
Demon Child Fantasy Land

After he died in his old world, Asher woke in a new world as a child. Not only his he found a world in which he might find his happiness, he was born a duke’s son. His life was set to easy mode. But will his new world be any different from his pervious life? The old saying is ‘damned if you damned if you don’t.’ So why not go alittle wild? You never know if you will get another chance.

Brennan_Poole · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chance Encounter

The hallway was lonely and silent. Mirr was shocked and in awe. He had seen the figure run down here, but he didn't see any signs that the fairy was here at all. He did not understand how this was possible that the figure could disappear so quickly. He examined the wall closely, looking for anything that might indicate how the fairy was able to slip away so easily.

Asher pressed himself against the wall as closely could. He cursed under his breath. He was careful not to be spotted, and he made sure that no one did not follow him. So, how did this guy appear out of nowhere? He did not recognize the person from the manor staff; not only that, he could use some magic that allowed him to increase his speed significantly.

Asher focused on the suspicious individual as he did the screen popped out like it usually, Asher's eyes nearly flew out of his head.

[Scan Complete]

Name: Mirrlock Ambrose

Title: Forth Prince of the Holy Kingdom of Ainzel

Age: 11


STR: 15




PWR: 85

His stats were better than Ashers except for his magical power and perception. It would explain why it was so hard to shake him, and yet he could never quite catch up to him. His agility was only 1 point higher. But what made Asher's heart sink was his title. This idiot was a prince. Did he sucker punch a prince in the face? Wasn't that high treason punishable by death?

'Are you kidding me? What the hell is a prince doing here, and why the hell is he wandering around my house.' Asher's mind went a mile a minute trying to decipher why this prince was wandering around the manor. Was it bored-curiosity or part of some plot? The Richt dukedom was one of the wealthiest provinces due to the trade with the mineral-rich Northern Isles. Could this be a play at taking his home or worse?

Asher finally snapped back as he realized Mirr was approaching his hiding spot. Did he notice something wrong? Asher did learn the veil spell, and there might be something wrong with the magic or the casting. Mirr, stop right in front of Asher. They were only a few centimeters away from each other. Close enough that Asher could feel the heat from Mirr's breath lightly brush against his cheek.

The heat of Mirr's breath snapped Asher out of his daze. Asher quickly cupped his hand over his mouth to prevent his breath from being heard. Asher could feel his heartbeat in his throat. Mirr approached closer and closer to Asher's hiding spot with each passing moment. They were now close enough that Asher could feel the heat from Mirr's body.

The first time that Asher could get a clear look at Mirr. Mirr's golden hair was like a ray of sunlight. It was slightly messy from their altercation, but it looked as soft as strands of spun gold. In the dark, Mirr's emerald eyes glistened like they each held a dense and lush forest. His white skin looked like soft snow yet had a toughness like stone.

Asher tried to distance himself from the older boy by backing away, but the wall wouldn't let him get farther from Mirr. He closed his eyes, trying to stop his heart from beating so loudly, fearing that it would get him discovered. 'If I don't calm down and think I am going to end up on an executioner's block.'

As he closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable discovery, Asher could smell Mirr's scent float around him, and it smelled like sunlight that rolled off his sun-kissed skin. His heart was pounding as it would explode. A voice reverberated through the silence of the corridor. "Shouldn't you be at the party?"

Asher felt his heart stop. His eyes flung open. He didn't even need to look to know who the voice owner was. It was Henry. His dark form towered over Mirr like the air of death. The light pouring out of a small lantern in his left hand. The dim light illuminated the hallway giving vision to his darkened face. His eyes hidden behind his square glass and his dark fair slick back.

'On second thought, maybe I didn't give the executioner his fair shake.' Asher wanted to curl up in a hole and die rather than face Henry. And what was worse was that Henry was an expert in the sound element, and he could hear Asher's pulse despite not being able to see him.

As Mirr explained everything about how he got here by following the fairy, Asher's mind ran through all the scenarios. Maybe he was lucky, and Henry hadn't noticed him. As Mirr finished his explanation, Henry thought for a moment before glaring at Asher's direction. "Yes, there seem to be several report of a redheaded troublemaker running around."

'Damn it. HE KNOWS. I should have known that I wouldn't be that lucky.' Asher began to have flash backs to the last time Henry caught him. He gave Asher a five hour lecture on the ettique of table manners because he and thomas use the knifes to play fence.

"Your presence should be at the party. If anyone found you in this state, it would bring bad rumors and speculations to both the Ambrose and Richt families." Henry spoke it a calm tone with no hint of emotion. "Let's fix this." He waved his hand over Mirr's nose. A pale green light shimmered from his hand. The blood that had trickled down Mirr's face from his broken nose began to disappear and this nose shifted back to place. Once the pale light disappeared Mirr nose was good as new.

Mirr rubbed his nose making sure his nose was good as new. "Thank you. I can't believe they have a healer on staff here."

"Do not flatter me. I am merely doing my duty." Henry stepped aside and waved his hand down into the darkness behind him. "Now your highness should be heading back to the party. I will guide you there." He bowed with respect.

Mirr smile slyly, "Of course. Lead the way." Mirr was upset he couldn't find the fairy, but the man was right. He had to be at the party.

As the two turned the corner, Henry looked back in the direction of the hidden Asher. He let out a disappointed sigh, the first hint of emotion since he showed up. He disappeared around the corner and vanished with Mirr.

The tension disappeared from Asher's body. He clasped from the tension leaving his body. He was finally able to take a breath. 'If they different leave, he would have have passed out.' Asher finally let his body. Asher sat on the floor resting his body against the wall. He was going to have hell to pay from Henry later.

Once he recovered, he made his way back to his room this time not daring to leaving safety from the veil. Once he reached his room, he dragged his body to his bed and clasped onto it. He curled up not caring to get under the covers. He let his body relax as he slipped away into sleep.