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Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


Larisa felt the strong gust of wind over her body, her hair scattered in the wind as she felt her body coming down with so much force, she felt like she was near the ground and her face was filled with fear. She couldn't keep her eyes open any longer because of the strong breeze and instinctively shut it close.

Lothaire watched as she reached half way towards the ground, not a single sound escaped her lips. 'what a brave little Angel'. He thought to himself as he smiled satisfyingly at her braveness.

He took a huge leap towards Larisa in full speed and immediately, a pair of huge black thick wings sprouted out of his back, making him look like an Angel of darkness and within a second, he caught hold of her effortlessly and flew with great speed towards the sky.

Immediately Larisa felt his strong hands take her into his bosom, her fear disappeared and she felt so safe as she let out a deep sigh of relief and buried her head on his chest, with hands wrapped around him while her eyes were still closed because of the gusting wind.

She found it quite fun and scary at the same time being midair with Lothaire. She knew they were flying with speed because of the strong gust of wind whipping through her hair and body and she also heard the heavy flaps of his wings and wanted to take a look but couldn't because of the heavy wind.

Lothaire flew away from the palace in a speed of light and within a few minutes they were above a gloomy forest, he landed softly near a huge cave and still held on to Larisa since she was a bit unstable.

Larisa's legs wobbled a little but she soon got her balance and fluttered her eyes open, feeling a bit chilly. Larisa's eyes widened as she saw Lothaire looking like an angel of darkness with his magnificent large black wings sprouted from his back, they were thick and covered with black feathers and she wanted to touch them.

"Wow...They're..." She lost words to describe them but only stared in admiration for a long time obviously fascinated by his wings which made him even more gorgeous and glorious as well as darker..

"Can I touch it?" She asked unsure if he would let her but she wasn't surprised he gave her a nod and she saw the wings move making her startled as she went closer to it.

Lothaire watched her intrigued face as she touched his wings, feeling the comfortable softness on her hand and exploring it with her eyes and then she stepped back and smiled after touching it to her heart content.

She immediately took notice of her surrounding as Lothaire's wings disappeared.

"Where are we?" She asked softly, noticing the eerie forest with a dark air surrounding it .

"Come see for yourself." Lothaire gave her a wolfish grin and took her hands in his, leading her towards the dark empty cave leaving her in a state of curiosity.

Larisa looked around the dark cave but there was nothing worth seeing, but she felt a strange energy from the cave and knew something was not right with it.

Lothaire walked towards the wall and halted, turning back to examine her facial expression which spoke of confusion. He pulled her close to stand in front of him facing the wall.

"Walk through." She heard him say leaving her confused, 'how was she supposed to walk through a wall?' Her inner self pondered.

Lothaire gave her a slight push, she let out a gasp as she went through the wall and found herself in a completely different place making her hazel eyes widen in pure astonishment.

The place was simply ethereal, like a mythical dark forest with all kinds of beautiful but dark flowers but what amazed her more were the floating tiny lights scattered beautifully and when she explored the place with her eyes, she saw a lake that looked magical, it shimmered brightly under the dim moon light as if it had a million tiny crystals in it.

She was speechless, she had never seen anything like this before, it was eerily beautiful, she observed that Lothaire's dark aura and the eerie garden seemed to blend perfectly well, for they were both dark and hauntingly beautiful.

"How is this possible? Do you have magical powers?" She asked with widened hazel eyes that shone brightly.

"Illusion...its a demon thing." He explained and she made an 'oh' with her mouth.

"That's so cool!" She exclaimed with a smile plastered on her face as she continued to view the dark and beautiful forest.

"Do you want to see my pet?" Lothaire asked sarcastically drawing her attention from the ethereal garden to his dark husky voice. He didn't look like he owned a pet and if he did, why was his pet out there? She wondered.

"Is it a werewolf? Why is it out here then?" She asked.

"Why would I own a werewolf, its too weak." He said pridefully as he stared down at her with his golden eyes that gleamed under the moonlight. "Come on, I'll show you." He said as he lead her towards a large shallow crack in the earth, it was big enough for half a city to occupy it, Larisa thought it was weird for his pet to live here unless it was an unknown beast, she thought. She looked down at the huge crack which was dark and covered with thick fog and she imagined herself falling into it, she immediately stopped looking down.

"Does it live here?" She asked in a confused way. She knew whatever he was going to show her was going to be weirdly fascinating which she waited eagerly for.

Lothaire could see the eagerness in her doe eyes, he had never brought anyone to the illusion cave but found himself opening up to a human he barely knew for a week.

"Lycan!" Lothaire called loudly making Larisa wait in suspense for whatever pet he had to come running to him. Larisa heard a distant growl underneath the foggy hole which made her heart race.

She could see the fog slowly disappearing because of a large creature moving slowly bringing its scaly head to view,it was an enormous black dragon with golden eyes with a black slit in the middle, its bat like wings came into view as it bared its sharp huge fangs making Larisa's heart jump to her mouth. '

A dragon?' She was stunned at seeing the mythical beast, it was frightening but gorgeous.

"This is so cool.." Larisa said excitedly leaving Lothaire speechless with bewilderment as he was expecting her to be frightened.

" Now this Angel has incredibly weird taste." Lothaire teased, while Larisa couldn't take her eyes off them, they looked so alike, dark but gorgeous and as he stood under the moonlight, he became even more alluring in her eyes.

"well I kinda like dragons...I always thought they were majestic and powerful creatures." She chuckled lightly. "Can I touch it?" She asked, not knowing where the courage came from as she stared at its gigantic fangs that could crush her with one bite.

"Where did this little Angel get the courage from?" He said with one side of his lips turned upwards. "Go ahead...it won't bite my mate." He said convincingly and she rested her outstretched arms on its scales, they were as hard as metal, the dragon fixed its golden eyes at her making her pause her breath subconsciously, it felt like it was piercing through her soul with its magnifying eyes.

They both sat on the ground near the shimmering tempting lake, Lothaire was fascinated by her beauty under the moonlight and watched her as she enjoyed every moment been there with him in silence which was weirdly comfortable for the both of them and for the first time, he didn't have the urge to fuck her, but just watch her peacefully .

"Can I ask you a question?" Larisa asked as she looked at his gorgeous face which appeared even more gorgeous in the eerily beautiful forest.

"Sure." He replied shortly.

"Why did you hate your father so much?" Her question disrupted the moment of peace he had. Larisa noticed the darkness in his eyes and the grim look on his face when she asked her question and immediately bit her lower lip in regret making Lothaire forget about her question and focused on her lips instead.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.." She added after seeing his grim expression.

"I'll tell you...But not now." He said as he stared deeply into her brown eyes and she nodded as she bit her lips again, which he found awfully distracting.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" His grim expression had completely disappeared in a second and a dark sexy smile crept to his lips. Her cheeks reddened immediately and Lothaire gave a dark chuckle on her reaction.

"I wasn't!" She argued and Lothaire's index finger rested on her lips.

"I know Angel, that's why it makes it even more seductive..." He said naughtily not tearing his golden gaze from her Hazel's. Larisa fluttered her eyelashes as she tore her gaze from his.

"uhm..Is the lake magical or something?" Larisa asked trying to get her nerves under control and Lothaire scoffed.

"Are you trying to avoid kissing me?" He asked, his deep addictive voice evading her senses.

"of course not." She denied looking away from him and when she turned to face him, he cupped her face in both of his palms and his lips met hers, it was different from the kiss he had given her before, this time it was slow and rhythmical. He softly stroked and bit her lips, feeling the warmth inside her mouth and she responded to him, he increased his pace and kissed her harder till she was out of breaths and when he pulled back, she sucked in air into her lungs with cheeks reddened as usual.

"We should get back, you look sleepy." He said as he stood up and his large black wings sprouted out of his back making her gasp in amazement as if it was the first time seeing it.

hope you like my novel, drop your reviews and let me know hat you think about it and don't forget to vote pls

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