
Delinquent Story Inside The Dimensional Group Chat.

Shin is well known as the strongest delinquent. But it’s just one of his titles. He is also one of the Geniuses from the Zennin family. In addition, shin is known as one of the strongest magicians in the underworld and more. But, one day. His phone vibrated; he took a glance and saw a short message. [Do you want to join the Dimensional Chat Group? Y/N.] A statement that cannot be closed left him with Yes or No. His choice? Of course, it’s a Yes. But, he didn’t know that there were many dangerous adventures, new friends, or even a love behind the Yes button. I don't own any character in this story except my mc cuz it's an OC. Cover from an illustrator in Instagram @amoeba.uwu

JustNotFancy · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

4. Impel Down

A fragment of light started gathering and making a figure of five people. "Ow, my head feels sick…." A feminist voice comes out from the black-haired girl with her glasses. "I didn't think my head would feel this hurt." A yellow-haired boy seemed to have a slight ache.

And it's Meliodas. He quickly makes the headache go with some trick. Meliodas, Fubuki, and Shin already expected this thing, so they prepared for it. But it's not like Konata and Hina expected this.

Konata frowned because of this, and her face looked terrible. Shin sighed before taking out a bracelet and wearing it for two of them. "I already expected this. Spiritual Energy fulfills that bracelet, and it should make you feel a bit better.

However, Meliodas and Fubuki seemed surprised by the energy inside the bracelet. "Don't be surprised. It's my energy." Shin said while stretching his body. Meliodas just smiled and decided not to talk about it. "So, where are we?" He said.

Around them, there's just a brick wall. "Inside the prison, maybe?" Fubuki said. "Looks like that's true." Shin continued after looking at the surrounding. "I came back to earth," Hina said as she slowly stood up. Followed by Konata but, her condition is still a bit worrying.

"So, where are we going now?" Fubuki wanted to ask Hina since she is the only one counted. Hina also wants to say that she didn't know but stopped after seeing a boy running around with yellow sleeveless clothes and his straw hat. Behind him, there's a bunch of people following him.

"Ah! Follow them!" Hina pointed at the straw hat boy. "We going to make it if we follow him. Right? Konata." Hina said as she looked at Konata, who carried on Shin's back. Konata is just giving a thumbs up for her.

We all nodded at Hina's suggestion since there was nothing much they could do. After getting closer, people start recognizing us, especially Shin carrying Konata while talking casually with the straw hat boy. The member of the group chat can think how brave he is.

"So, you guys are going to floor 6?" Shin asked. They have been talking for a few moments, and they have gotten used to him. "Yeah! Anyway, I am Luffy! Thank you for joining us!" He said. "I am Shin and no problem. We also need to meet him." Shin said.

"Why did you need to meet him?" The guy or girl beside me asked me. He has curly purple hair with exaggerated make-up and clothes. "This girl behind me wanted to meet him." Hearing Shin's word, Konata's body twitched. She finally woke up from her daze.

"Where are we?" She said. "Nearly to 6th floor," Shin said. Konata also realized that Shin had carried him for this long time. "Ah… sorry for troubling you." She said in a lower voice.

"Don't worry about it. It's also unexpected your head will ache this much." Shin said, and that's made Konata relieved. Shin smiled at her before going back to his usual expressions. It might be the most many 'No Problem' he already said for a moment in his life.

They chatted for a few moments, and they ended the conversation since they had gotten close to the 6th floor. At that moment, Ivankov, with their crew, gets into the 6th floor. And Luffy quickly searched for Ace. At first, they were confused since Ace had been gone.

"Ace has been taken away to Marineford for his executions." A Fishman with a vast body said that. "You must be hurry if you want to save him." He said with a severe tone. During the commotion, someone called us to set him free. He also said he would be helpful to them.

And it's Crocodile. At first, Luffy wanted to disagree with Crocodile's statement. But, Ivankov stopped him and suggested Luffy set Crocodile free if he does something, Ivankov will threaten him with his secret. Thus, Luffy trusted Ivankov and set Crocodile free.

They started thinking about the plan to go out from Impel Down. And while they are discussing, Shin and the group chat member also discuss something. They discussed the war between Pirates and the Marine.

It would be dangerous for Hina and Konata. Even though they learned about energy, they were just new to it. And this world is very dangerous, especially since there's a war in marineford. And Shin already had a solution for it since Shin promised to protect them.

Hina and Konata were very surprised since they thought it was just a joke. "Don't be surprised. It's a must for a boy like me to help a beauty like you guys." Shin said with a lovely tone. And it's enough to make their's cheeks red.

Fubuki shooked her head helplessly since this guy was searching for a chance in a situation like this. "So, what are you going to do?" Meliodas asked. Shin took out a pouch of marble, and it's making them confused. 'Marble?' They thought.

Shin looked at their expressions, and it could tell what are they thinking. "This is not a normal marble. If you insert a little energy into this marble, the marble will form an explosion in the direction you throw. And the bracelet you used is filled with my energy." Shin said.

"And it's also the reason why you didn't get exhausted after a long run," Shin said while looking at Hina. "That bracelet is very flexible, huh? Can I get some?" Meliodas said.

"Sure, I don't mind, though. I will send it later through the group chat when we are going back." Shin said, followed by Meliodas's thanks. After a few moments of discussing things, Luffy and the other called us to leave the Impel Down together. Which is all of us agreed to join him.


On the way to floor 1, so many events happened. Such as Magellan and the other guard coming to a stop us. "What are we gonna do?" Mr. 3 asked. People were panicking, and some people decided to fight him.

Shin defeated many guards with his bare hand alone in the front line. He couldn't help it since this is the best situation for a fighting maniac like him. "Why there's a cutie right here?" A girl with curly brown hair can stand right in front of Shin.

"Did you need a mirror? Why did a cutie like you in this place?" Shin said with a plain tone and deadpan expression. "It's Sadi-chan~" She quickly attacked Shin with her whip. "Didn't people tell you not to use a whip on a battlefield?" Shin said as he grabbed the whip and closer the distance between them.

Sadi seemed surprised by Shin's action, but she quickly let go of her whip. Unfortunately, all of it was part of Shin's plan. "It's a false move to use a weapon in front of me." Shin punched Sadi right in her stomach. Shin held Sadi's hand to prevent her from getting knocked back.

Shin continued to punch her stomach repeatedly before giving her a hook kick for the finishing blow. "Learn how to use your strength properly," Shin said before going back to defeat more guards. It's not like Shin didn't show mercy to a girl. But, even a woman in this world is dangerous.

Meanwhile, Meliodas defeated some vast beast since he felt they were unique. Fubuki also helped by protecting Hina and Konata while teaching them to control the energy from Shin's bracelet. And all of that stopped since Magellan started to rage. Shin cannot ignore Magellan since this guy looks very dangerous.

Shin asked about Magellan's ability to Konata and Hina. Shin knows that Magellan has a deadly poison but, he wants to know if there's something like weakness or something like that. Hina and Konata happily gave a short lecture about Magellan's ability.

Shin smirked since he knew that he could stop Magellan with his power. "I will confidently say that I can stop him. You guys can go first." Shin said as he walked closer to Magellan. Many people thought he would sacrifice himself to stop Magellan, but that thought stopped when they sensed an incredible aura coming out from Shin. They finally go up except the Group Chat member.

"So, what is your plan?" Fubuki asked. She was already prepared if she needed to fight and so the other. Well, Konata's and Hina's expressions said the other side. "I am going to 'Stop' him. Just see." Shin's smirk goes wider, but he quickly closes it with his hand. After waiting for a moment, Magellan finally showed up, but he was surprised since just a few people stopped him. Magellan didn't even know who are they. He can assume they are someone brave enough to wait for him.

But, Magellan didn't care about it and quickly attacked them with his Poisonous Hydra. He thought it was a waste for someone young like them to die, but he could not tolerate that, especially since they are members of the Straw Hat alliance.

Just before the Hydra reached Shin and the other, Shin raised his hand. "Absolute Stop." *ZIING* Everything in front of him was stopped. With this sight, Shin smiled happily. This technique is called 'Absolute Stop.' Unlike 'Stop,' it cannot stop things like water, fuel, or something in liquid form.

Magellan, who cannot move his body, felt surprised and didn't expect this. He thought, what power was that. Are devil fruit even able to do that!? Shin didn't want to take a risk to punch Magellan since his body was full of Poison Liquid.

"Now, how should I attack him?" Shin said while looking at the other. Fubuki just smiled since she had been waiting for this moment. "Let me do it." Fubuki stood beside Shin and raised her hand in Magellan's direction.

Fubuki closed her eyes, and a blue and light aura started covering her. After a few seconds of focusing, Fubuki opened her eyes, and at that moment, Magellan knocked back to the 5th floor, creating a big hole in the ground. Fubuki didn't stop there. She also stacked his body with a stone around her.

Looking at the result of her power, Fubuki felt satisfied but, she knew this wasn't enough to surpass her sister. "Let's go," Fubuki said while walking upstairs. "Damn, that's a power there!" Meliodas is looking at the result of Fubuki's action, and it's fantastic. Even though it's not enough to defeat Magellan, it's should enough to hold him back.

Meanwhile, Konata and Hina are fangirling. "Did you see!? She said, 'Let's go,' and she walked like a boss!" Konata said while copying Fubuki's posture. "Yea, Yea, Yea!" Hina said. There's a star in their eyes, and it shows how bad they loved it.

"I will go first." Shin shook his head while looking at their act. Well, he must admit it's a good technique. If she joined the Jujutsu Organisation, she might be a good sorcerer out there.


Shin was looking for Luffy and his friends, but he could not find them. Before going too far, Hina stopped him by holding his collar. "Don't you remember? We need to save the almighty Bon Clay!" Hina said, followed by Konata's nod.

Shin bluffed for a moment and quickly remembered that they suggested saving Bon Clay in the group chat. "Well, what are we going to do?" Shin said. Hina finally let out Shin's collar. "Well, I just thought someone could defeat the guards and open the gate?" Hina said with unreliable expressions.

Shin sighs since this girl doesn't even plan to make her plan come true. And Shin decided to think by himself. It might be easier if he defeats the guards alone. But, he will do something for sure but, he cannot waste more time. The moment the other walk into Ship, Bon Clay will start his plan. So, he better move quickly.

After a second of thinking, Shin finally decided something. "You guys can go first. All of you should save as much energy as you can." Shin quickly runs into the control room while searching for Bon Clay. He used one of his techniques to find him.

"Supernatural Sense," Shin mumbled. The white part of his eyes becomes darker and darker, and his iris becomes yellow. The same thing goes for his pupil. In this mode, Shin can see everything in this world more detailed with black and white color. He also can see a living creature's weak point with his eyes.

After looking around for a few minutes, he can find two exact figures simultaneously. It's Magellan. One of them was standing in the control room, and one of them had just woke up from the ruins created by Fubuki.

"So, it's where he located, huh?" Shin grabbed his Bo-Staff that had been in his 'Pocket.' Yep, Pocket. His Staff was not regular Staff. It's a replica of Ruyi Jingu Bang, the Staff that once has been used by the King of Monkey, Sun Wukong. Even though it's a replica, it cost him 1.700.000 Yen since this staff's quality is outstanding.

It can be smaller and bigger, just like the original. Shin returned the staff to the normal size and quickly ran into the control room.


Bon Clay was very nervous in the control room, but he should hide it from his face because he had a critical mission. And it's to open the gate from the control panel. He knew that he might be died because of it, but he was already prepared for the consequence. Luffy and the other already get into the ship; it just needs a few moments left for him to open the gates.

The ship almost reached the door, and he quickly opened the gate. He would be happy if Luffy succeeded in saving his brother. Just a few seconds after he opened the gate, an explosion happened. *BOOM* He could see a black-haired boy with his small body walk in. It was someone he had met before.

"What are you doing here!?" Bon Clay screamed and opened his disguises and was surprised by Shin's appearance.

Shin didn't hear Bon Clay's word since it was very noisy. "What are you going to do standing right there? Follow me, quick!" Shin called Bon Clay, and he finally woke up from his daze. Shin couldn't waste his time anymore since the ship was almost gone. Shin aimed his staff in the direction where the gate was located. But Shin aimed a bit higher since it would be bad if he destroyed the gate or made a giant shockwave.

"Get Bigger Bang!" *BOOM* *BOOM* Another extensive explosion happened this time. Everyone in prison was surprised by this sight, including the people on the ship. A staff that has a bigger size than Impel Down. They cannot believe this sight!

Meanwhile, Shin grabbed Bon Clay's clothes and quickly ran at his full speed above the staff. It's just a matter of time the staff hit the ground. Shin regretted not aiming higher since it was very close to the ground. Shin found a way, but he is unsure if he can do this.

Shin stopped and touched his staff. "LOCK!" *DRRRRR*he would quickly make the staff smaller if this way didn't succeed but, it's out from his expectation. The staff slowly stopped moving, but Shin felt his energy drained too much. It must be because of the weight of the staff.

Shin didn't want to waste his time and quickly ran into the ship before making the Staff smaller. *ZIP* the staff turned small in an instant. And two silhouettes can be seen falling from the sky. Before reaching the ground, many people caught them and screamed in happiness.

"YEAAAH!!!" Many people are cheering over them. They might be the most important reason they can get out of this prison. "IT'S A NICE ACTION FROM YOU TWO!" People started cheering around, dancing, singing, screaming. Whether they are enemies or friends, they embrace each other for their freedom.