
Reinforcement Arrival

In attempting to go as far away as I can from that beast, I'm forced to push my way through the innumerable monsters behind me, looking at the Basilisk as if they have met their arch enemy.

Basilisks were no ally to our monsters, as this proved.

Eventually, I get past the worst of the crowd and begin to make better progress. During that time, I probably fled for around thirty minutes. There was a lot of space here, it was truly enormous. It was frightening how an underground dungeon floor could be so big.

It would have taken a great deal longer if I hadn't dashed to finish.



About time! It seems like forever since I advanced my skills!

It is just when you think you are the strongest monster in the area that something like that lizard shows up!

I had thought of ways to kill that monster all this time, but now that I think about it, there is no way I can defeat it.

That is, without using my element.