
Delicate Beauty Becomes the Beloved of Four Brothers After Her Rebirth!

Bai Xianyu was a famous beauty known for her delicate and beautiful appearance, captivating everyone with her heavenly charm. Xie Xingyun, on the other hand, was the legitimate son of the Marquis who gained fame at a young age, earning a reputation throughout the capital. In her past life, Bai Xianyu's biggest regret was persistently pursuing marriage with Xie Xingyun. But even after they got married, he remained cold and indifferent, never truly loving her. Until one day, both were reborn back to the time when their marriage was being discussed. The elder brother of a young general held a long spear and declared, "If he wants to marry you, he must get through me!" The second son of a wealthy family said arrogantly, "Apart from being poor, what does this guy have that can compare to me, your second brother?" The powerful third brother sneered, "My delicate sister must have been deceived by you, you scoundrel!" The fourth brother, a newly appointed top scholar, looked dashing as he said, "What's the point of marrying? Brother will study hard to support you..." Bai Xianyu was taken aback and regained her senses, saying, "Alright... I won't marry." Everyone rejoiced at her decision. Xie Xingyun stood silently outside the door, gazing down at her smiling face from a high vantage point. News spread quickly in the capital that Bai Xianyu had given up on marrying the legitimate son of the Marquis, causing numerous suitors from prestigious families to rush to the general's residence. They saw her ignore their advances and talk happily about marriage with others. Xie Xingyun, who was always cold and noble, climbed over the wall of the general's residence in the middle of the night after getting drunk. "... You said you wouldn't marry anyone but me," he said. Bai Xianyu bit her lip and replied, "Lord Marquis, please restrain yourself. These are my chambers." "I am your husband."

The Cat with Whispering Tales · History
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260 Chs

Ask the Embroiderer in the Manor for Some Needles and Threads

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"May all be well with Miss Bai." Madam Qin realized that she was in a daze as she looked at the person in front of her. She lowered her body in a panic as she spoke.

Bai Xianyu held her hand and smiled. "There's no need to be so formally polite." Then, she looked at Green Pearl. "Serve Madam Qin tea."


Madam Qin sat down again at Bai Xianyu's signal. She was at a loss for what to do in the face of such treatment.

Although she was somewhat famous in the capital and had seen many high-ranking officials and nobles, this was the first time she had seen someone as noble as the lady in front of her.

The door closed again, and Bai Xianyu said directly, "I wonder if Madam Qin can do me a favor."

Madam Qin hurriedly stood up. "Miss Bai, you're too polite. If there's anything I can do, just say the word."

Bai Xianyu seemed a little embarrassed as she said, "I heard that your embroidery skills are famous throughout the world. I told a few friends earlier that I had also received some pointers from you, but I didn't expect them to take it seriously…"

Bai Xianyu did not finish her sentence, but Madam Qin came to her senses.

It turned out that the lady's vanity had caused her to brag outside. Now, she was probably afraid of being exposed, so she specially asked her to come over.

Madam Qin immediately said considerately, "Miss Bai, don't worry. If anyone outside asks, I'll say that I did give you some pointers."

Bai Xianyu's gaze flickered. "Thank you, Madam. It would be even better if you could say that I consulted you a year ago."

Madam Qin did not think too much about it. She grinned and said, "Hey, hey, I'll remember it. Miss Bai is really thinking highly of me by saying such words. If others find out that Fifth Miss Bai of the General's Manor once learned some things from me, I'll be taking advantage of you."

Seeing that she agreed so readily, Bai Xianyu felt a little more at ease. "Madam Qin, please keep today's matter a secret. Don't let it slip."

Madam Qin said, "Yes."

"Madam Qin, please come to my residence often during this period of time."

Green Pearl stuffed some reward money into Madam Qin's hand. Madam Qin could not refuse, so she accepted it happily. "Miss, you're really polite. In the future, I'll come at any time you want me to. You just have to get someone to pass a message to me."

Bai Xianyu nodded.

At the Northern Garrison Marquis Manor.

The young man in black was toying with a black and gold pouch in his hand. His face was cold, and his entire body emitted an aura that prevented strangers from entering.

A guard passing by the residence asked Xiao Zheng, who was standing at the side, "What's wrong with Young Master? I've already patrolled a few rounds, but his posture hasn't changed."

Xiao Zheng knew what was going on, but he could not say it. He was holding it in. "I don't know."

As he spoke, Xie Xingyun moved his lips and said coldly, "Get some needles and thread from the embroiderer in the residence."

Xiao Zheng was stunned for a moment. "Yes, Young Master."

He hesitated for a moment and did not move immediately. Instead, he walked to the man's side. "Young Master, why don't you give me the pouch first? There's a difference in the color and thickness of needles and threads. Why don't I ask the embroiderer to mend it for you first before sending it over?"

Xie Xingyun frowned and glanced at Xiao Zheng. He sat up. "Forget it, I'll go myself."

Xiao Zheng, "…"

Why did he see a hint of disdain in Young Master's eyes?

He took at look at his hands. It must be an illusion.

The embroiderer was in the servants' room. Xie Xingyun rarely came here. As soon as he entered, a few embroiderers came out to welcome him.

He raised his eyelids coldly. "Find a few needles and threads according to this."

Everyone took a look and went to search.

Soon, the materials were all found. Xie Xingyun also asked for some booklets about needlework.

A young embroiderer blushed slightly, "Young Master, why don't you give me the pouch? I'll mend it for you."