
Demon's Love For An Angel

Guardian Angels. The once powerful beings who were responsible for driving out demons who fed on human blood Betrayal. And the guardian angels crumbled to the ground and were eliminated by the demons A guardian angel escaped and laid still in a hut deep in the woods. There she saw a dead mother and a baby She knew she wasn't going to last long, to ensure the return of a guardian angel who would bring an end to all the evil spirits, she gave her powers to the baby, restoring life in the child Meet Orchid, a child born of a palace slave and the king of Atlank. The slave dies during labour and so did the child, whom was awakened by the guardian angel Orchid has a weak heart but holds a bold front, able to withstand the tantrums thrown to her by her stepmother and sisters Meet Ciaran, the dark prince of Regalon, possessing the powers of a demon They met by accident and he wanted to protect her from the demons outsider who wanted her . Enjoy!!

Lucky_Damsel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Special Relationship?

"Where is the prince?" Orchid asked Ava as they walked in the hallway, her hands folded in her front and her face calm

"Princess, please forgive me. The prince asked me about it, I couldn't ignore him"

"Where is he?"

"T-the prince just stepped out with his guard. The atmosphere was tensed amongst them, it seemed to be something serious"

"He stepped out...Alan should be here in any minute. Get me my coat" Ava immediately nodded and left her side. Ciaran had told her not to see him, but she didn't want him telling her what to do

She wanted to spend her time with someone she's comfortable with aside from Ava. And he wanted to deny her that comfort she needed?

Just in time as Ava arrived with her coat, a guard informed her that she had a visitor

Alan stood before the entrance, his hands fidgeting nervously at his side, he had never been this nervous, even on battlefield

But the thought of having to spend time with her had his heart pounding uncontrollably

"Alan" her melodious voice rang in his ears and he stared at her with a bright smile


"Ah, how did this happen?" Ciaran questioned, his hand gliding on the bridge of his nose as he stared at the irritating sight of the petrified demon

"You had told me to keep a watch on her, as you had your suspicions. She is a demon and she survives by feeding off the lust of men. She couldn't live as she had been deprived of that for days, therefore she became petrified" Grae explained "However, she did mention something...about the princess"

"What did she say?" Ciaran asked in all seriousness and Grae came to notice how he was always tensed and single-minded whenever it came to the princess

"Before she had turned into stone. She mentioned how she felt a strong pleasant energy from the princess and that she wasn't there for you, but for her"

"I did tell you I had my doubts. As you had said she fed on the lust of men, I wasn't aroused so I was surprised as well when she showed up. The demon showed up at the brothel because of Orchid. What does that mean, Grae?"

"I do not know, Your Highness"

"A strong pleasant energy?"

"I think there is more to the princess we are unaware about, Your Highness"

"Still, she needs to remain in the palace. If this demon had appeared because it sensed her, that only means they are going to be more who'll also go after her if she comes in their view. Take care of the body, I'll return to the palace"

"Of course" with a nod, Ciaran turned around and left


"I had set up the food" Alan said, as they walked towards the well made piece of cloth with a brown basket on top

"We get to see the sunset?" she asked in awe. This was going to be her second time witnessing the setting sun, the first had been with Ciaran and it was the most pleasant

"I thought it'd be nice if we were to watch the sun go down while we have some snacks. Perfect for a picnic"

"It's nice to see you put so much effort in doing this, Alan. I'm grateful" she said with a smile and Alan's eyes stilled on her face. Watching as her gaze returned back to the sun

"L-let's sit?" she took his outstretched hand and he guided her to sit and the red piece he had made on the ground


Brenda was getting tired and sick of Leon's endless disappearance, she was a princess...the crown princess to be precise and was also his wife, she had every right to know

And if it was work related, couldn't it be done in the day? Why so late then?

She rose from the bed in her slim night dress and draped her coat over her shoulder. Stepping out of the room and walking in the hallway, she saw his figure going down the steps with hurried movements

Her hands tightly clutched the railings as she thought to once again follow him, she was determined to know who resided in that manor

"I know you're not that stupid to want to trail after him again" with a gasp, she already knew who it was. His sophisticated scent invading her nostrils as he came to stand right behind her, she could feel her back slightly grazing his chest. They weren't supposed to be this close!

"I wasn't going to, wherever it is he's going...must be important. I-I trust him-"

"Oh. You're right, it must be pretty important for him to sneak out every night, this has been going on for a while now. You still think this is work related?"

"Why are you doing this? I don't...this has nothing to do with you. It might just be a misunderstanding, it will be resolved"

"You can clearly see the truth right before your eyes and you choose not to accept it"

"Then will His Highness tell me who reside in that manor?"

"Why don't you address me properly and I might just tell you" a short gasp left her lips when she felt his lips rest next to her ear

"Your Highness..." she wanted to turn around but he took a step forward such that her back now bumped into his chest and his hands went to rest besides hers on the railings

He took a long sniff of her hair and could still smell the remnant of shampoo on her hair

She had tried her best not to cross paths with him after he had told her his story, she felt pity for him but that doesn't mean she wasn't scared, she knew she also had to be wary around him

"Your Highness, this is improper. L-let go" she said after mustering her inner might. They were alone in the hallway, she was scared of what might happen if someone was to come across them in such a position

"Then tell me princess, do you address Leon as 'Your Highness'? Or is it just me"

"I address you and the younger prince as that, Your Highness. Leon is my husband, it is only right-"

"A husband who leaves you cold in the night? I told you winter was approaching, you should be able to feel the warmth from each other. But I guess, he prefers having his warmth somewhere else"

"That manor belongs to a lady?" Alexander grinned at how quick she was able to catch his words

"A smart princess you are" Due to the fact that she had her back facing him, she was unable to see the grin on Alexander's face

His hand on the railing crept closer to hers and he touched her hand, as if electrified by something, she jolted taking her hand away

"Y-you should step away, Your Highness" as if taunting her, he took another step closer such that she was pressed to the railing "Your Highness, others might think otherwise if they see us like this. Please step away"

"Why? If Leon has other company, shouldn't you do the same, to balance the equation?"

"Your Highness -"

"I told you not to call me that, address me properly and I shall step away, and you could return to the comfort of your room"

"Y-My Prince?"

"Hmm, I do like how you added the word 'my' to it, but I do not want that. Call me by my name"

"I-I cannot do that"

"Why can't you?"

"I cannot call you by your name. We share no special relationship for-"

"Special relationship? If we share one, you would call me by my name"

"I am a married woman, please do not do this" she said, unable to withstand his endless teasing

Funny how she always bumped into him when she had in mind to see what Leon was up to

"It seems the princess has more than enough energy for a long conversation throughout the night. Let's keep on?"

"If I do say your name, you'd let me leave"

"That is what I said, you just have to say the word. Is it that hard to say my name, princess?"

"I would like to return to my room, A-alex" she said, her eyes slightly shut as she felt warmth flow to her cheek

And as said, he did step away but his eyes seemed dazed as he stared at her running figure

"Alex?" she had gone as far as shortening it, his name had never sounded so pleasant coming for the mouth of others. But hers...he had requested for her to say his name and she did say it... but he couldn't tell why his heart was racing so fast "Alex?" he chuckled deeply