
Demon Emperor's Wild Husband

Demon Emperor's Wild Husband During his first life, he was brutally killed by those he called family. In his second life, he lost everyone he loved and cared for, while being betrayed by those he called allies and friends. In his third life, he won't make the same mistakes as his previous life, in this life, those family that killed him will face a life worse than death. He will also protect those he loves and cares for.

Empress_Tiny · Urban
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60 Chs

Chapter 1

The Ming family, renowned for their vast wealth, built their fortune upon hospitals, pharmacies, rehab centres, and research facilities. At the helm of the main branch were three sons: Ming Chen, Ming Yun, and Ming Yuan. Ming Chen, the eldest and heir to the family's wealth, possessed striking features, delicate stature, and a slim figure. Adored by many, he garnered admiration for his accomplishments. Even the patients under his care couldn't help but desire his presence. Ming Chen possessed a remarkable aptitude for both modern and traditional medicine, knowledge passed down by his late grandfather. With his exceptional memory and quick learning abilities, he outshone his cousins of the same age and even his younger brothers by two years.

While the main branch of the Ming family appeared harmonious and loving on the surface, a keen observer would sense the lurking danger within. Oblivious to the situation, Ming Chen remained unaware of the strange looks cast his way. Either he had grown accustomed to them or dismissed them altogether. Unbeknownst to him, his beloved brothers, whom he cherished deeply, along with a cunning cousin, plotted something sinister behind his back. Their plan was to eliminate Ming Chen before he assumed his role as the new Chairman of the Ming family business.

Unaware of the impending danger, Ming Chen embarked on his routine visit to the countryside on the 12th day of every month. His purpose was to collect herbs for his latest research article. Recognizing his frequent excursions, the Ming family elders had constructed a small cottage near the mountain. They held Ming Chen in higher regard than his own father, believing him to be better suited to guide the Ming family's future.

As dusk settled and Ming Chen completed his herb-gathering task, he decided to call it a day and retired to his cottage. After refreshing himself with a cold shower and a meal, fatigue weighed upon him, a consequence of his exertions under the sun. Rest was essential for his rejuvenation.

As the night sky darkened, the stars emerged, rendering an atmosphere of tranquillity. Suddenly, a loud bang shattered the silence, jolting Ming Chen awake. Fright gripped him momentarily, but relief washed over him when he dismissed the notion of robbery in the countryside, especially near the mountainside. Perhaps it was simply the wind toppling a plastic bottle. Nevertheless, Ming Chen mustered the courage to investigate. He left his bed and descended the stairs.

With each step, Ming Chen's heartbeat accelerated, resonating with his growing unease. His intuition warned him against descending further, but already on the last step, he hesitated to retreat. Having come this far, he reasoned that he might as well fetch a cup of water before returning upstairs. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Ming Chen proceeded toward the kitchen. He retrieved a glass cup and approached the sink, ready to fill it with water. However, before he could complete the task, a searing pain struck the side of his head, abruptly. 

The glass cup slipped from Ming Chen's hand, crashing onto the floor and shattering into pieces. He clutched his head with both hands, trying to silence the piercing ringing in his ears. As he lifted one hand away, he felt something wet and sticky on his fingers.

Even in the darkness, Ming Chen immediately recognized the liquid as blood. The metallic scent filled his nostrils, making him feel queasy. A shuffling of footsteps behind him compelled him to turn around, still clutching his head. The kitchen, usually spacious, now felt cramped and suffocating as he laid eyes on five or six unfamiliar faces. Ming Chen couldn't place them; they were strangers to him. Just as he was about to speak, the kitchen was flooded with sudden light, rendering him speechless. It was as if he had been struck by lightning, his body paralyzed and immobile. Shock, pain, and confusion swirled in his eyes.

"Yuan-er, Yun-er, what...?" Ming Chen's words emerged one by one, but he couldn't finish his sentence. The two people he had addressed were his own blood brothers, Yuan-er and Yun-er. Ming Yuan, gripping a metal baseball bat, let out a cold snigger.

"Gege, don't you think you've overstayed your welcome on this planet?" Ming Yuan sneered, his expression icy. The others in the room burst into laughter, their faces twisted with disdain and contempt.

"Yuan-er, what are you...?" Ming Chen's words were cut short, interrupted by someone else.

"Shut up!" The voice was filled with anger and resentment. "Just shut up, Gege. Ever since we were young, we were always compared to you by the elders. They couldn't stop talking about you—Ming Chen this, Ming Chen that. Even Grandpa favoured you over us. What makes you so special that you get to take over the family business while Dad is still alive and kicking? Tell me, what is it about you? Mom and Dad don't even like you that much. So why don't you do everyone a favour and just die?!" Ming Yun's voice trembled with bitterness as he grabbed the bat from Ming Yuan's hands and swung it toward Ming Chen's head. 

Once again, the bat connected, inflicting searing pain that shot through Ming Chen's body. This time, he couldn't steady himself and collapsed to the floor. Ming Chen's head spun, his vision growing blurry from the tears streaming down his face. He had always known his brothers and cousins were jealous of him, which was why he sought to stay out of the spotlight. But to realize they not only envied him but also harboured hatred was devastating. The realization shattered his heart into a million pieces.

"Mom and Dad don't even like you that much." Those words echoed in his mind, each repetition intensifying the anguish within him. Did this mean his parents were aware of Yuan-er and Yun-er's intentions? Ming Chen felt the air in the room thinning, struggling to draw a breath. None of the people present showed an ounce of sympathy. Instead, they looked upon him with disgust.

Ming Chen lay on the floor, drenched in sweat. The blood from his head injury mingled with the perspiration, filling the room with an acrid scent. Yet, Ming Chen remained unfazed by the discomfort. He remained motionless, as if paralyzed. The two Ming brothers and the others observed his condition, a sense of satisfaction welling up in their hearts. Ming Yi, one of Ming Chen's cousins, slipped his hand into his pocket and retrieved a lighter. As the room came into focus, gasoline bottles were revealed, tucked away in a corner. 

Ming Yi, holding the lighter, approached the bottles, picked one up, and slowly made his way towards Ming Chen's prone figure. He handed the bottle to Ming Yuan, who opened it and began pouring its contents over Ming Chen. The cold liquid splashing against his body roused Ming Chen from his stupor, but it was too late. Ming Yuan had already drenched him in gasoline, as well as the surrounding area. Ming Yi ignited the lighter.

"Don't... don't do this, Yi-er, Yuan-er, Yun-er, please," Ming Chen pleaded, his desperation palpable. There were so many things he still wanted to do, so much life left to live. He had a job, a house, and a car, but those things alone didn't fulfil him. He yearned for love; unconditional love shared with someone special. If he died now, wouldn't that mean his dreams would go unfulfilled?

Ming Chen looked at them, his eyes filled with a plea, a glimmer of hope clinging to his heart. He knew deep down they wouldn't show him mercy, but a tiny part of him clung to the possibility. Ming Yuan regarded Ming Chen and let out a chilling laugh.

"Hahaha, Gege, it's far too late now. Instead of resisting, why don't you surrender to fate? Mom and Dad would be overjoyed to know you're gone," Ming Yun sneered, his face contorted with mockery. Ming Chen struggled to rise, to escape, but Ming Yun, still wielding the bat, swung it, striking his legs and sending waves of agonizing pain through his body. Ming Chen trembled uncontrollably.

One by one, the others departed, leaving only Ming Yi behind. He allowed the lighter to slip from his grasp, a cruel smirk adorning his face. Ming Chen's complexion drained of colour. As the flames began to flicker, his heart pounded with urgency.

"I must live, no matter what! I have to live!" Thoughts of survival consumed Ming Chen's mind before the fire consumed him, its destructive embrace spreading throughout the entire house.

At the break of dawn, grief enveloped the entire city of Dandong. The news of the eldest Ming son, the heir to the family business, being found dead in his countryside cottage spread like wildfire. The cause of death was attributed to a gas leak that triggered a devastating fire. The news left countless people awake, unable to find solace in slumber. The elders of the Ming family were shattered, mourning the loss. Curiously, Ming Chen's own parents appeared unaffected by the news, their hearts seemingly untouched by sorrow.

"I must live. No, I need to live." These words echoed within Ming Chen's consciousness as his life was consumed by the flames, leaving the world to grapple with the tragic loss.





Hi, every one this is the same novel but under a different name, I have tried to find the novel on the website but it kept saying 404 and that it cant be found so I will be deleting the old one and publishing the rest of the novel on this one

Empress_Tinycreators' thoughts