
Demon's Love For An Angel

Guardian Angels. The once powerful beings who were responsible for driving out demons who fed on human blood Betrayal. And the guardian angels crumbled to the ground and were eliminated by the demons A guardian angel escaped and laid still in a hut deep in the woods. There she saw a dead mother and a baby She knew she wasn't going to last long, to ensure the return of a guardian angel who would bring an end to all the evil spirits, she gave her powers to the baby, restoring life in the child Meet Orchid, a child born of a palace slave and the king of Atlank. The slave dies during labour and so did the child, whom was awakened by the guardian angel Orchid has a weak heart but holds a bold front, able to withstand the tantrums thrown to her by her stepmother and sisters Meet Ciaran, the dark prince of Regalon, possessing the powers of a demon They met by accident and he wanted to protect her from the demons outsider who wanted her . Enjoy!!

Lucky_Damsel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Death Of The Crown Prince


"How could you marry someone else, Orchid?" Alan asked himself, feeling depressed and... betrayed

They were already on the road, on their way to Regalon. He was so willing to see her, he needed to clarify the thought occupying his head

Gregg and Ramin both rode on their horses behind Alan and they gazed at the General

"At this rate, I don't think we're going to stop for a drink" Ramin complained "Why does he have to be so adamant?"

"Isn't that why he's the General?"

"Why are we suddenly off to Regalon?" Leila curiously asked

"Why don't you ask the General, Lieutenant?" Ramin asked uninterested, not wanting to have a conversation with her

"He doesn't seem in the mood to talk"

"Then we, do not know. It's the General's request, we can't question his decision"


"Your Highness, I hope you're pleased with our service" asked an aged woman, as she stared at the Crown Prince with greedy eyes

They were two girls sitting besides the crown prince as they served him drinks, his arms draped on their shoulders

"I am yet to enjoy this" he chuckled and nudged his head to the guard who stood by the door. The guard immediately handed a pouch over to the lady

"Do enjoy, Your Highness" and she walked out of the room as well as the guard

Rudolf licked his lips in satisfaction as they offered him wine

The door opened and Rudolf sighed at the interruption

"Forgive me, Your Highness. I am here to deliver more wine" Rudolf's mouth watered at the sight of the feminine creature before him. Her dark hair went down her shoulder, her eyes staring seductively at him

And her curves, his chest tightened at the sight...why wasn't she brought to him instead

Placing the new wine on the table, she turned around and left, not before flashing a kiss over to him

"Excuse me, ladies" Rudolf said to the girls who were there to serve him, because he didn't need them anymore. He had seen someone more inviting

Stepping outside the room, he could see her walking down the hallway and he followed

The thought of her pinned under him engaged in his head

He trailed after her as she went through the back door. Going through the door, he was greeted with the view of the tall trees

He had gone through the back door and had ended up in the forest

His eyes scanned around as he looked for the beauty

"Your Highness" a smile creeped up his lips as he turned around "I was about to get some woods to add to your room, so it could be warm enough"

"You're all I need to warm up my room" Rudolf stated as they both walked towards each other "You're beautiful" he commented taking a strand of her hair in his hand "How have I not come across such a beauty during my stay here"

"I like to keep myself hidden, it would create a ruckus if I am seen" she said, her hand trailing on his collar

"You don't say..."

"Oh no, I am serious, Your Highness. It would be trouble if I am to be seen"

"Well then, you can hide in my room. Just the two of us..."

"Of course, Your Highness..." she giggled and Rudolf licked his lips before reaching out to kiss her


Blood gushed out as her fingers went through his neck, dragging it up to his cheek. His mouth went agape and his nostrils flared. His lips quivered as he heard her laughter

His torn flesh dangled and his open skin could be seen

"What's the matter, Your Highness? Lives flashing before your eyes?"

He fell to the ground with a loud thud and blood flowed down his mouth

"H..hel-" his hand gripped the soil, his fingers trembling as he tried to call out before his head fell limp

Her eyes flared as he no longer made an movements. Her red eyes glimmered under the moon before she walked away

Under the dark sky, with the moon being the only witness, the Crown Prince was killed...


Having breakfast with Ciaran and the King, Orchid was about to excuse herself as she was done with her food

"Your Majesty!!" The door opened with a bang and a guard rushed in

"What is this rudeness? Can't you see I am having my breakfast?" King Mathias yelled, displeased with his meal getting disturbed

"I-I'm sorry, Your Majesty. But this...w-we found a body..." the guard shuttered

"What are you saying? Can't this wait till after my breakfast?"

"Your Majesty!! T-the body...b-belongs...it's the Crown Prince" immediately those words left the guard's lips, he fell to his knees with his head resting on the ground

The King's hand shook and the spoon he held, fell with a loud clank on the ground

The same shock were written in Orchid's eyes. The Crown Prince was dead? How?

"No!" King Mathias stood up with a bang on the table "No! It can't be..." the King staggered

The Crown Prince was dead? His son was dead? His heir...

"N-no...take me to him!" he yelled, storming out of the room with the guard

Orchid followed after Ciaran as he silently trailed after the King

There he was, laid on the white mattress...with muddy clothes and skin

Orchid's hand flew to her mouth. His face was pale, blood smeared on his clothes

His eyes were wide open like he had seen something tragic before his death. The blood on his neck had turned dry and one could see the opening where the wound was inflicted

"How did this happen!? What happened to my son!!"

"Y-your Majesty" they all had their head bowed as the King stared at his son with tear filled eyes

King Mathias stalked over to where Rudolf was laid and tears strolled down his cheeks

"N-no...this can't be happening..." King Mathias fell to his knees before his dead son

The servants around felt sad and pity for the King's appearance. The Crown Prince was his favorite and now...

"What happened to him? I demand an answer!" the King wailed at the silence that engulfed the room

"Y-your M-majesty, please refrain yourself" came one of the elders shaky voice in the room "Take His Majesty to his room, he needs rest. Rest assured, Your Majesty. We won't stop until we catch the bastard who did this to our Prince"

The room cleared in an hour, the King left with much persuasion from the elders

Ciaran walked over to where Rudolf laid, his boring eyes glued to the Crown Prince's neck

Orchid was still present in the room. She never got along with the Crown Prince, but it doesn't mean she would wish for something ill as this to happen to him

"I thought you were going to die by my hands" Orchid turned to Ciaran "You just couldn't wait, could you?"

Was this his way of grieving for the Crown Prince's death?

"This is not a mortal thing" He stretched forth his hand, gesturing for her to come to him. To which she did "He was killed by a demon"

"H-how do you know that? It looked like it was done by a knife" although the scene was hard to look at, she wanted to get what he was pointing at

"It looks like the deed of a knife but it isn't. It was done the nails of a demon. They are bits of black on his flesh, that's the poison hidden in their nails"

Orchid tried to look deeper but she couldn't see what he was talking about. But if it was true, what was their aim for killing the Crown Prince?