
Delusional Idol Lovers

Stella, an 18 years old girl suffers from delusion for her idol. The question is, was her love story with the idol, was really just a delusion, or there is much more to the story? Music, idol, vampire how are all these interconnected to the famous guy Jake?

dazstar7 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Where am I and who are you?

"Umm..ms. you are on my way, can you move please? And... also are you the new assistant for us?", says someone. Stella looks above slowly. When she went to sleep the last time ...she clearly remembers that it was her own room and she was sleeping inside the room...but what is going on now...wait...WHO is in her room??? Stella shouts as she freaks out so much. She closes her eyes and squeezes her eyes because she is too afraid to look . " A-are ya a thief, b-bro ya know I am p-poor...you won't get anything from me. Hahaha....", laughs Stella awkwardly and nervously thinking some kind of robber came to her room. The unknown person says, "ms.mam are you sane? I should be asking you instead, what are you doing in my room???" The voice sounds familiar, so she slowly looks up. "AHHHHHHHHHH....wth(Stella screams) Why do u look like the 15 years old Jake? As far as I know...you are 26 now..what is..", saying all this Stella bites her nails. Jake quickly changes his angry face and smiles a bit. "Ohhhhh...I see...so you are a stalker huh? You don't really look harmful to me. But what are you whispering to yourself. Never seen a pretty boi like me? " 

Stella smiles awkwardly and says to herself, "What kinda dream is this now .... seriously? I am 18...why do I have to dream of 15 years old Jake , seriously Stella??...But at least this is a dream...if it was really a thief I would be done for. Anyways..so this is probably a lucid dream, so I can do whatever I want. We know that we can control a lucid dream", thinks Stella to herself. Jake looks at her wondering what is going on. She doesn't look like she is a stalker. Jake thinks to himself, "Did this girl lost her way or something...maybe I should help her.. she looks like she is 13" "Ahm..kiddo..did u lost your way or...I mean I can help you if you...you don't really look like a stalker..so" , says Jake awkwardly. " Dude....who are ya calling a kiddo?! In this dream I am 18 and u are the kiddo. You look like the time when you were 15, I saw in google , you had this hair u baka (means idiot in japanese)", says Stella giving an annoyed tch look to him. "Ok big oldie sissy ...but wait..what google? I am already in google?!..but we didn't even go official about  our debu-", before Jake could finish his line, he feels something in his lips. Stella had alreADY put her lips on his lips. "LISTEN JAKE, I know that this is my dream okay??? I can at least take advantage of you in my dream. What I can't do in real, I can do it here. But even if this is a dream, I still want to say sorry hahaha", says Stella and tears comes down from her eyes. Though she wasn't drunk but she behaved like a drunk person. " You knowww because of you, I can't even look at someone else. Why do u keep doing this huhhhhh, I-I know that it's not your fault and everything is my imagination but why do u have to come LIVE and then flirt with every fan of yours. You are such a-", saying this Stella faints. Little did she know that all of this wasn't a dream...and she actually travelled back in time during her sleep. She was at their actual training base. Meanwhile, poor Jake tries to process everything that just happened. Firstly, his first kiss was with this strange girl coming out of absolutely NOWHERE and secondly, he doesn't even know what is going on. What LIVE? . Jake just stands there blankly. "M-ms. y-you what are you t-talk-" , Jake tries to say something but he just awkwardly stands there. What did Stella just do?? She thought this was a dream, but she didn't even know that she actually travelled back in time. 

Soon after that, Timothy Tom, another member of  the newly formed BLOOMS came to Jake's room in their training base.He and Jake is not only close but also like brothers. He is a two years older than Jake. " Hey lil kiddo, let's go we are going for breakf-", before he could say anything,he saw Jake standing at a corner of his own room with a blank expression and an unknown girl is beside him fainted. "Who is she...", asks Tom. Without hearing any reply from Jake, just as Tom was about to  ask him further, "Hyung...(brother in korean) y-you know this girl just k-ki, I-I mean she is saying crazy things...she came out of nowhere and" , saying that... blank minded Jake blushes. " Uhh...okay...why are you blushing? ", says Tom . "Broooo, j-just call our manager, I am going with you. I think she lost her memory or something, we should send her to the hospital", says Jake awkwardly after explaining the situation to Tom, without the kiss part. "Wow...okay let's go", saying that Tom and Jake goes to call the manager. But when they comes back... Stella is no longer there. Meanwhile, Stella wakes up in her present world. Thinking that it was a dream she stretches her body and says, "Wow...the dream felt so real. This is my first time having a lucid dream", thinks Stella. Little did she know what was actually going on. Little did she know... that even if it was for a moment... she actually travelled back time.

Stella's college is closed now. The exam is done. But in her wishlists...a wish has been recently added. Before she thought of only becoming a world famous singer, but these days she is quite interested in studying and gaming. So, she is preparing for her study schedule. While studying she still thinks of Jake and everything. She heard from google that he is going to release another album soon. Meanwhile, she studies...she wants to get into a Chinese University. Why? Because she had seen some chinese dramas and the friendship in those youth dramas looked so wholesome to her. Before her plan was just to audition for kpop and become a trainee. But now, she wants to first get admitted to the chinese university ...because she doesn't wanna miss her campus youth life. In her country....there are less chances of having a wholesome friend group. It just doesn't look wholesome to her. Yes, she has friends at her college but it doesn't feel very deep. Her heart believes that she will get something in foreign universities like China. They are more open minded then her own country people. She doesn't hate her country... infact she just wants her country people to become more open minded. All in all, she just thinks that she doesn't resonate with the place that she lives currently. The fire in her can be brought with the change of the environment.

Days passes. Soon, she finishes her academic syllabus and now is the time for the final exam. After college she can get admitted to a university. In her country, college means 12th grade. She is happy that finally she can give the exam and apply for a Chinese university in Physics. 

One of her big day comes. She finally gives her exam and this girl passed with a GPA-5 and also gets a scholarship. Now it is very easy for to get into a Chinese university with full free scholarship yayyyy. So her new life starts from here...and as for her connection with Jake, she just had the 'let it be' and go on with her life. She knew that she had to focus on her life now. So, this girl gives an entrance admission exam in one of the wholesome looking Chinese University. What will her result be???

What is Jake's first impression on Stella? What do you guys think?


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