
Ha! And we’re considered evil?!

I stare at the woman in front of me. Her eyes show fear, but she's still trying to stand up to me anyways. I won't harm this angel unless it harms me first. I may hate angels, but I won't attack one for just confronting me. "Evil? Just being here makes me evil now? That doesn't seem fair now does it?" I say snarky. "You should know your kind is forbidden from coming to this realm! Leave at once or else face the consequences!" She shouted at me. "I'm afraid I can not do that. I am here for a reason. I have no intention of messing with the humans, I am here for my own personal reasons. I also don't have the intention of fighting with you." "And why should I trust you?! You're a demon for crying out loud! You may just be a low rank jerk of a demon!" "I may be a demon yes, but I'm no low rank low life you're worrying about. Most of my subjects aren't even to that point!" "Subjects?" She asks. I snap my fingers and a little card appears. She lifts her spear out of caution. I hand her the card, "Here, it's my business card. It'll tell you my name, rank, and title." She hesitantly takes the card out of my hands, and looks over it. When she saw my name her face froze in fear. I notice her expression, and calmly say, "Like I said, I have no intention of causing you harm. Just let me go, and nothing will happen." She thinks it over for a minute, and she says, "If I let you go I will most certainly get in trouble, but I've decided to trust you. If you break this trust, then I'll send a higher rank angel after you. I will be watching over you to make sure you don't cause trouble." I walk over to her, and give her a pat on the head. "Thank you for understanding, I appreciate it." She swats my hand away. "You may leave now. Do not forget that I'll be watching." "Of course~" I say with a smirk. I then teleport away to the cave location. I've been told that this cave is a safe place for demons. If my father cared about my brother, then he'd send him there. I then remember that I'm half naked in my demon form, so I snap my fingers, and a beautiful dress appears on my body. The dress is a dark shade of blue with little gold gems. This dress is what I normally wear when I greet my subjects. I walk into the cave, and there's about 20 demons hiding out. Once they notice me, they all gasp and kneel before me. "It's the princess!" One of them said. "The princess shouldn't be in a such a dark dirty place!" Another one said. "Is she going to send us back?!" I heard a lot of that statement. "Please rise, I only have a few questions that is all." I say in my calm tone. They stand back up and listen. "I'm not here to send you back, but there will be some of the kings guards sent here in the next few days to search for me. I suggest you move, and find a new place to stay for the meantime. I'll be setting up a safe place for demons that have been cast out such as yourselves. Please don't worry that I'll betray you. Now I do have a question for all of you. Have any of you seen the prince? He was sent here by my father for training, and I won't stand for him being alone out there with the angels lurking around." One of the demons raised their hand and said, "The prince appeared here about an hour ago, but then he left to blend in with the humans." I give a sigh of relief. He got here safely! I'm glad he was sent here to the safer side of the human realm, it seems like father was merciful in that aspect. I snap my finger, and a slip of paper appears in my hand. "Thank you for this information, if you check in your pocket you will now see a small slip of paper like this. Text this number however you can in fourteen days. It will tell you the location of the settlement. If you happen to see my brother before I get to him, please also text this number to alert me. I'll be leaving now, please stay safe and strong my subjects." I then walk out of the cave, and start searching for my brother. Once I saw that many demons there I knew I needed to do something. I love my people no matter how corrupt they can be. I want to help them as much as possible. They've told me some valuable information, but now I need to stay out of the angel's sight, I can't have them know my brother is here too. I need to think of a way to find him without any angels knowing who I'm searching for. I think for a moment then realize, I can set up fliers to see if the local town people have seen him. I can't obviously use his normal appearance, because the angels will know, but I've been teaching Naberius about human forms, and I've seen his. I can use his human form for the picture, hopefully he was smart and is using that form. I draw a few then hang them up, now all I have to do now is wait.