
The City

It took some time to get to the city cars were strewn about the streets bodies littered the sidewalks in some in body bags others not. On some of the corpses, limbs were missing on some you could see bone but most were covered in blood. I made sure to keep the kid's eyes off the roads with cartoons but they still saw it.  "Daddy," said Marie "Why are all those people sleeping in red kool-aid"

"No reason honey just don't look out the window ok" I replied

"ok daddy," she said smiling.

if only she knew what was happening if only she knew the horrors that were going on.

After a while, I turned around to check on the kids and when I turned back to face the road a deranged man jumped in front of the car. we hit him with a loud thud the sudden stop and noise scared Marie and Klause causing them to scream I said to Emilia "Stay here and try to calm them down"

"Are you crazy you can't go out there you have no idea what could be happening?" she said

  I answered with "I know that I know we have no idea what's going on but I have to see if that guy is okay I mean we did just hit him"

she stayed silent before finally saying something "if you're going out there please be careful David I don't want our kids to live the rest of there lives without a father"

I look her in the eyes and say "it'll be a cold day in hell before I die in a fight" and with that, I kissed her on the forehead and got out of the car.

  With the knife unsheathed I moved slowly towards the body and when I got close I noticed blood oozing from it and wounds on the arms and back I got closer to check for a pulse the body was quite a bit away from the car which worried me even more but I could still hear the crying from Marie. As I moved my arm to check for a pulse the man lunged at me, his face was torn, bits of flesh hung down his teeth were stained yellow and red from blood. His teeth gnashing at my face I feel on the ground and dropped the knife and heard the screams of Emilia, Marie, and Klaus. after a while of wrestling with the obvious walking corpse or demon or whatever this fucker is I finally shoved him off of me as I went to grab the knife I noticed a small group of them around the car the had gotten into the car and looked like they were eating my wife and kids I stood up and stabbed the first one in the chest but to no avail so then I decided to aim for the head stabbing him through the jaw when the demon finally fell I focused my attention on the small group of seven or six. I snuck up on the member of the horde closest to me I stood up grabbed its head and smashed it into the hood of the car until its head was crushed and my glove and the snow was stained with grey matter and blood, after I was done with the first one two other of these undead bastards, turned to face me the one nearest to me I shoved to the ground then I brought my boot down onto its head until it was like soup on the ground. and just before I could deal with the second one that was coming at me its skull busted through the front the body fell to the ground I looked up to see two people a guy and a girl standing with guns. I turned back to the horde that was now down to three now on the offensive I slung my knife into one's knee causing it to fall the two people took out the ones that were still standing I moved to the last one now crippled and crawling towards me I grabbed my blade from its kneecap then slowly started cutting through the muscle and tendons of the last demon each cut more rage-filled than the last until all that was left was the spine and with all my rage all my madness from what has happened to tear the head from it's body and when it was off I slung it into the nearest building. I went to look at what they had done and at the sight, I dropped to my knees and started to cry, my daughter's throat was ripped out my son was missing a leg and my wife was missing one of her arms. I sat sobbing to my self if I wouldn't have stopped none of this would have happened. After a few minutes, the people had moved over to me realizing this I got up and grabbed my wife's wedding ring to remember her.  The girl who was about 5'6 with hair dyed silver she looked no older than 20 maybe 24 let out a gasp at the sight in the car the guy who looked in his late 30's early 40's with grey hair was the first to actually talk to me "who the hell are you" he said.

I looked him dead in the eyes and said " I could ask you the same question and, where the hell were you when they first attacked that's the real question here now ain't it"

he replied, "the names Jax and that's Natalie. Now, who are you?"

"the names David", I said walking to the liquor store they followed me inside as I looked around for some whiskey they kept asking questions then I heard Natalie ask " Who where those bodies in the car?"

without hesitation, I grabbed the nearest bottle and threw it at them it missed and broke on the floor

Jax yelled at me and said, "what the hell do you think you're doing?"

I found a bottle of what I was looking for I undid the cap and took a long swig downing a third of the bottle before replying "listen here you little shits I just lost my wife my 5-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son as of right now my life has no meaning."

Natalie and Jax asked almost in unison "why were you guys even here in the first place"

I took another shot before answering we were supposed to be getting my wife's sister but now I might just sit here and drink until some of those demons come to eat me."

Natalie looked at me sadness in her eyes after a while of silence she said "you could come back with us to our safe area"

Jax looked at her and yelled, "ARE YOU CRAZY We have no use for him back at camp we need to keep looking for medical supplies and maybe even a doctor''. I turn my head and before they are through the door I speak up ''ya'know I could help out" Jax looks at me "And how is that Mr.Austin.'' I think for a bit "Well for starters I can handle myself in a fight and second I could patch basic Injuries." He looks at me "and where did ya get this information do you have a medical degree." "Well no, but I did volunteer at a vet for some time." Jax sighs "It'll have to do let's get going.''