

Demons, evil beings said to bring chaos, and misfortune to anyone who is near them. Beings said to be more evil and cruel than humans. If a human even looks at one, they'll be cursed with an eternity of bad luck, or killed on the spot. According to myths, legends, and some religions, all demons are evil, and always have ulterior motives. They say this, but it's not all true. It's these legends that make demons seen in such a bad light. If anything, it's the humans who are the evil, unlucky creatures. They will literally cast out their own kind if they're any different from the rest. They ridicule, and judge each other. They say demons are the worst, but in reality, it's the humans who are the bad ones. I learned this at a very young age. My name is Rhea, a high ranked demon, in a family of the strongest demons in hell. I have many books on humans, and their nature. I can't say all demons are kind, and have good intentions, but there are very kind, and understanding demons. Due to the reputation demons get, we aren't allowed into the human realm. Normally if a demon happens to slip into the human realm, either they are hunted down by the angels in charge of protecting the human realm, or they manage to blend in which is rare.

My mother who is the queen of hell, hates humans. My father, the kind, he's intrigued by them. I on the other hand despise them like my mother. My younger brother Naberius, doesn't know how to feel about them. He's still pretty young, which means he's just starting to learn about them. He won't need to know about them much anyways, since he won't ever have to encounter them. I on the other hand might, because I am the future ruler of hell. I care for my brother very much. I don't want him to ever be around those disgusting creatures. They're nothing but trouble. I've only been alive for 16 years, and I already know how terrible they are.

Naberius is four years younger than I am, and is a lot more clueless. I'd rather have him know nothing then to know all of the bad things about the three realms. He will have to be put through such difficult training as he gets older due to his status in this family. He'll be trained to be one of my closest knights, and it might be because demons are very protective of the ones we're close to, but I don't want him to have to go through such training. It's mentally straining, and can be painful. He's a sweet kid, and I don't want him going down the wrong path.

All demons have certain powers they are born with. My family has the power of manipulating, and creating sins. Everyone in this family is in charge of creating a new sin. I created mine earlier on in my life, when I was about eight. The sin I created was the act of deceit. Due to that, my parents decided that I could start early on my training. Naberius on the other hand, hasn't shown as much potential in his demonic abilities as I did. Even though he hasn't shown much improvement in his abilities, we don't treat him any different. He's actually pretty popular among his classmates at his school. He may not be as powerful in his abilities as me, but he still is a pretty strong demon. I don't go to a school since I've got to take private lessons due to being the future ruler. I spend most of my time in my room studying, or going out to the local fighting arena, to train my fighting skills.

Demons normally have a certain look to them. Most demons are the most beautiful creature you'll ever see, or the ugliest. Low rank demons are normally the uglier demons, and they have one pair of wings, and little nubs for horns. Low ranked demons, are normally the rude, scummy, untrustworthy demons. They are the demons that cause trouble for most of us. They are considered low rank due to that. Most demons are in the middle class, and the low rank is only for the scummiest of scum. High class demons like me have two or three pairs of wings, a tail, and long beautiful horns. I personally have long champagne colored hair, two pairs of black feathered wings with magenta tips, horns that remind you of a ram, and a tail like a snake. Naberius has the same horns, and the same amount of wings, but his hair is a deep red, and the tips of his wings are red. He has the more intimidating look to him, and I look more soft and approachable. For him being 12, he looks intimidating to others, but to me, he's just a cute little kid. I try to help Naberius train sometimes so he can get stronger, since I worry our parents will think and treat him differently if he doesn't get stronger. I know they won't but I still worry. We actually have a training session planned for later on in the day, and also our parents wanted to talk with him about something important. Of course I'll be in the room with them, because he is my brother, and I get very worried for him.

A few hours pass, and Naberius gets off from school, and I'm waiting for him. He sees me, and he runs up to me. "Naberius, we should see father and mother, before doing our training session alright?" I say to him. "Aww alright sis…" He replies. "Don't worry, we'll have enough time after they talk to you okay?" I assure him. We walk to the main room of the palace, and our parents are sitting down waiting for him. "Ah Naberius, we were waiting for you, please have a seat." Our father says.