
Demon and his Hero

TimeFallsStill · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Slavery is Illegal

It was a night like many other in Dealsorya the capital of the demon territory. The streets where busy with vendors selling food and other trinkets. Couples were having nights out enjoying their time together, but something that was unlike the other nights a man sat in an alley his clothes tattered and torn. This was a rare sight since everyone was given a place to live as it was policy from the current ruler of the land. He had stopped the war between the demon and human race as well as brought many jobs to the kingdom. A ruler like no other. The man in the alley wasn't cold nor was he hungry in fact he was there for a reason.

Down the alley a little further was two others looking like they were making a deal.

"Hey you got ahold of the slaves right?" The tall lankey looking one said trying to speak in a hushed tone.

The shorter round one spoke up. "Yea they are located in a warehouse near the wall guards rarely patrol there so sneaking them in was easy." 

The two kept talking about which type of people they have gathered, but a majority of them were humans. The man in tattered clothing stood up and walked towards them now.

"Excuse me but did you men know that slavery is illegal now.?" He said his face hidden behind the hood he had on.

The two looked at him a little spooked but noticed his clothes and the way he stood. "Oh and who's going to stop us, you?" The tall lankey one pulled out a knife.

"You'll leave and not speak a word if you know what's good for you." He spoke in a threatening way.

The hooded man seemed unfazed by this. Instead of heeding their warning. He grabbed the lankey one and threw him over his shoulder like he weighed nothing slamming him into the ground. The short round one jumped back and began to run, but before he knew it a hand was on his shoulder pinning him in place.

"I'll report this to the authorities later but for now you'll take me to where the slaves are being held." The hooded man said.

The round one nodded and began to walk slowly not wanting to upset the man even further. After a bit they reached a remote part of the city it was just a large area for storage but not many people came here. The round man lead him towards one of the places in the back.

"T-they're in there, will you let me go now?" He said hoping the man was here just to take the slaves for himself, but he learned quickly that he was wrong as a fist slammed into his gut with enough force to cause him to vomit and pass out.

The hooded man opened the door to the warehouse and walked in. Almost instantly he saw people chained to the walls or in cages. Some where even suspended in a cage from the ceiling. All together there was about twenty slaves. They all looked over towards him a fearful state in their eyes.

"No need to worry, I'm the rescue party." The man said lowering his hood he had pale snow white skin with matching white hair and two obsidian black horns. His eyes a sparkling blue color. "My name is Ashen, you may call me Ash." He said as he went around opening cages and freeing everyone he could. "go to the guards post it's two lefts and then head straight they'll help you." Ash said as he finished helping everyone out. Everyone began to leave as ash began to look around trying to find anything he had missed the place was pretty barren besides the cages, but then he heared a muffled voice. He began to search for the point of origin which lead him to a small trap do in the back with a small lock on it.

"Fools a lock like this doesn't protect anything." Ash said grabbing it and breaking it in his palm.

He then opened the door and was surprised to see a half naked woman with ebony skin, and crimson colored eyes with the same matching hair color as his. Her mouth was covered by a gag. A look of relief and then utter horror shoot through her as she saw his horns.

"No need to worry miss I'm not your capture, I'm the rescue." Ash said jumping down and moving towards her.

She tried to back away but the room was already small enough as it was so there was no where to go. But as she thought he was going to defile her or kill her. Her binds were cut and the gag on her mouth was taken off.

Ash looked at her with a calm gaze. "Your free miss there will be guards coming soon they'll take your stateme-" but before he could finish his sentence the woman had slammed her fist into his face with enough force to cause it to explode. Ash was sent flying back into the wall smashing into it his head almost completely gone.

"Damned demon dare touch the hero, I'll kill you a thousand fold."