
Derek's POV

'Thud' The door sounded

'Is she ready?' I asked.

'It will only take a moment sire, You can see we are almost through but sire you have to ...' The older maid said as she was interrupted.

'This is my pack, you all are under my roof. Be wed to your mate this night so I can be rid of you onto a more useful purpose, daugh ...' I said.

Delilah had been my only hope in securing an acquaintance with the strongest pack in the whole continent.

Yet she didn't want to, because of some made up fallacy about love and what not.

'You really want to call me daughter. Well ... Father ...' Delilah began as the older maid attempted to excuse her expected rashness.

This was a feat I was all too familiar with, Children when their parent assign them tasks, they will always complain and grumble but undoubtedly and inevitably still do as they're asked.

She will make me the definition of power, that she must understand.

'Your highness, the princess isn't feeling too alright and well, please pardon her ...' the maid said as Delilah resisted her feeble attempts at control.

My whiny offspring then loud her voice over the interruptions of the maid, thinking I would listen to her flimsy excuses to sway my ambitions.

Delilah's POV

'I can't just get married to some old Alpha, you know of his intention to use me to supplement his long list of satisfiers and you would give me out for that, just because it will fulfill your ambition. What happened to your promises father, did they die with mother? What happened to you? I just can't.' I had turned to him, shouting at the top of my voice and making sure said voice was heard loud and clear.

I cleared my throat of all the air that would make it seem brisk and made to loud my opinions to his obviously deafened ears still acclimated to not back down.

'He is a good man who can take care of you, you ladies talk about him like a relic to die for. What else do you want that he can't give, he's every Luna's dream ...' Alpha Derek said.

'I do not love him. I barely know him and I don't want to be his possession, I want his undying love and care, not to even talk of his age. Why can't you let me have what you and mother had. She ...' I poured out my heart and was interrupted by the same father whom didn't heed the focal point of my whole speech.

'Do not speak of your mother like you know what it meant to lose her like I did. I will rule this continent and what I want will ...' Alpha Derek shouted.

I dared not even calling him father because at this point, he didn't even deserve it.

'Don't you understand that I'm literally your daughter, whose mother was lost too.' Out of frustration, I worded my grievances.

I didn't hold back anything in my speech. I forgot to even consider that I was addressing the Alpha. I was bitter for the condition that he had put me through, 'I'm getting married for the god's sake.' I thought to myself.

I wondered how he would view a girl of my age as at then, losing my mother and being confronted to the reality, not by my father but by the eldest maid in the camp. No, that's a lot to go by and a little coming from someone that wasn't him. Only for him to marry me off to his age mate.

He had spoken to me with so much disregard, taking no heed to my own pains and only focusing on his plan to exploit me in his whole plot for takeover, his ambitions set in motion.

'Why can't you see me for a change, not what you only think I'm good for. You can't even see things my way.' I said as I stood from the midst of the maids preparing my everything where I sat and begun to walk out on him.

His decision as the Alpha stood above all else in the pack, so as I made her way out of him, so did the lingering thoughts of it.

'Delilah ... Delilah, I'm talking to you. Get back here you spoilt brat ...' He exclaimed as I left his sight of view, and headed towards the podium I was supposedly to wed on.

I needed to think about both the repercussions of what I would do next.

'Prepare that way for me to walk you down the aisle because you will marry Alpha Lord Max. You will allow all my ambitions through him and I will gain the military might and familiarity of his forces to use them as I please.' Alpha Derek concluded as he watched me storm off.

He had known me literally since I was born so he knew I wouldn't just let out without having something to say about it, or a rebellious action that just screamed of me.

Derek's POV

I knew what she would do next especially now that she acted out like a daughter would, it was now obvious what I needed to do to make sure she doesn't act out of line.

From my many years of experiencing her growing up first hand, being her father to guide her in that path and seeing as she took after her mother, nothing would stop my daughter from going against me and sticking to her resolved notion not to marry Alpha Lord Max.

'But your majesty, your father has already instructed that ...' A maid said as she followed Delilah suit being cut short in her speech.

I reached a certain point in trying to tail her but left that workload to her bride's maid that followed her out.

'Get her back in time for the wedding, and visit my tent if you're done. Come alone.' I said to her bridesmaid as she glared at me with lustful airy thoughts.

She has worn a white clad dress, second in beauty to Delilah's, and the dress reveal the full burst of her breast, It's like it was calling to me and I obviously couldn't resist.

Bridesmaid's POV

'Father isn't going to be the one to live the life he's about to give me out to with such an Alpha lord.' Delilah Said, to the my hearing going even farther from my approaching her.

'I have to escape tonight.' She said in a lowered tempo unto little whispers.

It was so inaudible that I figured it would be to herself that she said it, but the content could not be given to deaf ears.

It had been merely hours to her wedding at sunrise, The day's breaking was close at hand and had been fast approaching, the moon was still at its peak shining it's reflected rays unto us but that much could be told, at least from my perspective.

The Scarlet pack was as it was ever before, preparing for a wedding and mating ceremony that would exchange the familiarity among theirs and an even stronger pack, a change that was sure to shake many generation.

'Can you please allow me some time alone, I need to think about this.' Delilah said as she held unto her gown and looked back at me.

'But your majesty, you need to ...' I replied as I insistently tried to get her back like the Alpha suggested.

He might even be waiting for me in his tent judging by his wink, oh he will be so disappointed. I really hope I don't get any punishment.

Delilah's POV

I can't believe that father would put such a burden on me. To dissuade me from what mother always wanted.

"I have made arrangements for you to get married to Alpha Max. His court is one that holds power unlike any other, Imagine what I ... the pack could gain from this."

Those were exactly the words he used to break the news to me, I mean. As my father, he couldn't even try to break the news more subtly so that I can reject it with just the equal amount of force.

At that point, I was in awe for how my life had been turned around because of the single selfish, one-sided decision that my father decided to push unto me.

Bridesmaid's POV

She had been so resolved to not go through with her father's planned leading of her life in a direction she didn't want for herself.

She had even excused me, her one and two, that always stood by her, just so she could grief.

Maybe it's because she thinks I'm more loyal to her father. He's the Alpha, what does she expect.

I was even heading to the Alpha's tent to break the news of her dissing my presence.

Delilah's POV

I knew that the whole camp would be engrossed in planning the ceremony in preparation for my future husband or somewhat master's arrival so I took to ravel in the opportunity that presented itself.

'There would be no better time to escape, but can I really do this. Can I really abandon father.' My thoughts flared as I begun an internal conflict with my person.

'No. No. He forced my hand. I wouldn't feel so cornered if he didn't push me to the edge unto a decision I would never want to make, he's going to lose me too, I'll see who he takes it out on then and decides to use to push his ambitions.' She thought to herself as she was resolved on what she had to do.

'I have to escape tonight.' She concluded.

Derek's POV

'She doesn't even know that I just desire to distinguish myself from other people, so that no one would do to her what they did to the love of my life. Who would dream of doing such if she got married to the Alpha Lord Max, who rules the strongest pack on the continent.'

'Knock, Knock!' I then heard a knock from the door and seeing as I had earlier told the guard manned outside not to let anyone in, I went to look to who it was myself.

I stood from my couch and got there when I saw my daughter's young, vibrant and sexy bridesmaid's waiting for my humble self at the door.

Her body was lust worthy and to have her lay with me was the goal, seeing her in her revealing dress only called to my libido like we werewolves were drawn to the full moon.

'Come on in my dear.' I welcomed her in.

'Yes sir.' She replied.

'We should have a lot to talk about, let's start from the top.' I spared no efforts to use my power as the Alpha to get what I wanted from her, even if she didn't seem to resist. The farce she tried to act on to was noticeable from the beginning of her resistance.

'Make sure not to let anyone in, I'm going to be a little busy.' I told to the guard as I locked the door behind me, following through inside with her as I locked it behind me.

'Take this money, and tell me how to get out of this place.' Delilah said.