
Delinquent in Another World

A delinquent that's not really right in the head transports into another world(a merge of anime worlds) while doing a job. Read as he struggles to live in such a ridiculous world.

parkgun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Yuujirou vs Kenzou

Kenzou started running towards Yuujirou, he jumped high up in the air with his lower body forward.


He kicked Yuujirou, who wasn't defending at all in the side of the head.


Yuujirou was sent flying but he was still landed effortlessly on his feet. He broke through the walls and they were outside, the restaurant they were in was a local one.

The people on the street were startled by the sudden explosion but they saw who was outside looking at the hole he went through.

They started to get away from him and Kenzou walked outside.

"I see you didn't slack on your training, your kicks are heavier than before."

"Thanks for the praise, I guess."

Kenzou didn't want to fight the ogre using unseen attacks since they won't work at all. The ability to attack unseen attacks blind spots with high speed and precision. But that won't work on the Ogre who witnessed the birth to this type of mastery.

Kenzou dashed towards Yuujirou and aimed a kick to his neck.


Yuujirou grabbed Kenzou by the face and smashed him into the ground.

Yuujirou looked at Kenzou with a disappointed face and said. "Did you really think that the same attack would work on me twice."

As soon as he finished speaking he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

He looked down and saw that Kenzou's foot was in his abdomen.

Kenzou had a sick smile on his face, his eyes were their normal green color and he said. "You didn't really think that I would be dumb enough to do that, did you?"

Yuujirou's face went form disappointment to joy. He had a big smile on his face even though Kenzou's leg was still in his stomach.


Kenzou suddenly turned around with high speeds and kicked Yuujirou in the chin with the back of his foot.

Yuujirou was sent flying, he landed on his feet three meters away.

The ogre spat out a little amount of blood and said. "Nice thinking there, you purposely took MY attack in order to land your own attack on me, but was that really the best decision?"

Kenzou was bleeding from his head and he said after forcing the blood out of his nose out. "To land on attack that will make the Hanma Yuujirou bleed I think that this much was worth it."

"Hmph, every time you open your mouth and start the flattery I feel like ripping your head off your shoulders."

Kenzou put his hands up and said. "That's cruel, how can you say that to yo-"


He didn't get to finish because he rushed towards Yuujirou with insane speed and punched him in the face.


The ogre was sent in a nearby car, Kenzou came again in front of him and kicked him in the stomach.

The car was sent flying together with Yuujirou.

When the car landed Yuujirou got up on his feet with little to no injuries.

"You pulled a sneak attack on me, I should punish you for that."

Yuujirou put his hands up and then brought them down flexing all of the muscles on his body.

His shirt ripped away from his body and now you could see his insane muscles and veins.


He came in front of Kenzou and kicked him in the stomach.


He was sent flying at least ten meters, as soon as he fell to the ground Yuujirou kicked him upwards and then punched him in the stomach.

Kenzou fell to the ground coughing out blood.

Yuujirou came over him and as he was about to say something he felt a really sharp pain in his foot.

He looked down and saw Kenzou plunging a knife into his foot.


Yuujirou got mad so he kicked Kenzou and yelled. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD! YOU DARE USE WEAPONS AGAINST ME?"

That's right, before he came to this fight he pocketed some weapons, he always was a person who would prefer using a weapon in a fight so he decided to pull it out this time.

Kenzou span around in the air and landed on his feet.

Yuujirou thinks that weapons are useless in front of his absolute power but Kenzou thinks otherwise.

Even though Kenzou was hurt he still had a smile on his face. "You probably forgot, but in our first meeting I used weapons against you. What makes you think that I will abandon them?"

Yuujirou's hair was raising and the veins all over his body started to become more visible. "You fucking rat, I took the time out of my life to train you and this is how you repay me? By using weapons?"

"Please, how else will I be able to stand up to you. It's not like I am using a rocket launcher, it's just a small knife. Didn't you yourself say that these toys can't do anything to you?"

Yuujirou jumped towards Kenzou and sent a straight punch towards his face. Kenzou tried to do the same spinning transfer he tried on Baki when he fought him.


When his foot made contact with his fist the force was too strong and Kenzou was pummeled to the ground.

When Kenzou made impact with the ground he bounced so he kicked the ground and launched himself towards Yuujirou.


He performed an uppercut to his chin which lifted the ogre off the ground.


After that he rotated his body and kicked him on the side of the head.


Yuujirou lost balance for a second so Kenzou kicked him in the face.

As soon as Kenzou's foot had contact with Yuujirou's face, the ogre punched Kenzou in the stomach.

Kenzou was sent flying at least four meters while Yuujirou was still standing on his feet only 1 meter away from their exchange.

Kenzou coughed up blood and thought. 'This fucker used my move against me. He really can copy any move he sees.'

Kenzou got up on his feet and looked at Yuujirou who was approaching him. Even though Kenzou suffered the most damage he still managed to make the ogre bleed, there was blood coming out of his mouth and nose.

Even though blood was covering Kenzou's body he had a big smile on his face, not the kind one, the ferocious type of smile that you only see in battle addicts.

The ogre too had a smile on his face, this battle was starting to get very fun.


Kenzou looked around and he saw that that there was a swat member near him, he grabbed him by the head and threw him towards Yuujirou.


At the same time Kenzou rushed towards Yuujirou.


The ogre ruthlessly slapped the officer away but Kenzou was too close.

Kenzou was behind Yuujirou with his punch aimed to the back of his head.


The hit connected and Yuujirou felt a bit dizzy since he took a full powered hit to the cerebellum.


This was the first time in this fight that Yuujirou touched the ground, up until now Kenzou could have become best friends with the ground but now it was finally the Ogre's turn to kiss the asphalt.

Kenzou took advantage of this situation and jumped up high in the air, he was aiming to stomp Yuujirou like a bug.


Yuujirou rolled away at the last second and hit Kenzou with the back of his hand.


Kenzou staggered a bit but before he could regain balance the ogre slapped the shit out of him.

Some of Kenzou's teeth fell fell out of his mouth and his jaw almost dislocated.

This was the hardest his teacher has ever slapped him. And that's saying something.

Kenzou fell to the ground fixing his jaw while Yuujirou gracefully got up.

Yuujirou came behind Kenzou and said while taunting him with his hand. "Come on, get up!"


Kenzou got a little mad since his teacher decided to impersonate him, he punched him in the stomach with all he could and Yuujirou was lifted off the ground a bit.


Kenzou decided to use unseen attacks and kick him in multiple vital spots, making Yuujirou cough some blood out.


He jumped off the with his knees to his chest and did a front-flip, when he was over Yuujirou he kicked him in the face.


Yuujirou walked back a bit since he was dizzy and Kenzou was about to punch him in the face but as soon as he got punched in the face Yuujirou did the same.

They both staggered from but they started hitting each other again, this time there was less technique but more power involved.

After trading blows for a while Kenzou got tired and he started to feel the despair he was looking for. 'Yeah, this is what I was looking for.'

Kenzou took out the same knife he used some time ago.


Blood spurted in the air and a big lump of flesh fell to the ground, that big lump of flesh was Yuujirou's little finger.

Yuujirou looked in disbelief at his finger and he got really angry, probably the angriest he's been in his entire life.

Yuujirou condense all of his strength into the his right hand.


He punched Kenzou so hard in the face that he was sent flying tens of meters. His nose broke and his jaw dislocated.


He went over Kenzou who had his back on the ground and grabbed him by the hair.


He raised his fist and a ferocious air started surrounding him.

Kenzou looked the ogre in the eyes with his usual apathetic face and dilated eyes.

"D-do what you want...."


The whole surroundings were quiet and you could hear his voice clearly, the ogre looked at him with wide eyes and decided to listen.

"M-my death won't change the weight of the planet...

B-but it might...

Weight a little heavy on your heart..."


The ogre punched the ground next to Kenzou's head and said. "It was a fun fight, but if you ever show up in front of me holding a weapon again...

I'll kill you."

Kenzou looked up at the sky and thought. 'Just as expected, he didn't really have it in him to kill me straight away. He's waiting for me to develop even more.

But even if my body hurts like hell I feel somehow at ease with myself, I think I'm finally ready to move on.'