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Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


The werewolf man growled deeply with brows creased in anger as it's fists clenched tight as if it was about to attack on it's fours. It had bronze skin and midnight black bushy hair and beards atop his head and face that seemed like he hadn't washed up or shaved for ages.

His body was a muscularly built one and he was tall. Felix took off his long jacket and wore it over him, covering his nakedness, but the werewolf man didn't seem to care as he glared at them all with glowing silver eyes, baring his sharp teeth at them as he growled.

"Attacking Lothaire's breed mate? You're lucky not a scratch was on her but you'll definitely get the punishment you deserve." Felix said, referring to the werewolf whose facial expression seemed oblivious for a split second but it was immediately replaced with the grim one he had on earlier.

"Remember you now belong to the Empire, so be a good dog and go back to your cage. Change now." Felix ordered with an air of authority but the werewolf glared at him defiantly, making Felix lose his patience, a side of him Larisa was surprised to see because at the next moment,Felix lunged his hands at the werewolf's neck in inhumane speed and the werewolf's neck snapped like a twig.

"I'll take care of it." They heard Felix say, while Zion motioned for the girls to follow him, but not before they stole a peek at Felix who grabbed the werewolf man by the neck, taking him away with him to another route in the castle and they watched until he disappeared out of sight with the werewolf.

They entered the Castle in silence, none saying a word while Anne stole shy glances at Zion who didn't bother to spare her one even though the temptation was hard to resist.

"I'll be leaving now, you both should stay away from danger, the Castle isn't a safe place to roam around as there are wild creatures vampires keeps as pet, specifically by Lothaire." Zion informed them and the girls wondered if they were more unknown wild creatures roaming about the Castle freely.

The girls silently nodded at his words. They were sure to listen to him if they wanted to live safely in the Empire. Larisa's mind drifted to Lycan, the dragon and she wondered if he was alright since the last time she saw him was when his neck was snapped broken by the sorceress, but Lothaire had assured her it would heal, so she didn't worry anymore.

She noticed Anne was struggling within herself to have a word with him, but after informing them of the dangers in the Castle, he was walking away from them and almost out of sight.

She could see the uneasy facial expression of Anne as she watched Zion almost disappear out of her sight, she knew she wanted to go to him but instead, chose to keep her company which she thought was very considerate of her, as she was aware of how irresistible the bond was.

"You can go to him, I'll be fine." Anne whose lower lip was trapped between her teeth suddenly released it when she heard Larisa speak.

"It's fine.." Larisa cut her short before she could complete her sentence.

"You should go, or you'll regret it, trust me, you don't want the latter." Anne pressed her lips tightly at her friend's word.

Not arguing anymore, she mouthed the words 'thank you' with a smile on her face before she walked briskly to catch up with Zion, who was almost out of his sight.

Larisa sighed out heavily before retreating to her room, she wondered where Lothaire could possibly be or what he was doing, but she really hoped he wasn't making any dangerous deals with his Father for her safety, she knew how cunning the devil could be.

Shifting all thoughts aside, she set to go to bed, she felt drained of mental energy from all the thoughts and nightmares she had.

She was walking through the corridors when the familiar eerie, cold wind brushed from behind her, making her freeze in her steps in pure horror. She was alone in the corridor, not a single soul present and she wondered if Hela would hurt her there, where no one was there to save her.

Her breathing was shaky and ragged as she stood frozen, not taking another step forward. She felt the eerie wind trying to lead her somewhere again, but she didn't move as she thought it could be leading her to her death.

The eerie presence that lingered in the strange wind was irresistible to ignore and her curiosity piqued at it's highest to know what it wanted to show her, even though she knew it wasn't in any way pleasant.

Her legs moved in accordance, following the dark presence as the wind blew on stronger from behind her, towards the path it wanted her to follow and she did mindlessly. she went deeper into places of the castle where no one ventured as it seemed almost deserted.

There were dusts and cobwebs on the walls which meant that even the maids were restricted from going there to clean it up, almost as if it didn't exist.

She recognized the path she took as she remembered the day the same presence led her to the mysterious door.

She came to a halt in the dark corridor where the door stood and the torches immediately blazed up with purple flames, lighting her path towards the door for her.

Her heart raced hard beneath her ribcage in dread as she stared at the door. Whatever was behind the door was forbidding and she knew she shouldn't go through the door but her legs moved, dragging her towards the door until she was standing still, in front of it.

She gulped as she felt the ominous presence emanating from behind the door and she placed her palm on it, ever slowly and her whole body trembled slightly as she did, feeling the dark presence she was acquainted with more as the entity of death, Hela.

She lowered her hands to the knob of the door, praying inwardly that Lothaire would stop her before she went through but deep down, she wanted to see for herself, the goddess that wanted her dead so badly.

She twisted the door knob clockwise and it made a creaking sound as she opened the door, to reveal a stair, leading down to an abandoned temple. A rush of inauspicious wind blew on her from inside the temple, making her shiver.

She closed the door behind her slowly as if she would wake up a sleeping beast in the place. Her eyes took in her surroundings.

It was obviously a millennium old as it had old artifacts scattered in the place, the walls weren't made of marbles but instead, it was a stoned wall like the one in caves.

The dim lights produced barely any light, making the place eerily dark and hard for her to see, so she carefully watched her steps while she climbed down the stairs, in order not to trip and fall as the last thing she wanted was to be stuck in the creepy Temple with a broken leg.

She noticed there were no windows, making her wrinkle her nose at the pungent smell mixed with the smell of death. She looked back at where she came from reflexively and..BANG!

She saw the door shut close with a loud thud that made her yelp as she jumped up in fear, her fragile heart racing hard against her chest and she swallowed deeply.

She felt as though Hela wanted to show her something, so she continued her unknown search as she walked meekly in the abandoned Temple, her heart flew up at every little thing and even her shadow was too scared to go, so it went after her as the dim lights shone on her.

The place was at a freezing temperature and she rubbed her arms, trying to warm herself up, she felt highly uncomfortable at the murky Temple and immediately regretted going there in the first place, but she had to at least find out why the presence drew her there, she didn't want to go back empty handed.

She went through a corner after walking for a few minutes, she saw an odd looking door with the carving of a dragon on it and it suddenly swung open without her having to touch it which made her move her feet backward in alarm.

After a few minutes of standing by the door, contemplating whether to go in or not, she gulped and finally went through. It was darker than the main Temple and different from it as it had a stronger, menacing aura, but her eyes widened when she saw the cause of it.

In the middle of the floor, a pool of dark mist whirled slowly in the ground merging together with the darkness in the room, like an endless infinity of darkness and space. She could feel the raw darkness emanating from within, making her blood curdle.

She realized it was the abyss Lothaire had trapped Hela inside. She wanted to leave now, she had had her curiosity satisfied, 'so she should go back before things got out of hand' her subconsciousness warned and she was more than willing to listen but then, like she was possessed, her feet moved forward, towards the abyss.