

In the extraordinary tale about reincarnation, is a woman who leads a double life, balancing her role as a waitress by day and a self-proclaimed sex worker by night. When she extends a helping hand to a woman in need, her life takes an unexpected turn. Through loss and gain, she is faced with crucial decisions that shape her path. As she becomes the maid to a billionaire who has a connection with her past, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and embraces opportunities she had always longed for but not without trials that will dare her. She's changed, and she's ruthless, she'll even dine at the table of her enemies if that's what life is about. But will the outcomes align with her expectations? Dive into this captivating story to uncover the twists and turns that await her. **The cover isn’t mine. In order to deliver a good and quality story and grammar, this book will be updating at a slow pace. Dive in at your own risk. And to the risk takers, I’m grateful and i hope you enjoy it here.

Cels_Owls · Fantasy
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16 Chs


It's almost two am and I've still not found the money box. After returning from Amy's room and clearing the kitchen, I went straight to my room and started looking for the box. I searched every corner of the room till it was time for dinner to be made. That would have been another headache but thankfully Amy came and cooked it. We had a great time making dinner since she forgave me for my awful behavior and wasn't mad anymore. I made a mental note then to learn how to cook at all cost, if I was going to blend in, then I mustn't leave any stone unturned.

Miss Gloire, the mother of killing joy came to scold us a number of times and complained bitterly about how we were disturbing the whole house with our chatter. We kept quiet throughout the remaining preparation time to avoid her and her drama.

The master didn't come home tonight, I hear all hasn't been well with his business and I'm so excited about it. I'll never want to acknowledge him as my dad anymore so I'm sticking with calling him master even in my head.

I look around the room and realise the mess I've made in search for the money Sasha and Amy have been saving.

Ugh this sucks.

Where haven't I looked? I've moved the desk and everything. Everything. I turn and look around again. I wonder who was sharing this room with Sasha as there is this other bed in the room. I've scattered that in search for the box. Then it occurs to me, I haven't moved the wardrobe.

I look at the tiny box made of strong wood, probably oak wood or something because in as much as it's small, it looks heavy and well polished. Maybe it's just looks it. I walk to it and psych myself and then press my hands then I push with all my might, but it won't budge, not even an inch.

I turn my back to it and push still. Ugh!

I can't ask for help. This thing is tough sometimes, the fear of asking for help and being caught and fished out that I'm someone else. Come on, girl, let's do this, then I push again with all my might while groaning. Then it moves to the corner. There space where it was looks like the tiles has been carefully removed and placed back. Maybe that's the place.

The relief that begins washing over my body is instense, if that's not the money, I'll throw tantrums and kick the hell out of this wardrobe and I don't care if I'll feel the pains afterwards. I kneel close to it and lift the tiles, it moves. Ah! It moved! The space looks like it's been covered with sand, I begin digging with my finger. I continue for a while and my hand touches a box. I quickly dig around it and pull the wooden box out and open it easily because it's not locked. There it is! The money. I count it and it's just three hundred. What the fuck?

It's supposed to be more than this, considering all that Amy said. Oh my God! What the hell am I going to do now? How am I even going to get Amy to tell me how much she's contributed so far without giving myself away? I slump and lean against the wardrobe. God please help me, what do I do now?

I'm even thinking how long they've been saving. This is not good, Amy is going think I'm an impostor, why have I gotten into this situation? My life won't be easy in all forms?

Think Adina, think!

A knock sounds on my door. What the hell? It's three am, who the hell is at a crime scene like me? Could it be Amy? The person tries to turn the door knob and I thank my stars that I locked it.

I hurry up quickly and cover the whole and try to push the wardrobe back. It won't budge. I roll my eyes in exasperation. I push harder and it moves but not without making a squeaky noise because of the sand, but it's back to its initial position.

"Sasha!" I hear the person try to shout. A man? The voice sounds familiar but I can't seem to recognize it. Fear creeps into my body. Who the devil is that? I'm not expecting anyone, talk less a man. I thought it was Amy.

I push the clothes back and check if the room looks good enough. I can't pack all these things before I check on whosoever is at the door. I walk to the door and hesitate. Who could it be? I'm not expecting him. Could this person know about me and want to harm me? What do I do?

I stand behind the door and think. The knock comes in again but I don't respond then after some minutes the person walks away. Who's that? Does Sasha know this person? I have all these and many other questions ringing in my head. I ignore them and get back to packing and think of how I can get Amy to tell me about the money she's contributed.

After moving everything back to its position, it's four am. I quickly take a shower and try to catch some sleep even if it's just an hour before the rising bell for all staff rings.


Five fifteen am, I look at the alarm beside the lamp. The rising bell rang fifteen minutes ago. I sit in my bed and groan in annoyance. I could use more sleep. I yawn and stretch and then begin my morning ritual before stepping out. I'm already thirty minutes late to the instructional meeting with Miss Gloire and I know I've a punishment waiting calmly for me.

While walking to the assembly room where we meet for the instructions for the day, I tie my apron around my waist and smooth my hair which I've gathered neatly into a tight bun. I walk in and everyone stares at me but I feign ignorance and take a seat beside Amy, who's seated on the bench in the middle row of the room.She smiles at me and looks back at Miss Gloire. Miss Gloire shoots me a glare and says, " Always the stubborn one aren't you?"

That's rhetorical isn't it, because I don't know how she wants me to answer that. I ignore her and she continues.

I walk out with Amy and we begin our day. Luckily for me or rather weirdly, Miss Gloire doesn't give me any punishments.

I pack out the trashand walk to the Dustins outside when I hear someone whisper shout in the corner I'm about to step into and I stop in my tracks. I know that voice, it's Miss Gloire. I hide there discreetly and strain my ears to catch fragments of the conversation.

"Come on, you can hit it today, it's going to the south, you know, today is Friday, he'll be exporting,"

She waits and listens to the person who seems to be on the phone with her. She throws her fist at the wall and warns, " you dare not take any chances, the bastard will kill you and will kill me afterwards. I need those drugs Alexandr is shipping or you consider yourself as good as dead. Either you do it or I kill you, you fuck up Alexandr kills you."

That sends a chill down my spine. I knew Miss Gloire was treacherous, I just didn't think this treacherous. She's conspiring against the master. I've no remorse for all that's befalling him but what could make Miss Gloire want to do that to him, he's her boss.

He's your boss too, isn't he, but you want to harm him too.

My case is different!

She begins to pace in circles, "Tomas, I told you those documents are going to be handled by me, the Wills will be coming and you won't want Van Wills for an enemy neither will I. Don't you dare fuck this up or you'll curse the day you were born, brother."

That's her brother? Miss Gloire has a brother? And she's threatening to kill her own brother, the cunning witch. Which papers is she talking about? She said they'll be taken care of. I want to find out. And who's Van Wills? The Wills? So many questions and webs.

"Alright, be safe brother, my warning still stands." She says and hangs up.

I run discreetly to the other hall and pretend as if I'm now walking back, she looks me up and down when she and I meet in the hall way I was hiding in before the corner where she was talking. She ignores me and strutters away.

I walk to the dust bin and drop the trash.

Miss Gloire seems to have so much hidden. She wants the master's business to fail and I can't seem to wonder what else she might have done and who else she's working with asides her brother.

When I turn to leave, Patrick, the driver pulls me by the arms in a painful grip and drags me to the tree behind the house. " what the heck is wrong with you Patrick?"

He ignores me and I start hitting his hand for him to stop dragging me away. What's wrong with him? Did he see me eavesdropping on Miss Gloire's conversation with her brother? Panic courses through my blood. Not this again. "You're hurting me!" I whine. He ignores me and even pulls me further and slams me against the wall.He slaps me hard across the cheeks before I could even recover from the pain from being slammed against the wall. He then chokes me and says, danger lacing his words, " you're going to pay me every dime you promised after our agreement or I'll tell master you and Amy sneaked out in search of an apartment. "

What the hell? I kick him between the legs and he falls to the pavement ground in pain. I then kick him across hard across the face that a srucnch noise sounds, " or what asshole? Come on talk." He lies on his stomach in pain and clutches his broken nose which is oozing blood. I don't know where this sudden strength and courage came from, maybe it's from all that I've been through, I don't know, I don't care, I just won't allow anyone take advantage of me anymore or even bully me.A thread has snapped. I sit on his back and pull at his blonde hair, " you're going to pay me back all the money you drunk or I promise I'll have you fired! You smoke and drink on duty and reek of alcohol and it's against the rules, I'll tell master,"

When he laughs, I wrap my hand around his neck tightly and the next thing I say shocks me, " or I'll kill you Patrick, I'll kill you and bury you where no one will find you and I'm not even playing you dumbass."

He stiffens underneath me, no more laughter. My grip in his hair tightens and I bend to his ear and whisper coldly, "you came to knock didn't you?"

He nods. Yes I knew he was the one. The voice was oddly familiar. " you won't do that again. I give you up to sunset tomorrow to bring the money, you don't want to get on my bad side, Patrick."

I push his head roughly, get off him and walk away shocked at what just happened. What was all that about Adina? I ask myself, feeling cold all of a sudden. Even goosebumps begin forming on me skin. I head straight to my room and stare at my reflection in the mirror.

My lower lip is all bruised up. My eyes, are wild with pain and anger. My brown hair is a complete mess. This is not Adina, Adina Wilson has been buried. This here, this here is Sasha Dodd, and Sasha won't forgive.