
Demigod of Destruction

Unfortunately, Leo's Space ship deviated from its path and crashed into the Sun, dooming him and his companion to a horrifying end. Yet fate had more sinister plans as godlike beings gave Leo another chance in a menacing alternate world. In this realm filled with deceit, terror, and enigma—would Leo leverage this wicked chance for immense power or become entangled in an even darker destiny in this new life? ---------------------------×-------------------------- Chapter Length Between 1000 to 1300 words

Story_Killer · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Is Success Really Matters ?

From a young age, Leo was captivated by the infinite expanse of the cosmos and had dreams of becoming an astronaut. His aspirations were crushed when he failed to pass the space examinations that would determine his future in this field.

Sunday, 10:30 PM, Night hours.

"Wow! What a pleasant surprise that Mr. Max and Neena has came to our house!"The middle-aged man exclaimed.

The middle-aged man was none other than Leo's father, Thomas Green.

"We are merely passing through, so I wanted to ask about your family's wellbeing. Additionally, Neena have some matters she wished to discuss with you."


"Leeooooooo!" Come downstairs.

What happened Dad? Why are you shouting so much? Leo answered irritated tone.


"It was quite unexpected to see Uncle Max and Neena at this time."

Uncle, Was there anything serious that you need to discuss?

No urgency, but Neena would like to discuss something with you. By the way, what about your competitive exam result?

"Whom are you inquiring about, Dad? He would definitely fail this time also." Moreover, I am here to discuss about this particular matter.

"What matter?" Leo asked in irritating voice.

We made the decision to terminate this engagement; specifically, I did not want to move forward with someone whose life had been plagued by failure.

"You want to end our seven-year relationship in this manner." Waah! Thanks for this insult.

I hope you would not regret your decision in the future.

"Remember Leo, Once a Failure is always a failure." Neena made a provocative statement.

Leo then proceeded to his room, while Mr. Max and Neena departed the Green Mansion.

Despite having been six years since his break-up, Leo achieved the highest score in his exams. His scientific endeavors earned him numerous awards but Fate intervened when, at the tender age of 31, Leo was chosen as the youngest astronaut for a crucial lunar mission.

Monday, 12:00 PM

The atmosphere within the Control Centre was one of anticipation as Chief asked seriously, "Are the astronauts fully prepared for their departure?"

"Yes, Chief. We're beginning the countdown - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 ,2...1," replied the coordinator.

The powerful roar of engines launching filled the air as a spacecraft took off into the sky. After several hours in flight, it had reached outer space.

"Please report your current status," directed Chief firmly.

"All systems are operating at optimal capacity," assured the Commander.

Thursday, 3:45 PM

The Control Centre filled with a palpable sense of tension as communication with their astronauts stopped abruptly. "Discover what happened right away!" Chief commanded sternly.

"We are doing our utmost to find a solution," a frantic scientist said. "As soon as we have any progress, you will be informed immediately."

On day 21... Thursday, 9:45 AM

"Have there been any breakthroughs?" Chief asked with growing worry.

"Not yet," came the gloomy response from the scientist. "But we'll let you know as soon as anything changes."

At dawn of the fiftieth day... Friday, 4:08 PM

"Chief..." Sammy panted anxiously. "You need to hear this right away."

"What? Tell me quickly!" Chief demanded intently.

"I suggest you read this message from Control centre promptly," Sammy urged urgently.

"Excuse me? What was it about?" questioned Chief in a perplexed state.

"It's hard to accept, but they discovered our spacecraft," she uttered hesitantly. "And its current trajectory has placed it on a path crossing Mercury's orbit."

A spark of hope briefly ignited in Chief's eyes before he whispered weakly, "So they did make it through… somehow..."

Sammy's daunting announcement instantly ruined Chief's momentary comfort: "I'm deeply sorry to say that their flight plan is now headed straight towards the Sun..."

The tormenting news devastated Chief beyond repair and he crumpled into despair—overwhelmed by his sense of powerlessness.

Within the shadowy depths of the Existence Realm,

Because of Indra's unfaithfulness, Demigod of existence felt little anxiety about his brother's too much resurrection.

As the demigod of existence lost himself in thought, he heard a whisper. Looking in that very direction, he saw the angel of death and the angel of life muttering something.

"Our attention must be turned to the menacing demon lord. His reign of terror and torture over race is becoming more and more unrelenting," said the Angel of Life tensely. .

"If it weren't for the dreaded Celestial Dragon race, his atrocities would surely have exceeded unimaginable limits." The Angel of Death reluctantly proposed.

Among them, Demigod of existence prudently Joined their conversation and said: It would merely delay the suffering of all races. We have to look for a more permanent solution.

"Angel of Death nodded thoughtfully and agreed, "It is imperative that we identify a representative to defeat the nefarious Demon Lord on our behalf."

Demigods of existence proclaimed once and for all. "With meditative eyes, both of you will search every nook and cranny for someone who can accomplish our purpose."

After six hours of intense searching,

"I found someone!" Angel of Life suddenly announcedwith determination.

"Where exactly?" Angel of Death gets a strange question.

Angel of Life replied with absolute certainty, "In the distant Seventh Universe, I have identified a soul firmly embedded in the center of the Sun.

"Angel of Death expressed immediate skepticism."But this soul is about to be consumed by an unstoppable flame!"

Doubts aside, the demigod of existence explained the matter due to his own intentions, "The inferno serves only to reveal its unparalleled purity." He continued emphatically, "Let us pinpoint one who has recently deceased so that we might transfer this untarnished soul."

After considerable effort, Angel of Death announced that it had found a recently deceased person suffering from a blocked meridian.

To ease his anxiety, the demigod of existence solemnly said to him: When the time comes, the meridians will be restored."

Thus the gods appeared before the charred soul.

Angel of Life solemnly offered, "If you want another chance in life, we will take it."

With a trembling voice, Soul drowns out his fears and agrees, "Yes, I think so."

With a stern gaze, Angel of death told him the condition, "In exchange for the gift of life, we must fulfill the sacred mission entrusted to us."

"What kind of mission is that?" asked the worried soul.

Angel of life replied in a quiet voice, "Become an unstoppable force and defeat the dreaded demon king."

Angel of death hardened his resolve and asked, "Are you ready to embark on this perilous road?"

With sheer courage, the soul declared, "Yes, Seniors."

Demigod of Existence warned, "Remember that hard work and building strong alliances are paramount to defeating the evil demon lord."

"You may not remember what happened today, but when time comes, you will eventually remember your goals and responsibilities," he added.

Within the mysterious realm of Earth in the third universe,

In the haunting darkness, an 15 -year-old boy lay eerily still atop a jagged rock, seemingly lifeless. Out of nowhere, a brilliant golden beam pierced through the shadows and struck his cold form. His body began to levitate, enveloped by a shimmering golden aura.

In that baffling moment, he gasped for air – life had returned to him in the most enigmatic manner as his soul was reborn within this once perished body.