
Demon's Love For An Angel

Guardian Angels. The once powerful beings who were responsible for driving out demons who fed on human blood Betrayal. And the guardian angels crumbled to the ground and were eliminated by the demons A guardian angel escaped and laid still in a hut deep in the woods. There she saw a dead mother and a baby She knew she wasn't going to last long, to ensure the return of a guardian angel who would bring an end to all the evil spirits, she gave her powers to the baby, restoring life in the child Meet Orchid, a child born of a palace slave and the king of Atlank. The slave dies during labour and so did the child, whom was awakened by the guardian angel Orchid has a weak heart but holds a bold front, able to withstand the tantrums thrown to her by her stepmother and sisters Meet Ciaran, the dark prince of Regalon, possessing the powers of a demon They met by accident and he wanted to protect her from the demons outsider who wanted her . Enjoy!!

Lucky_Damsel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

She's Quite An Entertainer


"I'll be back by noon" Leon said to Brenda as he got on his horse

"Where are you going?"

"I am a crown prince. I have duties and obligations to handle as the future king of Seaton" he said in annoyance and not waiting any second, he snapped the reins of the horse and sped away

She glanced at the horse getting distant and then turned around. The moment she turned, she caught sight of Alexander leaning on a pillar. His deep blue eyes stared unblinkingly at her, he didn't say a word and when she returned his gaze, he walked away


Two days passed by with Orchid trying to adjust in her new home. Ciaran was rarely around in the palace and she was glad she didn't have to deal with him

She made sure to keep her distance, they only had breakfast along with the king and she spent most of her time in the library

She drowned herself in the interesting words of the book to occupy herself

She heard the door open and the crown prince stepped in, she hadn't seen him since she stepped into the palace

"Princess Orchid..." he bowed "I didn't expect to see you here" he smiled and Orchid offered a bow "I haven't seen you since...the second princess's birthday. And then I got news that you got married and that too, to my brother"

"What are you getting at, crown prince Rudolf?"

"Please, drop the formalities"

"No, I insist"

"Oh princess. You know nothing about Ciaran"

"Care to elaborate?" she questioned, placing the book aside

"I'm just saying, Ciaran is not someone you'd want to stay with, princess. Forgive me, I'm not saying this to make him look bad. I merely wish to protect you from him"

"Aish..." Orchid tiredly hissed. Again with the protection, she was getting tired of the brothers "I don't think I need your protection, crown prince Rudolf" she then stood up

"You look offended, I'm sorry, princess. I didn't mean to upset you"

"Your words didn't upset me. Please excuse m-"

"If only I was fast enough, I guess my brother beat me to it. I was a step behind this time" she raised a brow at him, not getting what he was saying "I thought you weren't ready for anything. I wasn't quick to act" he chuckled sadly "But I didn't know you were so easygoing"

Orchid glared at him. What? What did he mean by easy-going?

"I find your words quite upsetting, crown prince Rudolf. You have no right to judge my marriage with the prince, we got married for a reason. And no, I am not 'so easy-going'. Prince Ciaran just happened to win my heart"

Saying this, she walked out of the library

"Hah, interesting" Rudolf smiled. Not only was she cute, she was also fierce "Definitely my kind of woman"

Orchid huffed and puffed angrily and she walked inside her room

'And no, I am not 'so easy-going'. Prince Ciaran just happened to win my heart' she recalled what she had said and hissed at how she responded, she was just vexed at his words

"Where were you?" Ciaran asked, he was sat on the couch holding the same brown book

"The library"

"You've been spending quite some time in the library"

"It's the only place I find comforting in this palace"

"I'm just wondering, my brother never steps foot into the library. I was surprised when I saw him going in and you just happened to be there"

"Think whatever you want to, I'm not explaining myself to you"


"Brother, won't you join me?" Rudolf asked noticing Ciaran's presence, he took a sip from the tea cup and turned to stare at his brother "The tea this year taste quite good, join me"

"Alright then, if you insist" Ciaran sat down and poured himself tea "What makes you go to the library. I thought you considered the books...not to your taste"

"I did. But I'm beginning to find them interesting..."

"Is it just the books you find interesting, brother?" Rudolf smiled placing his tea cup down

"Fine, you got me. With princess Orchid there to accompany me, I ignore the bore part of the books. She's quite an entertainer"

"Ah, you're right, she is an entertainer. We share the same room so of course I know my wife" a deep frown appeared on Rudolf's face, he had said that only to spite Ciaran but now he felt annoyed "You're right brother, the tea is really good. Enjoy"

Ciaran walked away

"Damn you, Ciaran. Princess Orchid would definitely come running to me when she finds out how maniacal you are. And I'll be sure to enlighten her"