
Demi: True Mage Arc

Nami is a fighter who lives to meet her father's expectations, but things take a cruel turn when she gets an injury that threatens to end her career. She moves in with her uncle to begin rehabilitation and eventually attends school at Newark's Rosemary high. She makes a new friend, and they attend a party together which leads them to being strung up in a conspiracy. A mage with the ability to possess people is ruining the school's hierarchy from the inside out and threatens to expose career ending secrets. It is up to Nami to find and take care of this entity before it is too late.

pin_popper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 10


All the learners were seated in their classes as lessons continued as normal, with the added exception that everyone in class was guessing what happened to Maze. Mitchell did his best to hear out every story that was brought up about it, but each one was completely different from the other.

It was useless getting information from any of his classmates. So, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Yes Mr. Banks?" The teacher noticed his raised hand.

"Sir, can I go to the nurse's office, my nose is bleeding." He said while holding his nostril up with a bloody tissue.

"Go ahead Mr. Banks, I'll ask one of your classmates to write notes for you." The teacher permitted and Mitchell was out of there in a few seconds. 

He began his trek to the nurse's office, hoping that he'd be able to find Maze awake. He wasn't close to her by any merit, but all he needed was a bit of small talk to get her talking.

Just as Mitchell was about to turn the corner he jumped back as he noticed Chris who stood in front of the nurse's office. He seemed to be listening in on a conversation.

['For it to be hypnosis the Mage must be relatively close' Could that mean Chris is our puppeteer?] Mitchell wondered.

Chris jumped back and went into hiding as Mr. Fry exited the nurse's office.

[He must've been there to check on her, which means he knows what's happening to her. I could confront Chris right now, but on the off chance he is a Mage, then I'll be getting myself in trouble. Mr. Fry will probably tell bits and pieces of what's happening to Maze, no matter how hard I pry. But he is still the safest choice out of the two.] Mitchell took a deep breath as he began to tail Mr. Fry. Choosing a different path as to not be seen by Chris. He stood in front of Mr. Fry's class as his nerves began to settle in. He wasn't even sure what he'd ask him. He was sure to be apprehensive with his knowledge on Maze's situation. For all he knew, Mr. Fry could've been involved in her situation. 

"Yo." He jumped in his skin as Nami snuck up behind him.

"What the heck!" He whispered, feeling his heart race in his chest.

"I saw you spying on Chris, did you find anything out?" She asked.

"I was in the middle of that." He hissed.

"Okay… so, why are we here?" Mitchell groaned in frustration.

"Listen, I saw Mr. Fry come out of the nurse's office. I figured he knows the most about Maze's situation. So, I came here to get him to talk about it." Mitchell finished explaining. Nami had a thoughtful look on her face before saying.

"So you were out here wondering how to ask him?" Nami asked. 

"Well, I think I got a way to get him talking, since he came from the nurse's office, I think Maze is probably awake. You should check on her."

"What about Chris?" He asked. 

"Don't get triggered and you should be fine." Mitchell sighed and turned around, wording out good luck before walking to the nurse's office.

Nami took a deep breath before entering Mr. Fry's class. Mr. Fry looked at her curiously but didn't think too much of it.

"Afternoon Mr. Fry, sorry if I'm disturbing you in any way." Nami said, putting on her innocent student persona.

"It's fine, what did you come here for?" He asked. He seemed to be relaxed, but Nami knew his guard was up. She needed to approach the conversation carefully in order to get him speaking about Maze.

"I wanted to relay a message to Chris Macklemore. I heard that he was in your homeroom, so I thought you'd know what class he is in." Nami said as she slowly began approaching him.

"Well you could give me the message and I can relay the message for you." Mr. Fry offered, but Nami knew it was a trap. If he thought the message trivial, he would call out Nami's farce and she couldn't give something too major.

"Oh no sir, this is something personal between the two of us, so I'd prefer it if I was the one who told him." Nami defended. Mr. Fry rested his chin on his knuckles and proceeded to speak.

"If it's that personal, then why don't you tell me, It's only the two of us here anyway. Unless you're just looking for an excuse to bunk class?" Nami tensed up knowing that he'd set her up for another trap.

"I-I can't sir." Nami began sweating nervously as the pressure was on her.

"Trust me Nami anything said in this classroom stays in this classroom, so you can tell me." 

"But that is invasion of privacy, isn't that illegal?" 

"It's not invasion of privacy if I got that information from you, hence why I ask. Or could it be that you're actually trying to bunk class? That is a punishable offense, Nami." Nami could tell that she was cornered. She had to think of a way to avoid getting caught or her whole plan would blow up in her face.

"I-I…" She stuttered. Mr. Fry sighed before drawing his pen from his pocket. 

"I've seen many students bunk class before, you're gonna have to come wi---"

"I wanted to confess to him!" Nami blurted out.

"Ohhh?" He relaxed on his knuckles yet again, giving Nami the square to speak.

"I have a crush on Chris, and I wanted to tell him how I feel. He has been getting close with his freshman and I fear that she might steal him from me before I have the chance to tell him." All of which was a lie that she was embarrassed to tell, but Mr. Fry seemed to buy it.

"So, have you ever spoken to Chris?" Nami shook her head causing the older man to chuckle.

"Aah teenage romance. It's quiet the spectacle." He started.

"I've been teaching in this school for 6 years now and being the youngest out of my colleagues made me susceptible to receiving many confessions. All of which I turned down." Nami looked at the man curiously.

"If you want to know the best way to confess to your crush then I can teach you the winning method." He said as a knowledgeable smile painted itself on his lips. He gestured for Nami to take a seat and she complied.

They sat there for more than two periods discussing flirtation tactics. All of which was new information to her, which lead to her taking an unknown interest to the topic. She found herself completely invested in the information she was receiving, almost to the point of forgetting what her actual objective was. 

In response Mr. Fry began to loosen up and actually tell her stories about all the times he was approached. It went on for so long they began approaching the last class of the day.

"I've got a class coming up, so why don't we continue this conversation tomorrow?" Mr. Fry offered, snapping Nami back to her objective.

"Chris should be in the physics class, but I suggest you wait until afterschool to tell him."

"Thank you, Mr. Fry. I adore Chris's intelligence, but I will make sure I get the number 1 spot for the mid-terms." Nami said, faking her determination.

"Woah now Chris is not number 1 yet, he still has Maze to beat."


"Is Maze really that smart?" Nami asked.

"The smartest. She has been able to keep her number 1 spot for 2 years now and I doubt Chris will have a chance." He said proudly. 

"Chris is a talented genius, I'm sure he'll be able to beat your best student and I'm even willing to place a bet on that." Nami said, emulating confidence.

"Nah, you don't have to---"

"Why? Don't you have any confidence in your student." 

"I do, it's just she has been through quite a lot over this past week, and I worry about her." Nami faked an apologetic look and asked.

"What happened to her?" Mr. Fry looked to hesitate before answering.

"She had a fight with her parents earlier last week, and now she might lose her position as head girl." Nami gasped.

"I'm so sorry, she must be going through the most right now. I'll head to class right now, but I promise what we discussed stays in this classroom." Nami said as she began making her way out. A few learners began entering the classroom, but Nami could hear the 'thank you' Mr. Fry mouthed out.

She wanted to stay and get more out of him, but she had to take what she was given so as not to seem too nosey.

[I wonder how Mitchell turned out. Either way the plan hasn't changed.]


The evening was approaching and most of the learners at Rosemary had already gone home, except for the few clubs that went on until late. The setting sun peered through the grey skies and its rays landed on the eyes of the dark-haired beauty in the nurse's office. She fluttered her eyes open and slowly began to rouse from her slumber.

"Rise and shine sweetheart you've been out for quite a while now." The nurse said while watching Maze get up. 

"You had a panic attack earlier, it's quite the mess you've gotten yourself into. The whole board is trying to figure out what to do with you." She explained. Maze was dazed, but she understood everything she had said. Her face was plain as she stared at the white tiles beneath her.

"I know you're going through a lot right now, but I still support you and will continue to support you no matter what." The nurse placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and gave her a warm smile.

"Thank you, ma'am." Maze's voice was but a whisper of its former peppiness, but she retained the determined look in her eyes. Mostly to reassure the nurse that she would be fine.

"It's Jenny, and don't think too much of it sweetheart." Nurse Jenny stepped back and began writing down a few prescriptions for her.

"A few people came in while you were out cold. First it was that playboy Duncan, I never liked that kid, so I sent him out immediately. Then it was that genius boy or whatever, Chris. The kid seemed worried about you, so I let him stay for a bit. There was also Mitchell who faked a damn nosebleed just to check on you. If I didn't know you, I would've thought you were dating all of them at once." She laughed at her own joke. "Then lastly it was this little girl, Cindy. Such a fragile little thing, she came in thinking that I was gonna bite her head off or something. I swear she's too sweet for her own good." She finished her rant and handed her the paper with the meds that she recommended.

Maze was lost in thought, wondering why each of those people came to visit her, what did they want to say to her, why Mitchell out of all people? She was convinced that he hated her.

She helped Maze up and gave her school shoes back. Maze didn't bother wearing them though. The two hugged and Maze was out of the nurse's office. She remembered the conversation she had with Mr. Fry before she lost consciousness and began heading straight for his class. On her way there she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched but ignored it for most of the way. She stood before Mr. Fry's class and couldn't help but feel nervous. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves before walking in. 

Mr. Fry, as always, had his nose deep in the book he was reading and acted like he didn't see her enter. She walked up to his desk and greeted him.

"Oh, Maze, I didn't see you there." He lied and Maze giggled at his blatant lie.

"Do you feel any better?" He asked with a softer tone. Maze looked up at him with a wide smile and nodded.

"That's good, I can't have my best student passing out on me." He said with a quirky smile.

"Thank you." Maze thanked.

"Oh, come on I didn't do anything. The one you should be thanking is the nurse. She's one of the best in Newark y'know."

"No, I mean thank you for being there. I-I don't know what I would have done if you weren't... My mom and dad they..." She trailed off as a few tears began leaking out. Mr. Fry stepped out of his desk and approached her. Being much taller than her he used his thumb to wipe away the tears and then let her rest on his chest. 

"We've been through a lot together haven't we, y'know ever since my wife left me and all we pretty much have only had each other." He said, his voice soft and distant.

"You've been coming to my class for three years now, and each time you had a new issue to annoy me with." He heard Maze giggle in his chest which made him smile.

"Do you remember the first time when you were splashed with water while you were crying in the bathroom? After you left, I had to mop my entire floor because of you." She giggled yet again and then looked up at him.

"It's your fault for chasing me around." Mr. Fry chuckled.

"You got me there; I just didn't know what to do with you. You were like a scared little puppy back then. It was shocking to me when you became Head Girl in that same year. Like a full 180 out of nowhere." Maze giggled.

"I wanted to impress you, to show you that I wasn't just some bratty crybaby." 

"You could've at least joined the student council and that would've been enough. You certainly over did it with that whole Head Girl thing." The two laughed, but it went silent after a while.

"Mr. Fry I..."

"Call me Hunter." Hunter cupped her chin with his fingers before planting a warm kiss on her lips.

He pulled back to see her reaction, but she just pulled him back to continue the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss they shared. Hunter snaked his arms around her waist before bringing them down to her thighs and lifting her to be on his level. 

The kiss continued until Hunter placed her on his desk. The two gasping for air before Hunter came back in for the kiss. His hands snuck under her skirt brushing her thighs ever so gently.

"Hunter..." She moaned. She reached her panties and slowly began removing them.

"Hunter wait..." She moaned as he began planting kisses on her neck.

"Hunter!" She managed to push him off, leaving Hunter confused.

"We- We shouldn't...t-this is a mistake." Hunter's eyebrows narrowed as his expression slowly began to turn to one of anger.

"That motherfucker... He got to you first, didn't he?" Maze's eyes grew wide at the question.

"He did. He did, didn't he? That's why this is a mistake to you." His laugh sent a chill down Maze's spine.

"It's not---"

"It's not what Mazekien!? You knew I felt this way about you and yet you still... you still decided to screw around with that damn imbecile!" He shouted.

"How do you think I felt watching you chase after someone who I knew you wouldn't respect you? Someone I knew that was going to break your heart!? But I stood back and watched as you hopelessly pursued him! I watched knowing full well that he'd deflower my precious student and leave once he was done with you! Men like Brian do not deserve your love and yet you give it to him so willingly."

"But we---"

"I was the one who cared for you. I was the one who listened to you talk on and on about your troubles with Duncan. I was the one who mended your heart only for you to give it to Brian! All of it was sickening, but I stayed. Unlike Duncan I stayed! Unlike Brian I stayed!!" Maze sat on the desk petrified. Her voice caught in her throat and her body trembling. Hunter walked up to Maze who flinched when he raised his hand. She opened her eyes to see his face a few inches away. His hand gently caressing her cheek.

"I love you, Maze." His lips landed on hers gently catching her in an unexpected kiss. She was still petrified but couldn't help but feel comfort in his lips. His hands slid under her skirt yet again, this time proving successful in removing her panties. His hand slid seamlessly in between her thighs causing her to whimper.

"Hunter, wait." She said in between huffs.

He unzipped his pants while biting gently at her neck.

"Stop." She whimpered, but it fell upon deaf ears. 

Hunter readied himself, placing his member right on her entrance. Her body trembled and her heart raced as she could sense the inevitable. Yet her mind couldn't accept it.

[Not here... Not now...] She thought as she could feel her mind going blank.

"Help!" She shouted with the last bit of resistance she had and then everything went blank.
