

Back in the dungeon, Demo is sitting on the cell's floor. It was already night if Demo wasn't wrong about counting time. He looked at the door. If the guess were correct, the guy who gave me my lunch would come again soon. After a few minutes, Demo saw something strange. He saw a shadow near the door. Demo stood up, staring at the door. He is betting the shadow is from the guy who gave us our lunch. So he took a deep breath, then punched himself as hard as he could on his belly. It felt hurting. Demo cried out, saying.

"My belly is hurting so much."

He did all this because he wanted to get the person in front of the door's attention. He hopes the guy out there cares about it.

A few seconds later, just before Demo thought it wouldn't work, the door surprisingly opened as Demo hoped, then came a voice.

"Who's belly is hurting?"

"Mine," Demo cried out as hard as he could.

Then a light came out of the darkness of the dungeon. It seemed like a light from a candle. It came closer and closer every second. Then came a lock opening sound, and a guy holding a candle came in. The light wasn't intense, but we could still barely see the guy's face. He said to me,

"Come with me."

Then the candlelight went further away from Demo's nearby area. He stood up, followed the candlelight out of jail, then everything became brighter. He saw torches on the wall. He could also see the person that was holding the candlelight. But Demo could not depend if the person is a male or female. He followed the person turning around and around, and finally, the person stopped in front of a door. The person said,

"Go in this door and then go right. Then you will see the doctor."

So Demo did as the guy said, went in, turned right, and saw the doctor. He said to the doctor that his belly was hurting. The doctor went up and checked Demo's belly. When the doctor was checking, Demo hit the doctor as hard as he could on the doctor's head "collapse" the doctor fell on the ground. After that, Demo took the doctor's shirt and wore it, while the doctor wore Demo's jail uniform. Then, Demo went out to meet the guy that brought him here and said,

"The man you sent in is all right. He will stay here for some rest. I will take good care of him. I'll make sure that he doesn't escape."

"Okay, I'll trust you," said the man that brought Demo here.

After that, he thought that Demo had gone into the hospital and sat in the chair where the real doctor had sat before.

"Now I have escaped from the cell. Now, what should I do? I'll walk around the place I am in right now.

After Demo thought of that, he started to walk around this area. The area around is challenging to walk, there are lots of curves, and when you walk in it, it seems like to be walking in a maze. Finding the way back to where you want to be is challenging. So Demo went back to the dungeon and saw the guy that brought Demo to the doctor still standing there! Demo murmured to himself,

"Is he a dungeon guard? Will I think he is?"

As Demo murmured, he walked in front of the dungeon guard. He asked,

"Can you please lead me out? I want to go for a walk and get some fresh air."

"Hmmm… I think it's okay," replied the dungeon guard.

Follow me. He went away with Demo following. After two turns, he stopped at the door with a password. The dungeon guard put down a passcode, the door opened, and he went in.

A few minutes later, after a lot of the sound of things getting thrown around, the guard came out with a map in his hand. The guard gave it to Demo. Demo opened it and looked at it. The map had a clear diagram and labeling, it also marked many starting points, and he found the one that started here. Turning it to its back, it marked all the places of the area around, such as the hospital, cafeteria, and many others.

After looking at all this, Demo felt confidence rising in his body. He knows everything in this area around him, and this place seems like an underground basement or headquarters. Demo was thinking of a plan to rescue everyone while also escaping and destroying this place filled with imperfect people.