
Keep quiet and Focus

There was a huge crowd at the opening event of Aquila Hospitals, the biggest hospital in Lagos, most of them eagerly listening to The Governor, Musuliu Babaseki who was giving a speech to the people. The extremist group, Boko Haram had sent a warning message to the Military that they were going to be present at the venue. However, the Governor refused to cancel the event, saying it was wrong to be scared of terrorists that should be scared of them instead. A few days to the speech, the Intelligence and Security Agency of Nigeria (ISAN) was tasked with securing the venue along with the military and this relaxed the minds of the people.

Lying on the top of a roof was the team leader of the best team under ISAN. He was dressed in a white tshirt that hugged his muscles and jeans trousers. He was holding a bag of Cheeseballs, his hands constantly moving into his mouth as he surveyed the area with a sharp gaze.

"Falcon, when are they going to come out? I'm getting bored."

"Keep quiet and focus." He said, replying the agitated officer.

A figure moving in the crowd caught his eye and he spoke calmly alerting his team.

However, a second later, the figure dropped their hood and he saw it was a lady.

"False alarm." He murmured, furiously chewing on the Cheeseballs in his mouth.

"Sparrow, stop whistling. I can see another suspect. He's not listening to the speech. Move in in five." He ordered, laying the Cheeseballs in his hands down and crawling off the roof after sending the signal. Soon, five of them were moving skillfully through the crowd, careful not to alert the crowd towards the suspected man.

A frown crossed his face when he examined the man's posture.

'There's no bag and he is wearing a tight-fitting tshirt with skinny jeans. Where is he hiding the explosive then? Or is he just a decoy?' He thought running down the flight of stairs connected to the building's roof.

He soon got to the ground floor of the building where the speech was taking place. His eyes sighted a figure in a face cap who was moving in an opposite direction to where the first man was going.

'Jackpot! I was right!' He thought, hurriedly following him.

'Should I alert my team? No, they're probably too focused on the other guy and they'll take too long.'

'But you know that's not the real reason you don't want....'

'Leave me!' He replied the annoying voice in his head.

He knew he should have alerted his other teammates who were still surveying the area to come with him just in case but the thrill of catching the man few meters ahead of him was just too strong. He placed his hands on the pistol beneath his shirt and ran faster, maneuvering through the crowd.

The suspect took their heels the moment they felt a presence behind them, making him run faster.

"Falcon sir, where are you? Cobra can't sight you on the roof."

Instead of replying his team member, he followed his excitement and chased the suspect through the narrow path between two buildings, his feets barely touching the ground.

They took another turning round a building and suddenly, the face cap man was nowhere to be found. They reached a secluded area and he found out that he couldn't see who he was going after anymore. He quickly sent a signal to his other teammates about what he had noticed and he was about to retreat when he felt the colness of metal behind his neck.

"Don't move if you want to save your life." The face cap man said with a thick tribal accent. Falcon stopped moving and his eyes turned sidewards towards the window above them.

"Drop your gun!" Falcon didn't move. He just stood still.

"I said drop your weapon! The earlier you comply, the more time you'll spend alive."

'If he's wearing an explosive, it won't be wise defying him.' Falcon thought with a frown as he lowered his gun.

"Goodu, Goodu."

'Which language is he even speaking?' Falcon thought.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He questioned finally, trying to buy time with him.

The man exploded with laughter before replying, "You want to know who I am? Israel, Senior Superintendent of ISAN really cares about a common man like me?"

Israel's eyes widened and he felt a chill run down his spine as shock and surprise pass through him at the same time.

"Y..you..how do you kn...know my name?"

"I know only what I'm supposed to know."

"What does that mean?" Israel continued, relieved that the feel of the metal against his neck had reduced.

"Keep quiet!" Suddenly, the sound of a ringing phone filled the air and the face cap man dipped his hand into his pocket to grab the source of the sound.