
Chapter 46: Run

Maralise’s father was an experienced farmer and knew what grew well—and what didn’t—around Whistler. He had given Detrick some tips earlier in the year, just before planting season.

They had agreed to work together so they could both benefit from each other’s harvest when the time came. And now that they were both going to be grandfathers together, they had even more reason to work together.

They were sipping on ales at the cliff’s edge, looking out over the ocean, when Detrick felt the demon shift its attention.

It had been standing watch stolidly at the center of the glade—unbeknownst to anyone from the town—during the entire party.

With the sun setting in about an hour, everyone would head home soon to sleep off the day’s fun, and get ready for the new work day tomorrow.

“I gotta ask ya,” Maralise’s father said, looking out over the water. “Not to be rude or noth’in, but now that we’re gonna be family, I’ve got to ask ya about that eye of yours.”