
Delinquent Life

Just a bad kid, gets thrown to another world, and becomes a menace to society, shows why he belongs at the round table of black force activity. Nah but there will be a lot of fighting. There will be sad moments and other plot driven things. Mc is strong, but the guy is still human, I mean he is going to clap people up. If you don’t like oc helping Mc get shit done. Then don’t read and if you don’t like oc who has a “Disability”, then I wouldn’t read. Mc is a bad ass and somethings might come out dumb but I’m trying to write a story I wouldn’t mind reading. Tags: 2girls Max - romance - action - uncaring Mc - ruthless Mc - fighting - BFA Enjoy, I own nothing but my oc, everything else is canon or some of my Own words I put into it.

BlackMoon2 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 - Eight!

[Mc pov]

Walking into the bathroom, i took the time to look in the mirror. Looking at my curly, soft, afro of sorts hair style. A curl at the front, came down in between my eyes, my nose had a cut across the bridge of it. I put my working arm up to my face, pushing my hair back. Pulling my hand away I stopped, looking at it for a second.

"Me? Crying.. of all things? Not even in my past life. Whatever that was, this body know. *sigh, I'll figure it out in time." I looked at my hand, seeing the wet spots from the tears in my eyes.

"Dealing with the memory fragment power will have to wait for the girls, I don't know who they are, I don't even know how I activate it!! Ah, either way.. I'll have to see what happens, and learn how it works before I mess with time shit." Wiping the tears, and becoming a little angry at the fact. That this 'god' tricked me. I can't be mad, I didn't really pay attention, and the fact that I'm even alive is all that matters.

"This has got to go tho.." I looked at my blonde hair, getting annoyed at the fact, I really can't stand blonde hair. Everyone and there mom has it in this world.

Walking over to the shower, I turned it on taking my time to take off my pants and boxers. Looking at the steam that came off, I turned it down.

'Fuck that, cold is what I need right now. Cool myself off from that shit from earlier.' Feeling the water, it was freezing cold.

Reaching into a drawer, I looked around for a second. Looking for something, until I found a bottle, taking it with me to the shower. I got in, leaning against the wall, sliding down and sitting on the floor. Picking my arm up and pouring the bottle on my hair.

'I need to get into plot, I sent the bunny girl out. I already looked at the date, a week from now. The dumb ass Mc should get beat up. I need to deal with giving him a back bone. No matter how much heart you have, it only does so much in a fight.' Thinking of my next steps, I rubbed my hand through my hair. Watching as the blonde color ran down my face, to my chest, and into the drain.

After a while, closing my eyes and letting the world melt away. I washed off and stood. Getting out of the shower, while drying off, the towel in my hair I stopped looking at the mirror again.

'This is my hair color? But this is.." looking at the deep Burgundy red, that had a shin to it. In my eyes there was a Image of glass breaking, as if my eyes were made glass that was breaking.

[Memory fragment • realization]

My mind was pulled into a different place, I was sitting in a back seat.

'What the hell is going on?! What is..huh?!' I questioned in my mind, I only grew more confused, looking down at my smaller body.

'Don't tell me! Ahh!' While thinking, I looked around at the people around me. Then at my fully working other arm.

"Eight what's wrong? Why do you look like that?" From beside me, a younger renji spoke.

"Renji? Nothing, where the hell are we at?" I said back, looking at the other masked, Nirvana gang members.

"What eight? Nah what's going on it was your little..uhhh!!".

"Uhhh!!" While speaking, I pushed renji over, out of the corner of my eye, i saw a tinted black car, it drove straight into us.

Tires screeched as the suv spun around, the car that had hit us backed up, trying to go for another ram, renji was knocked out.

"If anyone is awake! We need to move now!" I yelled, blood from the cut on my nose, the glass shards in my arm.

"Uhh.. yes boss, huh captain!" A girl said, her head bleeding, looking back at us as I held renji.

"Enough yelling! Grab the other girl and let's go! Uhh!" Jerking as the car hit us again.

Watching the girls head fly back, she was still strong while getting back up, along with another guy as they tried to help me and renji.

"No! Get out of the car now!".


"But boss" they both yelled at me.

"No buts! That's a order! I don't care how you get out! Move and call the other captains.

They moved fast, grabbing the girl, and not so gently throwing her out of the open door in the front driver side. The car outside, struggled to move back, the front smashed in while the others ran to the opposite side of the car. Before they could limp back to us, the car smashed again flipping us over.

"Uhh.. eight? What the hells going, on?" Renji said waking up, his eyes unfocused as he looked at me.

"Don't move renji, I don't know..we are getting rammed.

"Fuck it hurts! These assholes!" Renji said, looking at his leg, it was caught in the seat and broken. Then out to the car who backed up again.

"Stop.." before I could speak, the car rammed harder, sending the suv flipping, making me hit my head.

"Eight.. eight! Eight!" I heard renji, my ears ringing, while my eyes were blurry.

"I'm fine renji.. it's time to move!" Getting angry, I looked at renjis leg that was free, grabbing him.

"You have..".

"Shut up! We're getting out of here renji!" I could hear yelling from my gang, renji talking, but I couldn't at the same time.

'Gotta get him out! I'm going to fucking kill whoever is responsible!' I kept saying over and over in my mind. The car had stopped, I'm guessing they assumed it was over.

Reaching the front glass, I pulled my arm back two times hitting it, it busted as I dragged renji along. Looking and seeing the light of day, I smiled a little.

"Fuck.." I said looking at the car, it was in front of the side we flipped, I was only worried about renji, I didn't realize a mistake.

"Go! Eight! Let go!" Renji yelled, seeing the car fly right at us.

"Like hell I'd leave my little brother! Shut up! And live!" Yelling, adrenaline pumped through my body, yanking at his shirt, throwing him out of the way, my eyes widen a little. The world slowed, my feet moved but I knew, I knew I was to slow, as the lights flashed.

"Eight!!!!" Yelling could be heard.

"It's not your fault, little brother."