
Chapter 5 [final chapter]

After Amelia, Emiko and Aiko were about to enter Mal's house "WAIT!" Amelia and Emiko both turned their heads around to Aiko." Is Mal in there?" Aiko asked slightly worried. "Don't worry Aiko, Mal's not home" Emiko said reassuringly to her. "Are you sure?" Aiko asked. "Of course I'm sure Aiko!" Emiko told her brightly.

"But how can you be so sure Emiko?" Aiko asked, getting even more worried and a bit curious. "Because if she was, I could sense her" Emiko said, and with that, all of Aiko's worries disappeared when she remembered that Emiko was a vampire and that vampires have inhuman senses, strength, hearing, taste, smell, sight and speed and more. "Okay, now that that's done, let the revenge begin!" Amelia said and began getting excited, then all three of them entered the house.

Amelia opened the fridge door to Mal's kitchen. Aiko was leaning against the wall next to the kitchen door while Emiko was getting her phone ready to record the revenge plan. After everything was ready Amelia started to..... EAT LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW.

Aiko and Emiko's jaws-dropped when they saw her eating ALL of Mal's food. But yet again, Amelia was always like this. After 3 minutes of Amelia eating all like there was no tomorrow, Emiko recording while trying so hard not to laugh and Aiko laughing her ass off and then, Mal came. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!!!" Mal practically shrieked at the top of her lungs, Mal looked around completely furious and taken back, until she saw Amelia. "Amelia, I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Mal had completely lost it and started chasing Amelia around her house like a lunatic.


After 2 hours of Mal chasing Amelia like a lunatic, she decided to cool off. "How long will it take for Mal to cool off?" Aiko asked slightly concerned "Hmmm, I would say about 5 weeks" Emiko told her while re-watching the video "Oh, okay" Aiko said, "You want to watch with me, Aiko?" Emiko asked Kira referring to the video "Sure!" Aiko replied brightly, walking over to Emiko.

"This video is HILARIOUS Emiko!" Kira said, Emiko then giggled because Aiko's face was turning as red as a tomato due to her trying so hard not to laugh. As Amelia was heading towards the exit, she stopped and said, "Yup it really was, a Delicious Revenge".


Emiko is an oc that I use for an anime called Diabolik Lovers and if you don't know the anime then basically, all vampires have all of those abilities

Queen_Kukkicreators' thoughts