

In the extraordinary tale about reincarnation, is a woman who leads a double life, balancing her role as a waitress by day and a self-proclaimed sex worker by night. When she extends a helping hand to a woman in need, her life takes an unexpected turn. Through loss and gain, she is faced with crucial decisions that shape her path. As she becomes the maid to a billionaire who has a connection with her past, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and embraces opportunities she had always longed for but not without trials that will dare her. She's changed, and she's ruthless, she'll even dine at the table of her enemies if that's what life is about. But will the outcomes align with her expectations? Dive into this captivating story to uncover the twists and turns that await her. **The cover isn’t mine. In order to deliver a good and quality story and grammar, this book will be updating at a slow pace. Dive in at your own risk. And to the risk takers, I’m grateful and i hope you enjoy it here.

Cels_Owls · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Three days and no plans. No move. Three days and I've been living here with no move, no plans for the next move. Gosh, I'm confused. Just the regular routines and the glare contests with Miss Gloire. There hasn't been any more drama cos the boss doesn't know any documents have gotten missing from his study. I'm suspecting Miss Gloire to be the one who might have covered it up to make it not noticeable that his documents are missing. I also think the major reason is, he's travelled again.

But I'm no fool, there is an invisible clock ticking and it's ticking really fast, the war is drawing closer, I can hear its gushing sounds from a distance, and I can feel the violent wind its rushing in with. I know a bomb's ticking and the day it'll go off; flesh and bones will be scattered all over and I'm not about to fall a victim. I lean against the counter and exhale. It's half past twelve a.m. I can't even sleep at night. I look around and decide to step outside. I take a few more steps and realize the guards are not around their usual posts. You'll normally find them scattered all around but today, not even a sign of one of them. I shrug and continue away, it best their nosy asses aren't around. The air feels moist and chilly, they awaken goosebumps on my skin. I descend the stairs leading behind the house and silently pass by the spot where Patrick almost choked me to death. The place ripples a violent shudder down my spine, and it has nothing to do with the cold. The idiot wanted to kill me, and he didn't even hesitate or think it through. He just wants what he wants. I stare at the blank wall, deeply in my thoughts. Yes, he tried to kill me, but he didn't hesitate. He wanted what he wanted and didn't care what the cost or consequences of his actions would have.

I admire it. Call me a psychopath but I admire that courage. That's what being desperate to achieve your goals looks like. It might be a bad thing but no, it's a good thing. People just hate to be told the truth. Patrick is Audacious and honestly, I'm not. If I were a like Patrick, I'd have figured out my way and done all I could to get me where I wanted.

I hurry down the hill and head straight to the lake behind the bushes it's too late to go there but I can't help it. I feel like the walls of the house is slowly closing in on me and the lack of plans is also silently killing me. I couldn't have stayed there any second longer, I'd have pulled my hair by the roots in frustration before morning.

The lake is quiet. No one's here but me. Just me. Behind the lake, I can see a cottage, standing just at its shores. It seems abandoned. There're no lights except the lumination coming from the moon but from where I am, I could even tell it's been years anyone's been there, because the porch is even saggy, and the woods broken in. I look around and spot the thick forests behind it.

This place is green and beautiful, calm- peaceful to an extent. And I know it's all his, he enjoyed all this while mom and I stressed in that one room apartment till she run off with that man. Ten years and I've no idea where mama is. 10 years. I'm sure she's not even wondering where her twenty-five-year-old daughter is. I smile. Life hasn't been smooth and looking at now, I don't think it will. I continue to pace across the shore for some more and loosen the pin and scrunchy holding my hair in place and allow it fall down my back. The length is gradually reaching my waist and it feels so healthy and heavy.

The air blows through it and makes me feel a bit more relaxed. I look behind me at the mansion and the lights, then suddenly, I feel the edge to go back to the house. I let into it. Almost about 20 steps close to the house, I hear voices, the gardener. He seems to be mummering to someone. I hide behind the walls and peek, it's he and his wife and their fifteen-year-old son, with some Luggage. Their luggage. From the scene, I could tell their escaping with their pick-up truck. But why are they escaping? He seemed to be so excited about his work. I've never seen mad or nothing. Could it be the same reason why Amy and I want to leave? For freedom? 

"You can't stop serving the master until you die."

I remember seeing that in the contract. It flashes through my mind again and it's like a dot connects. That might be the same reason Sasha and Amy wanted to escape before I came into the picture. He's taken his time and he's planned to leave and I'm here still thinking of how to get that money for Amy and I. Wait, maybe they could drop me off on their way. Then I could ask them for a few bucks that I could use to get a bus to Rosana's and get that money from the spot I hid it. I'll think of how I'll to get back here later. This sounds convenient enough in my head. This mansion looks peaceful from afar, but now that I've lived here too, I get it if they want to live and if they feel the only way, they can do that is escaping by this time. But how are they going to be able to get passed the guards? I step out of my hiding place, and they freeze in their actions. His wife, whose name I've learn't is Lauretta, falls to her knees and I shake my head, signaling her not to, " No, I'm not here to announce you're leaving, I'm glad you all are, but how are you getting passed the security?" 

The Gardener, Mr. Parker looks at his wife for a while before looking at me, " they're asleep." 

My eyes bulges in size at his confession. They're asleep? They drugged the guards? Oh right! Explains why I didn't see any sign of the guards around when I stepped out earlier. "You drugged the guards?"

He nods, remorsefully and looks at the entrance and turn around and look too, then, before I'll realize, I've been shoved onto the ground, so hard, it takes me second to realize and for my body to light from the darkness. A hand wraps tightly around my throat, closing all the air paths, "You'll not be the reason we can't escape," Mr. Parker whisper yells and I shake my head and try to yank him off, but his wife has my arms held tightly over my head, and my legs locked between Mr. Parkers. 

"Please," I manage through my strained voice, "Please, I'll not tell on you, I just need a lift." I say out of breath. 

He looks at his wife for a second, but his son's voice breaks in, "Let's go papa." he says, sounding frightened.

He looks down at me and says, "Fine." 

I'm shocked now. Fine? No questions? just like that? But what the hell was I thinking when he asked no questions? A sack is pulled over my head and my arms and legs tied in place. Damnit, now I'm going to die without getting to Frayser Street. Also, I didn't even ask which direction or where they were going. I'm Lifted by both of them and thrown into the truck of their pickup. Yes, damaged goods. "Wait!" I whisper yell when I feel them walk away. When I feel they've stopped because they're no movements, I ask, "Where are y'all going to?"

There's a hesitation, then a response, "We're going up North." 

Just that, up north? Oh, for goodness's sake! Frayser is nowhere near north, Frayser is only six hours away from here. six hours. Clearly, I didn't think this through before leaving my hiding place. I doubt it's not past two in the morning. The engine revs to life and the car begins to move. Heavens I'm doing this? How do I get back here without getting into trouble? I should have at least told Amy something before leaving. No. How do I explain Rosanna and my past life to her without her freaking out? This is just how it's supposed to be, but I don't want her to pay for the consequences when it's morning and the Patrick's and I are nowhere to be found. 

You dumb girl, feigning bravery! 

I can't even disagree with my inner thoughts, I'm totally dumb. I didn't even think this through, I'm so selfish I didn't even think about the one person who has my back in this house and will jump in the way of punishment for me. Ugh Sasha! The electric gate opens and the car speeds through. We've left. It feels surreal and so stupid. The guards were drugged for this plan to be pulled off, I can't even tell how, but since Amy and I are the ones responsible for the meals for the house, we'll be held responsible. My heart races in my chest and tears well in my eyes. I've left Amy in shit. 

The drive continues and I lay there, guilt silently eating me away, I'm trying to look at the good in this; we'll get the money, and we can escape. I'll get the house before I come back for her, I'll do that today, I know some nice houses around Frayser we can manage. Even if it's not the one I want in Penny's state. I sigh, I'm sorry Amy, but it's for us, all for us. I'm sure we've driven for about an hour already. The car negotiates a sharp curve, rolling me over to the other side of the truck, alongside the luggage. Then the car comes to an abrupt stop. What's happening? The door opens and closes. seconds later, I'm held by the collar of my shirt and pull up into a sitting position and the sack pulled over my head, roughly. The night sky is slowly clearing and being replaced by the morning skies. 

As he unties the rope, he says, " This is how far we can bring you, you'll not tell on us, please. We're doing this for our son, he needs a better future than what we have." Mr. Parker says sadly. I look behind me through the glasses and realize the wife and the son are asleep. My wrists stings, I consider them and realize they're red and sore.

It's a good price for this.

I look back at him and nod, assuring him, "Your secret is safe with me, I hope mine too is." 

He nods, "Yours is."

He helps me out of the bed of the car and starts to walk away but I stop him, " I need a few bucks, please." 

He looks at me for a second, opens his mouth to say something but he shuts it then reaches into his pocket and gives me a fifty. I take it, thank him and watch him as he drives away with his family into their future. I walk down the lonely road for several minutes without seeing buses or cars showing up and no signs of the exact place I'm at. My dumb ass didn't even ask him. My white maid shirt and trousers are dirty from how he and his wife tackled me earlier and from lying in the back of the truck. I smoothen my hair and continue with my walk. 

At this point, I think I've walked for about an hour and still no sign of where I am. sweat trickles down my forehead. I pull my hair into a messy bun and continue, till it's clearly almost morning and cars begin to pass by. I begin to fear I might get caught by someone I know. I turn around and spot a bus coming up. I signal it to stop, and it does, but it's not going to Frayser, it will stop at Oaks. He said Oaks is an hour away and that's just five bucks.

I check the digital clock and it's twenty minutes to six o'clock am in the morning. I relax in my seat and wait till we get to my destination. As soon we get there, I hop onto a Frayser Bus and wait. My second bus arrives at my destination, and I can't shake of the nerves trying to shake me and make me feel weird and all nervous. 

Nothing has changed. The busy bus station, and its walls adorned with so many posters, people going about their daily activities, cars stop on the road for traffic and shops open for business as usual. It's as if I never left. I spot a familiar poster. A plain faced, full lipped red head. Adina. I walk closer and stare, trying my best to look like I'm just another concerned person, trying to paint her face in my mind so I could call, just in case. But I'm not just any person, I'm her. Was her. This isn't plain faced, calm Adina, this is Sasha, hot blood Sasha. This woman won't let go, Adina would've. I check the details and it's almost like I'm reciting the numbers as I see them. Rosanna. My Rosanna, she's the only one who cared, always cared. 

Pain slashes through my chest and tears sting my eyes, but I don't let it fall. I don't deserve the women in my past and present life. Not at all. 

Move, Sasha, no time for spilling emotions.

I nod and turn to move and realize how men keep staring at me suggestively. I shoot them a glare each time they look into my eyes. This is tiring. I just my appearance just to make sure my shirt buttons are fully closed and my trousers' zip to make sure it's closed, just for good measure asides the dirt on my uniform, I'm good. Probably that's what they're looking at. I continue my walk to my old apartment with hopes that, she's not around.

" Nuh, we're not doing this again officer!" 

I hear a familiar voice across the busy street yell. I don't need to look to know who, it's always going to be her, the sassy I know my right woman, Rosanna. I look, and it's her, my beautiful best friend and a police officer, standing in front of her uber. 

Sorry for the late update, schedules mess up sometimes...enjoy!

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