldn't be lying. His grandfather died 2 years before his own death, and he had missed him dearly in his first life. Even when he was living as Zhao Yang he always thought of his grandfather. To think he would be given the chance to once again see his grandfather and hug him again, Ming Chen couldn't help but thank the god above who have once again given him life. 

"Silly boy is that a reason to cry that like", Ming Chen Ying said as he lightly pulled Ming Chen's ear as punishment. Grandpa Ming was truly scared for Ming Chen, seeing him cry in that way had him worried to his bones. 

The pair of grandson and grandfather had sat down and talked for hours and random nonsense, it wasn't until someone came and knocked on Ming Chen's room door that they stopped talking. If no one disrupted them they might have gone on talking forever. Ming Chen got up and opened the door, it was uncle Gu, uncle Gu is the close helper of grandpa Ming. He too was someone who cared for him like his own. However, after his grandfather death, uncle Gu left the Ming mansion and retired back to him own home. 

"Dinner is rea-", before uncle Gu could say dinner was ready, he was engulfed into a hug by Ming Chen. Uncle Gu was shocked and taken back at first, because just this afternoon he was still unconscious but now he'd awake. Uncle Gu was more than happy to return the hug back to Ming Chen. 

"It's good to see you too young master Ming", uncle Gu said laughing wholeheartedly with tears trapped in his eyes. Ming Chen released the hug and saw uncle Gu trying to blink away the tears. Ming Chen smiled, and his heart felt light. The three people chatted for a little while before uncle Gu finally remembered the reason he had come here. He told them that dinner was getting cold and rushed ahead of them to get another pair of bowl and chopstick ready for Ming Chen as he's awake now. 

Ming Chen and grandpa Ming walked slowly towards the dinning hall. Inside the dining hall, Ming Yun, Yuan, Yue and Wu Niu were sat around the table waiting for grandpa Ming to come. They saw that uncle Gu had gone into the kitchen in a hurry and a few seconds later a maid come out with another set of chopsticks and a bowl. The four people looked at each other confused as to why there was another bowl being set on the table.

Just as they were about to ask uncle Gu about the extra bowl, the door of the dining hall opened. The four people were so shocked it looked like their eyes were about to pop out. Ming Chen walked alongside his grandfather, helping him steady himself as they walked. His grandfather was old and had a hard time walking without support from someone or his walking stick. 

Ming Yue and Wu Niu got up from their seats with panic written all over their faced while the twins got up with hatred filled in their eyes. No one's reaction was happiness and if this was the old Ming Chen, he would have never noticed these things, but he wasn't the old Ming Chen anymore. He had lived one more life here danger was around every corner. 

The old Ming Chen would have also gone up to his little brothers and hugged them telling them how much he loves them but now it's different, he couldn't help but give a dirty look toward all four of these people of course he didn't show it on his face but instead he had a smile on his face. Before they were like a family in his eyes but now, they look like parasites sticking to his body and sucking all his blood. 

After giving a dirty look Ming Chen no longer paid attention to them and helped guide his grandfather to his seat and then sat down himself on the seat next to his grandfather. Once the both of them were seated the food was one by one being brought out from the kitchen. The grandfather and grandson pair both started eating their dinner without paying attention to the four other people sat down at the same table as them. 

The entire dinner room was filled with an awkwardness air, the four people who were sat down and eating their dinner didn't speak a single word while the two other people who had just sat down talked like it was the end of the world. They two were in their own world as if it were only them in the dinner room and no one else. 

The youngest of the twins Ming Yuan wanted to speak out but he saw his mother give him a stern looked which made his close his mouth, although they thought that this might not have been seen by other, but Ming Chen saw it all. He also saw the looks exchanged between his father and his stepmother. He knew they were up to something and that after dinner was done something was going to happen. 

He had no idea what it might be, his father was someone who never shared his emotions and thought with anyone but his wife, that being his stepmother. All he knew was that he wanted no part of it. He was tired from the thought and knowledge that in the entire Ming family only grandfather and uncle Gu cared for him. Even his actuals might be even care for him and probably had a part in his death.

Dinner was finished without any problem, Ming Chen excused himself saying that his body felt weak, and he needed rest. His grandfather has no clue that he was lying and actually thought that he was feeling weak, so naturally he was excused but the other four people knew that he didn't want to be near them. 

However, this was better for them as the moment he left Ming Yue got up from his seat and went to his is father, Wu Niu followed suit, along with her twins.