
Disposal I

It was when I started cutting the bitch's head my panic became much worse. We were driving at a normal pace to be less suspicious although if we were stopped by a patrol bot we would be dead. Our van was rocking left to right cause of the other body parts I've cut.

"You were supposed to shoot her at the head, not her whole entire body!" said Scrap, my (supposed to be) delivery supporter bot. Shit, I forget to say that she has tons of bullet holes made by yours truly although at the time I haven't gotten used to killing people so I was a bit messy and brutal at times.

"Well, I'm sorry okay!" I said in a panicked voice. "It's my first time doing this and it's not like I'm skilled at anything."

"The important thing now is that you finish cutting up Miss Catherine . . . ." oh yeah that was the bitch's name. ". . . . put her in the trash bags and drop her off in the disposal site." that was the job we've been given but of course since it was my first we had a few mishaps and mistakes. I say 'we' but it is more like 'I'. Why you might ask? Just continue reading then.

The mission was carried out during the night so it was dark out but cameras and patrol cars still run around the city. Every car has a human cop and a patrol bot but the ones who usually do the work are the petrol bot cause the cops usually slack off. This is one of the reasons why cops were the most wanted job since the Relocation cause they could just be lazy and get paid for patrol the city of their jurisdiction while watching anime or some shit.

Each city forbids its civilians to get out because of the Eremos virus. The buildings are built as Jenga blocks and positioned like a domino effect just waiting to happen. Since no one is allowed (with the exception of some workers of certain occupations) out of their homes it is always quiet but that night it was unusually eerie and something terrible will happen soon.


Half an hour later I already cut up 'Miss Catherine' into pieces like a Lego figure with her arms and legs apart and her head decapitated. All of it was split into two trash bags. My clothes were splattered with blood and I just sat there at the back of the van with the bloody trash bags beside me.

"You okay back there?" Scrap asked.

"I just cut a person into pieces and I have blood everywhere in my body so no I'm not fucking okay!" I rambled. "I also need a week to get over this."

"Only a week? Some people need more than a month"

All of a sudden we heard a police siren.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck! OH FUCK!" My heart began beating faster and louder than before, I thought I had a heart attack. "What the fuck are we gonna do now?"

Scrap only said, "Shut up and let me handle it." To which I stayed silent and put the trash bags at the back-right corner of the van so it'll be harder to spot but the problem left is the blood everywhere and the smell. Scrap pulled over at the side of the road and I heard the patrol bot or the cop, I wasn't sure which one it was approaching our delivery van. When he/it was at the window I saw he was a cop from the back-left corner of the van (I know it's a stupid place to be but what can I do, I was under a lot of pressure and fear. Both of these feelings can make a man do stupid shit.) and tried to observe what is happening.

"Now what are you doing making deliveries at this time of night," asked the cop. We are fucked I thought repeatedly in my head.

"My partner and I were doing our business." Scrap answered.

"And what business is that?"

Scrap handed a card or so it seemed to the cop and said in a calm but kind of threatening voice " The non-of-yours type." The cop was shocked and Immediately gave the card back.

"You may go" He sounded like he need to go somewhere quickly. He actually walks away just like that. I was confused and relieved at the same time. Scrap reversed the car until what felt like a huge bump but there was also a scream. It was the cop.