
Chapter 1: What would it be like if he noticed me in a different way?

The night was beautiful, with stars twinkling against the deep blue sky and the crescent moon casting its gentle glow upon the land. A group of students gathered on the sandy beach, their laughter and animated conversations filling the air. It was their final party before graduation, and an electric excitement permeated the atmosphere.

As the bonfire crackled and danced, she sat on a bench, observing her friends' carefree revelry. Her eyes soon wandered over to him, her heart pounding as she tried to decipher her feelings.

'What would it be like if he noticed me in a different way?'

She sighed, her thoughts filled with yearning, but she quickly shook them off, reminding herself that their friendship was too precious to risk. Yet, deep down, a part of her longed for something more.

"Hey, it's getting late. We should head inside."

"You're right. Tomorrow is a big day," Alex replied, his voice brimming with excitement.

"Who are we to defy the valedictorian?" David chimed in, prompting laughter from the group.

She watched them make their way slowly toward the while she remained on the bench, enjoying the tranquility of the beach at night.

When they all left, she noticed he stayed back, and she raised her head slightly, observing him skeptically from beneath her long lashes. Although he was wearing a simple grey shirt and black tracks, he looked like those teen actors her sister liked to watch. Minutes passed, and she noticed him struggling to maintain his balance, swaying with each step. It was evident he had indulged a bit too much in the festivities.

Concern filled her heart, but she hesitated to intervene.

'What if I help him and things change between us?' She pondered, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts. "Would he appreciate my concern or would it make things awkward?"

After contemplating for a while, she walked over to his side to help him. But the moment she tried to lift him, he shoved her hands off.

"I can walk myself," he slurred, attempting to stand tall. But as soon as she released him, he stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding a collision with the bench.

Frustration tinged her sigh as she grabbed his arm and positioned it over her shoulder, supporting his weight.

"Allow me to help you," She said, surprised at how soft her voice sounded.

He blinked, his gaze focusing on her. "Popcorn? Is that you?" he slurred, a smile tugging at his lips.

She couldn't help but smile back. For the first time since they started speaking, she acknowledged the name, replying, "Yes, it is me. Looks like you've had a bit too much to drink. Let's get you back to your room."

He leaned on her for support, their bodies close together. In that moment, her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

"Would it be so wrong to let him lean on me for more than just physical support?" she wondered, her thoughts wandering into forbidden territory.

With great effort, she guided him back to his room, the cool night air heightening her awareness of his heaviness. Yet she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of intimacy about their current position.

As they reached the front of his room, her internal struggle intensified. She held onto him, her mind wrestling with her emotions.

Once they reached his door, she tapped him slightly "Where are your keys?"

"Back pocket," he mumbled, his words slightly slurred.

She deftly searched his pockets and retrieved the keys from his pocket.

With a sense of relief, she maneuvered his unsteady body into the room, gently closing the door behind them to avoid disturbing their slumbering companions. She guided him toward the bed, his weight causing a strain on her petite frame. Finally, she managed to settle him down, tucking the duvet around his body.

As she moved to leave, she felt a strong hand grasping her wrist, pulling her back. "Don't leave," he murmured, his voice thick with a mixture of intoxication and desire.

'What if he wakes up with regrets? What if it ruins our friendship? I'd better leave. Staying here would be considered a sin.'

With determination, she attempted to disentangle herself, but his grip, surprisingly strong for someone in his state, held firm. In a sudden, unguarded moment, she found herself toppling onto the bed, his arms enveloping her waist. For a moment, she was lost in his metallic blue eyes and she could see them glazed with immense desire.

'No, I should go before something happens. What if someone finds us here?'

However, before she could protest, his lips found hers, and the world around them ceased to exist.

Lost in the heat of the moment, all rationality fled from her mind, succumbing to the allure of his touch.

With an intensity born from years of unspoken longing, he whispered her name between kisses, drawing her into a whirlwind of emotions.

Thoughts of consequences and potential regrets faded into the background as she surrendered to the allure of the night.

The sound of a deep voice resonated through the speakers, jolting her from the realm of dreams. "Agent 14, report to the General's office now."

The girl, her eyes red from a sleepless night, lifted her head from the desk. The memory of that fateful night lingered vividly in her mind, as if it had happened just moments ago. She reached for a glass of water, downing it in one swift motion, attempting to ground herself in the present.

"What does he want this time?" she muttered, stifling a yawn with her hand. Donning her white jacket and blue jeans, she left her office, with a determined stride.

Greeting echoes filled the corridors as she walked, brushing them aside with a practiced indifference. Reaching the end of the hallway, she stepped into the elevator, narrowly avoiding its closing doors. Just in time, someone hurriedly joined her.

"Good morning," the person beamed, hastily arranging the files in their hands.

"Good morning, Shadow," She replied, her tone curt.

"Baby, won't you give me a hug? Is that how you intend to treat someone after your--"

"I think you should focus on sorting out those files. They're upside down," she interjected, a touch of amusement in her voice.

Shadow's face fell as he glanced down, realizing his blunder. "Actually, I wanted to ask if you could give me your number."

"Go and clean off the lipstick on your collar first," she retorted, grateful for the elevator doors opening, sparing her from further banter. Shadow muttered something in response, but she didn't bother waiting to hear his excuses.

Straightening her posture, she strode confidently toward the first door on her left. The gold letters spelling out "General Smith" caught her gaze, and without hesitation, she turned the knob, stepping into the office with an air of self-assuredness. The general's chair faced the floor-to-ceiling window, offering a sweeping view of the city. She settled herself casually into a seat, her elbow resting on the table as she lazily regarded the man before her.

General Smith swiveled his chair, his expression betraying a mixture of surprise and admiration. Swiftly regaining composure, he cleared his throat. "I see you've made yourself comfortable."

"General Smith, you asked for me," She said, her voice tinged with nonchalant confidence.

"For a special agent, you certainly have an affinity for colors," General Smith remarked, eyeing her pink hair.

"You woke me up," she retorted dryly.

A sigh escaped General Smith's lips as he shifted his gaze to the file on his desk. "I have a job for you. I sent Black Dam, but her reports have been blank."

"She's good. Are you sure the intel is accurate?" She challenged, her eyes narrowing with caution.

"Are you questioning the credibility of our sources?" General Smith's voice carried a hint of offense.

"I'm merely urging prudence, General," she replied, meeting his gaze with unwavering eyes.

Unable to maintain his facade, General Smith's expression softened, and he wiped away mock tears. "Forget it. I can't win a staring contest with you," he admitted, a smile breaking through.

She burst into laughter, the tension dissipating. "I was joking," she said, her amusement lacing her words.

General Smith gestured toward the brown envelope on his desk. "That file contains everything you need to know about the mission. You have six months to complete it."

She arched an eyebrow, her voice tinged with skepticism. "That long? Can't I refuse?"

"No, you can't. The orders came directly from headquarters. Better start packing your things."

With a resigned sigh, she rose from her seat, heading for the door. Her hand gripped the doorknob when General Smith's voice reached her ears. "Pink looks good on you."

Raising her brow, she regarded him with a hint of reservation, but opted for silence. She left the office without another word, her thoughts consumed by the mission that awaited her.

As she stepped back into the bustling corridor, the weight of her new assignment settled upon her shoulders. The six-month timeline loomed before her, demanding her unwavering dedication and unwavering commitment.

With a purposeful stride, she made her way back to her office, her mind already racing with plans and preparations. The world outside her window blurred as she immersed herself in the mission ahead.

As she settled into her desk, surrounded by the familiar chaos of her work, she reached for the envelope. Opening it, she delved into the mission's details, allowing herself to be consumed by the information that would guide her path. Time ticked away, marking the passage of moments as she prepared to embark on her most crucial mission yet.