
Delinquent Dragon

by FirstRuler Summary: Keiji Hiryu was just your average "delinquent" trying to get through high school life at Kuoh Academy, solving his problems as best as his fists and temper could let him. That is, until Rias Gremory came to him with an enticing offer to solve his problems in exchange for joining her...as a Devil. As this generation's Red Dragon Emperor and with little patience for people's bullshit, follow his tale as he faces dangers, madness, monsters, world-ending threats, and women. Lots of women. (Lemon-heavy story with plot)

TasohVasseel · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs


'And this is why I'm always late to class,' Keiji thought as he looked at the group of thugs barricading his way to school. He already knew there was nothing he could do to stop them but he figured he might as well try something. "So do I have to fight you right now? Can you just stop, or postpone this match that I never agreed to?" Keiji asked.

"Of course not. We're gonna have you pay for what you did, Keiji!" a man with a bright pompadour and a baseball shouted. 

Keiji sidestepped the attack and punched the man in the gut, making him cough. Not wasting any more time, Keiji delivered another punch to his face to knock him to the ground and then jumped up and sent both feet into his stomach. "So does anyone else want a go?"

"Bastard! Don't get cocky!" another one shouted. 

"Let's get the bastard!" one with a shaved head screamed.

'Why can't they do it one at a time?' Keiji thought as he grabbed the bat and swung it in an arc, knocking out three of them in one go. "Please just leave me the hell alone!"

Suddenly, a punk with a mad expression came up behind and held Keiji in a hold that was hard to break through. "I've got him, Eguchi! Whip him up!"

"Yeah, thanks for that one, Kunio! Let's show this brat why he should fear us!" he said, punching Keiji in the face. Keiji groaned in discomfort as more attacks landed on him.

Eguchi pulled himself back for the kick. Keiji went on pure instinct and from fights he had seen made a risky move. Keiji did a reverse head-butt, successfully freeing himself from Kunio's grasp. His next move was to grip Kunio and throw him right into Eguchi's punch, taking out Kunio who groaned in pain. Keiji took the chance to come from the side with a side punch and then kick his back.

"You're really gonna get it now!" Keiji warned him as the teenager made sure that everyone that had attacked him was not going to get a chance by just beating them up a bit more until their eyes rolled to the back of their heads. 

He looked to the sky with a sigh. "I'm really gonna be late, aren't I?"


"I have a really good reason, okay?" 

Sona looked at him with a tick in her vein. "Did you get into another fight again?" she questioned like it was the norm.

"I'd say got pulled into a fight, so that would make me innocent. Now can you just please not put it on my record. These people are there all the time. Tell them to stop, and I'll be able to come on time."

Sona sighed. He did have a point. "Very well. But go to the medical room. You've got a bruise," she told him.

Keiji just shrugged his shoulders. 'I don't really feel the need to go to the nurse but I might as well. Got nothing better to do.'

Tsubaki came to Sona's side. "He's definitely a delinquent. It's a relief that he isn't that aggressive or it could be a bad image. In any case, Sona—"

Sona put a hand. "I'm well aware. I felt it too. I'm sure Rias as well. He's got power laying in. No doubt he is worthy to be in a Peerage. The only issue is whether he can be controlled. He certainly doesn't like rules," she noted.


The rest of the day was a boring blur for Keiji as he began walking off home. 'Volleyball practice was nice but we were really at it for such a long time if it's this late,' Keiji thought as he looked into the sunset.

Across the bridge, he took note of an attractive and busty girl looking at him with a blush. "You're Keiji Hiryu, right?" she asked.

Keiji's eyes turned sceptical. "Yeah, why? If this is supposed to be a honey trap, then it's not working," he replied.

The girl shook her head. "Oh, I'm not with any yazkua and delinquents. It's just that I'm happy that you've been, how do I say this, clearing up the place with all those scary delinquents. It's definitely more peaceful with less of them running about. And well, I was going to ask for a date or something like hanging out as a way to thank you."

"I guess that makes sense. By the way, you haven't even said your name?" he told her.

A blush fell on the girl's face. "My apologies. I'm Yuuma Amano. I'll meet you this Sunday, if you can!" she said, speeding off.

Keiji looked at her weirdly. 'Strange girl.' Keiji unzipped his bang to pull out a can of soda. 'Who'd want anything to do with a delinquent like me?' he thought.

Unbeknownst to him, a white-haired girl and some yankee-fashioned teens were watching with a critical eye.


It was Sunday. To his own surprise, Keiji decided that he might as well check out what it is like to have a date. 'I still don't trust her one bit but I'm bored. I should be fine if I'm aware, so no sneak attacks. I can always refuse if push comes to shove.'

The shadow realm appeared to grab him out of nowhere as Keiji found two arms gripping him and leading him to a large but secluded alley way. 

Before Keiji could even ask and beat up the one who grabbed him, he was socked in the face. Even if he could recover quick, it didn't help when another person came and pounced on him with a kick. It was a brutal barrage that Keiji didn't have any time to defend himself from the beat down.

"Beat him up!"

"Fight back!"

"Fight! back!"

The chants were non-stop. 'This ain't good. I'm not even able to get in any hits or fight back like those bastards want.' 

Malice built up in his mind as his imagination went to brutally beating them up. Not that anyone could realize with all the crazy stuff that was going on, a red gauntlet appeared on Keiji's hand. The green gemstone begun to glow and a voice perked up in his voice. 

"Let's get the bat and finish him—"

A high arching kick sent the one with proposal flying into the wall, a dent forming in it. Keiji growled, letting out a mighty roar, and moving his leg back and rotating it at a high speed that it knocked off all the people into the wall and left Keiji's enraged face. 

Fear spread across the remaining thugs as they looked to see the blood decorating Keiji's face was not stopping him. "None of you are escaping here. I'm gonna make sure each and every one of you are dead!"

The overwhelming display of power was something out of an action movie. Despite the odds, Keiji moved with speed and each blow was enough to knock them out in one go. It didn't stop there with one unlucky punk who tried hitting him with a steel pipe, only to find a harsh kick to his throat that made him immediately cease breathing.

"H-he's a monster!"

"Let's get out of here!"

Keiji went to get them but was met with resistance as someone dragged their fist against his back. "Go, guys! I'll hold him—!"

Keiji lifted him by the throat and smashed his head into the ground. "I'm not sure what you lot think you are doing but I'm not letting you get away that easily. I'd ask for your name, but I'm pissed off, and you're paying the price for it."

The man could only cry for his mommy as Keiji get ramming his fist into his face, slowly moving down to his stomach. For the grand finale, Keiji stood up and made sure to space the man's legs out.

Crunching was felt as Keiji kicked deeper into the man's testicles. The shock making the weakened man scream in so much pain that he passed out right away.

Keiji sighed as he limped out, exhausted. 'I'm not even in the mood for a date. I'm just gonna rest,' Keiji thought, heading back home and ignoring the stares he got as civilians looked to see his injuries.

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