
Demon's Love For An Angel

Guardian Angels. The once powerful beings who were responsible for driving out demons who fed on human blood Betrayal. And the guardian angels crumbled to the ground and were eliminated by the demons A guardian angel escaped and laid still in a hut deep in the woods. There she saw a dead mother and a baby She knew she wasn't going to last long, to ensure the return of a guardian angel who would bring an end to all the evil spirits, she gave her powers to the baby, restoring life in the child Meet Orchid, a child born of a palace slave and the king of Atlank. The slave dies during labour and so did the child, whom was awakened by the guardian angel Orchid has a weak heart but holds a bold front, able to withstand the tantrums thrown to her by her stepmother and sisters Meet Ciaran, the dark prince of Regalon, possessing the powers of a demon They met by accident and he wanted to protect her from the demons outsider who wanted her . Enjoy!!

Lucky_Damsel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Flowery Scent


After the stunt Ciaran had pulled two days ago, Orchid avoided him like a plague, acting as if he was invisible to her eyes

She no longer knew what her purpose was. Was it to stay in the palace while being a meal to a demon or was there another reason why she was there? She didn't know

But she could say her days there, had been a total bore

"Princess, you have a visitor" Ava said, a beaming smile on her face and it looked like she was holding back her excitement

She then stepped aside so Orchid could see who the person was

"Alan?" she gaped whilst calling out his name and Alan warmly smiled before offering her a slight bow

"Princess..." he had sat in his room for days, rethinking his decision to come see her and he finally came to a conclusion with himself

Seeing her up close, she was truly a beauty. He remembered her smooth hair which cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Those bright brown eyes staring at him in surprise and her lips...had gotten slightly plump

He suddenly felt the urge to take her in his embrace, for all the years he hadn't seen her

She approached him slowly and her actions did shock him because she immediately hugged him

Still surprised, his hand reached out to pat her back but she moved away and slapped him on the shoulder

"I deserved that" he said with a chuckle

"Ava, serve us tea" Ava immediately nodded and left the garden

They both had a seat and Ava served them the tea and once again left. They had a lot they needed to catch up on, she knew

So she wanted to give them the privacy they needed

Whilst having tea, they both chatted for a while and Orchid felt relieved. She hadn't been able to chat freely with anyone after so many years

"How's life here? Your... husband?" he asked, his last word coming out choked

"It's nothing like Atlank but I prefer it here. At least I'm away from the troubles" she smiled "We've been talking about me, how about you?"

"What about me, princess?" He asked, ignoring the part where she choose not to answer his question

"Found anyone yet?" she teased

"I'm afraid not"

"Why not? You're not getting any young, Alan. You should get to settle with someone and leave this 'General' thing for a while and think about your life"

"I guess, I haven't found the right one yet" he stated sadly, not wanting to voice out his thought

Not that he hadn't found the one, but the right one wasn't for him. She was someone else's now

"How fast time flies, the moon's out already" Orchid said, gazing up at the moon with a smile

'If only you had waited a little while...' Alan thought, his gaze fixated on her

"You better get going, if you want to make it to Atlank before-"

"I'll be in Regalon a few days. My crew and I have something to work on with the traders at the border" he cut in "I came across a spot, it's nice for a picnic? So... we'll get to see each other again, perhaps tomorrow?" he didn't want to urge her but he hoped she'd agree. He wanted to be with her, he knew it was impossible but he wanted her by his side

"Of course" he sighed in relief at her response

"I'll be here tomorrow. Have a good night, princess"

"You too, Alan" Orchid stood as she watched Alan exist the garden. After six long years, she had gotten to see him again

She was about walking away when she sighted Ciaran stalking towards her

"I heard you had a visitor? Is he gone?" Ciaran questioned, standing before her

"He is" she simply answered, attempting to walk past him but he stood in front of her

"You're avoiding me?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"It wasn't until just now" he chortled "I kept it from you because it wouldn't have attracted that demon if you were fully aware"

"I don't want to talk about it. It's past now"

"Alright then, let's talk about something else. Like who your visitor was, I know you know nobody in Regalon"

"Why do you need details about him? It has nothing to do with you"

"It doesn't? On how Ava had responded, he seems to be someone really close"

"He is. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Not quite. What is your relation with him? A friend perhaps?"

"He is more than a friend" she said calmly, hoping this was enough to have him leave her be

"You should mind your words, Orchid. You wouldn't want to see his head on a spike now, do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I asked a question, you do not answer with another question. Tell me, dear. Who is he?" he asked, this time his voice coming out impatient but his expression still appeared calm

Orchid gasped at his words. What was with him? Why did he want to know who Alan was?

"Our marriage is like an exchange..."

"Stop using so many words to describe our marriage, dear. Our marriage will be defined by me. And I say, it is of a happy couple. Let's not ruin it with a third wheel" he paused "You hate the idea of being used, it won't happen again, you have my word"

"I do not need your word as a guarantee. It's getting late, I have to get to bed"

"Don't see him again" His words stopped her for a moment before she resumed her steps "I mean it, Orchid. It's been a while since I had blood on my hands. Don't give me a reason to end the young man's life"

Not minding any of his words, she walked away

Not that he cared who the man was, or maybe he did care. But he had sensed a different presence the moment he stepped into the garden. A dark, familiar aura

He wanted to know who she was hanging around with, he wouldn't want any one else preying on his meal


Taking off his coat, Alan laid on the mini bed in the room. Having left Atlank without the knowing of his crew, he thought to see Orchid

To which he did, and he couldn't help the bursting feeling settling in his heart

She had hugged him, he had held her small frame in his arms with her flowery scent still lingering in his outer garment

He wished it would last long, he wished she would be at his side. He wished...but yet again, those were all wishes from him heart, sadly, none was going to come true

"Orchid..." her name smoothly rolled off his tongue as he dreamingly gazed at the ceiling

He was totally looking forward to seeing her again tomorrow

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