
Demanding the Throne, and like a waterfire Death by All

Kendra a (pretend) feisty punk rocker, but is actually a sweetheart and an heiress to one of America's most prominent companies, Nightingale Co. It's her last year of high school and she switched from her prestigious private school to a rebellious public school. What was the reason for the sudden switch? In her second semester at Seaview High, she meets this guy who she accidentally assaulted. Was she annoyed or was she just hungry and had a mild mental breakdown? Who is this guy that was assaulted? All Kendra knows is that being near him is intoxicating, as if his scent was a drug and she couldn't get enough of it. He fills her thoughts as this continuous burning question invades her... What is he?

Jada_Holloman · Sci-fi
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126 Chs

Reasoning of what is to come part II

As she found her way to the main stairwell, she then started to rekindle the image that she had seen when William and her touched. As she continued to go up the stairs, she remembered how it felt… How he felt inside, the way he moved as he filled her, the way— No! - No, no, no, no, no, no! Don't think about THAT, think about anything but that! As Kendra was now on the fourth floor, she took a right that led to a hallway. The hallway was covered in art called Cherubs and flowers made of gold. Kendra always thought this hallway was like a replication of the Sistine Chapel, even though the Chapel had historical paintings covering the walls instead of angels. She liked how peaceful it is as she comes home from a tiring day of school. When Kendra finally sees the door to her room, she switches her plate of food to her left side and opens the door. Her room is like none other; Kendra's walls are covered in the most beautiful periwinkle, a diamond chandelier with amethyst and pink diamonds shaped as butterflies to compliment, a white Rocco vanity formerly owned by Marie Antoinette herself, a glass bookcase embellished with pink diamonds to compliment the gold as the gold twists into little swirls that go around the outline of the bookcase, a beautiful pale blue bench near the window on the left side of her luscious room, and king-size memory foam bed with the most luxurious champagne sheets a girl can buy. Just looking at her bed makes her sleepy, Kendra sat her plate of food on her desk across from her bed and then went into her bathroom. Kendra's bathroom floor was all marble, her walk-in bathroom had a shower on her right, and further down is her bathtub near the terrace. On her left was her double sink, as she finally took off her dress after several failures… She brushed her teeth, did her skincare routine, and finally got in the shower. Her shower felt amazing as always at the head was humongous enough to fit four people. She used her Elizabeth Arden products to clean herself, then used African Black soap and rinsed. She moisturized and started to devour her plate. Kendra's love for seafood is undeniable because every time she takes a bite, her heart sings. When she finished she put her plate in her golden trash can and went in her comfy covers. After she realizes she has to brush her teeth again and possibly floss, she gets up lazily, turns on her light bathroom aggressively, and starts brushing. When she was done, she turned off the light, slammed the door, and literally jumped back in her bed. Something tells her she will not be prepared for what is to come on Monday.