
About her

Krexa, She is just an ordinary teenage girl who overthinks. She believes that overthinking is just a natural thing until she got to know that it wasn't from her little brother.

Likewise, Every single day she used to create a fantasy inside her head and imagine it being real, Saying that it's very different from overthinking.

Being a 17 years, She had a very simple yet delicate life. Being delicate was the outcome of her overthinking nature.

She was a quite, introvert girl around people but totally different person when she was by herself.

We know that everyone is their hero in life Everyone sees themselves as a lead role, So did Kresa.

Her fantasy was everything for her.Not only that gave her the happiness it also gave her the strength to move further in her delusional life.

It's my first time writing. I'm not that perfect in maintaining sequences.Just a simple fantasy of mine which I wanted to spill right here.Hope you'll enjoy :)

Kre_Sacreators' thoughts