
In another world

After checking on Hajime and the other I kept looking around and that's when I saw the priest looking people with one who stood out from the rest. Something about him immediately gave a weird vibe, but I wasn't sure what it was yet.

Soon the man began to speak I couldn't help but be in awe at how this was all really playing out like one of Hajime's stories.

We were quickly surrounded by maids who placed mounds upon mounds of food on the tables we sat at. I didn't think it likely that the food would be poisonous, but I still refrained from eating it. Just making it seem like I was as to not arouse suspicion.

We were currently in a world called Tortus that had humans, demons and Demi-humans. There was magic, and monsters as well the reason we were summoned was to defeat the demons. This was all becoming a lot, but I just stayed quiet and observed as much as I could. God's and demons, magic and monsters…. What the fuck was going on.

Soon our teacher Aiko or Ai-Chan as some students called her began demanding they send us back and how they could send children to fight a war. Truthfully we were all around 17, even in our world we were almost old enough for the military and some countries already had kids that age enlisted. Not too mention child soldiers.

"And we've all gained some amazing powers, right? Ever since I arrived here, it's somehow like I've grown way stronger." Kouki said and I realized that he was right, my body felt different too. My movement felt smoother and my body seemed to react faster to my thoughts. Had we really gained power just from being summoned here?

Soon the Kouki and the Shirasaki brigade vowed to fight and one by one more students began agreeing as well. Something was wrong here. I know Kouki is charismatic and people like him, but do these dumbasses realize what they're agreeing too? Life or death battle against demons and monsters and they're just ready to risk their lives? Only a few have ever done any real fight and only I had ever almost died while doing so. Or killed someone for that matter.

We were led down from the Holy church to the royal palace where we met the royal family, was treated to even more food and shown our rooms. The next day is when things started to pick up.

"You'll see that one side of the plate has a magic circle inscribed on it. Use the needles I passed out to prick your finger and drip some blood onto the circle. That will identify you as the owner of the plate. Then, if you say 'Open Status,' you'll see your current stats displayed on the plate. Oh, and don't bother asking me how it works. I've got no clue. These things are artifacts left over from ancient times."

I quickly followed what Meld said and swiped some blood on my slate. The slate flashed yellow and then white, following that up with open status and I was met by a list of stats.

Sato Koji Age: 17 Male Level: 1

Job: Delinquent Swordmaster






Magic Defense:90

Skills: Elemental affinity: Light and Thunder —Elemental resistance—Master Swordman—Elemental Sword—Superhuman speed—Foresight—Increased mana recovery—Detect presence—detect mana— Accelerated growth—mana manipulation—language comprehension

I wasn't sure how these stats stacked up in this world, but skills themselves made me feel like I had gotten really lucky. Though what kind of class was "Delinquent Swordmaster"?

"Next... well, your stats are simply what they say they are. The average for most stats at level 1 is around 10. But you're all heroes, so you surely have far higher stats than that! Man I'm so jealous of you guys! Oh yes, don't forget to report your stats to me. I'll need to know them to decide how to best train you guys." I heard Meld say and that really drove home how absurd these stats were.

Looking over to Hajime I could see him frowning in confusion so I peaked over at his plate and slapped a hand over my face before I could stop myself. Even being brought to another world and he still managed to be average. Though maybe synergist is a rare job?

Before I could think on it anymore Kouki presented his Status Plate. Of course he got the class of Hero and had 100 in all the stats. I didn't particularly pay attention to his skills, but Limit break caught my attention.

Distracted by my thoughts I didn't get the chance to prevent Hajime from letting others see his plate.

"Umm, well, you see... A Synergist is basically a blacksmith of sorts. It might come in handy if you plan on opening a smithy, but otherwise..."

I cringed as I heard Meld's words and looked at Hajime with sympathy. Only turning to glare at the snickers and jeers from some of our classmates. This glare prevented them from saying anything out loud, but I could tell what their whispers were about.

Damn was this going to be annoying.

2 weeks later after continuous training I was doing some end of the day training while Hajime read from a book called Monsters of the Northern Continent. Did that mean there were more continents? I hadn't particularly studied much since coming here, thinking that if we were going to be fighting people and things that have live like this their whole live, I better try to catch up.

Thanks to my skill Accelerated Growth I was the highest level in the class, surpassing Kouki by 4. Me at 14 and him at 10. Hajime sadly was only at level 2. No matter how much I trained with him it was like his body couldn't remember the motions. That was why he was reading, he figured if he couldn't be a strong fighter he would at least find someway to be invaluable.

"Alright Hajime, group training is going to start soon. Might wanna hide your books so Kouki doesn't mistake you for not trying to get stronger again." Hajime sighed at my words with a nod, stuffing the book into a bag he carried. Standing up he shouldered the bag and we made the short trek to the group training grounds.

At the end of the training Meld held everyone back to give some news.

"Tomorrow, as part of your practical training, we will be going on an expedition to the Great Orcus Labyrinth. I'll prepare all the necessary equipment you guys will need, but don't think this is going to be anything like the monster hunts you've been going on outside the capital! You guys better prepare yourselves! Get as much rest as possible tonight so you're ready! That's all, dismissed!"

'Now we were getting somewhere.' I couldn't help but think as I grinned widely. I was beginning to get bored of the small hunts we went on outside the capital and the continuous group trainings.

Two Days Later /// Town of Horaud

We had arrived in Horaud yesterday, but Meld had wanted us to go in at the very beginning of the day. Today was that day with the class getting ready to enter the labyrinth along with Meld and a few knights. We were only going to go to around floor 20 which I figured was probably for the best, but I couldn't help but be a little annoyed at not being able to go further.

First squad up was Kouki's team. I had been offered a spot on the "strongest" squad, but I stuck with Hajime. There was no way I could listen to Kouki or deal with Ryutarou muscle brain. I somewhat felt bad for Shirasaki and Shizuku.

The first monsters we faced were the ratmen, that we were warned are fast. Honestly they didn't feel that fast to me, but I was the highest level and definitely the fastest in the group. The next closest being Shizuku and Kousuke Endou, who had such a low presence that sometimes I forgot about him.

That is until we came to this world and I gained my current skills, now unless he purposely tries to erase his presence, I can sense him clear as day.

Truthfully the ratmen posed little threat even our weaker member easily taking them out once they got over the gross factor. Just one slash or stab with my double edged long sword was enough.

My sword wasn't anything special compared to Kouki's it just had affinity for wind spells Rand allowed me to send my wind mana through the sword easier.

This 3 and a half foot sword came with a handle long enough for me to grip in both hands for more accurate and powerful strikes, but I typically wielded it with one hand to free up my other hand to fire off spells or slip out the dagger that I kept on my belt.

I preferred this style as I could do more as well, such as right now. One of the ratmen lashed out with its claws while I was slashing another, bisecting it shoulder to waist. Mine and Hajime's strategy was simple.

He stays nearby and transmutes the ground of the monsters that get to close too quick. I probably didn't need it as much as our other classmates, but everyone else saw him as a burden and didn't trust him to watch their back.

Anyways, the rat man misstepped when the ground suddenly shifted. I used my free hand to grab its arm at the wrist and flipped it over me in a single fluid motion.

"Damn I love these stats." I couldn't help but chuckle out loud, though only Hajime likely heard me.

As soon as the rat man hit ground I stabbed my sword through its skull, killing the final one. We gathered up the mana crystals and continued like this to the 20th floor.

That's where everything changed. One second dumbass Hiyama was disobeying Meld's orders and the next we were encompassed by a magic circle and blinding light. Once it was over, most fell to the ground. Only Meld, the knights, myself and a couple quick thinkers managed to keep standing.

"Guess I should be careful what I wish for." I said dryly as I lifted Hajime up off the ground while staring across the huge bridge that stretched out on either side of us.

Each of those sides lit up with magic circles. The one side that had a staircase leading up was soon blocked by a horde of skeletons wielding swords, Traum Soldiers. The other side however was much worse.

The monster coming from the portal was alone, but it was massive. Red eyes peered out of triceratops looking beast, flames spouting out of the horns on its head.

"Oh my god… It's… a Behemoth…"