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Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


Zion pressed his lips in a thin line before replying her, he wanted to avoid her to prevent both of them getting hurt in the near future when the chaos would begin but he didn't want to hurt her in any way so he chose his words carefully.

"No doubt you're a very attractive lady but I was raised to treat women with respect and I find no honor in taking advantage of a woman who offers herself to me, I find it disrespectful." His voice was calm and gentle, he spoke with such a polite demeanour and she couldn't help but swoon over his charming nature, she didn't think men like him still existed, he was like a prince charming from a fairytale but she could feel a blanket of dismay weighing heavily on his shoulders, it felt like something unnerving troubled him but it didn't seem like it was Onyx's death, it felt like something else with a menacing aura.

"You're the sweetest aren't you? But you don't have to worry, you're not disrespecting me it's just pleasure and besides, we're not in the nineteenth century or something." A smile grazed though Anne's lips as she spoke with a soft voice while pushing her mini skirt slightly upwards, revealing more of her legs to capture his attention.

Zion realized what she was doing and he thought she was nothing less than a crazy woman, he had thought she would compose herself but she was doing the ultimate worse, it wasn't unexpected, they were breed mates after all and while he was trying to avoid her because he had already anticipated their inauspicious future, she was being overly salacious and laid back, obviously because she didn't know the truth of what the future had in store for them.

He averted his gaze from her exposed thighs, they were smooth and supple and his hands itched to feel her soft smooth skin, his Adam's apple bobbled up and down his throat as he felt his blood run hot from carnal desires. He could feel his bulge slowly rising and the walls he had built shook slightly threatening to crumble down.

Anne was satisfied with his reaction, she had put her seducing skills to good use and it seemed like no matter how much of a charming gentleman he claimed to be, he couldn't resist her tempting body.

"I'll take my leave now." His words were in a rush as he made to stand up but Anne's arm stopped him in his movement as she reflexively grabbed him before he could stand up to leave.

Immediately he felt her warm hands on his, his body heated up and his fists tightened as he struggled to keep his resolve.

"It's obvious you see me as a woman, so I'm curious, why are you resisting it? And please no gentleman speech." He could hear Anne's sharp voice as she demanded an explanation from him with a mischievous smile playing on her glossy red lips and he almost bit his lips as he anticipated kissing those red glossy lips of hers but he immediately cleared off his lust driven thoughts as he felt her grip on him slowly loosen.

"I'm not resisting, I'm just not interested." Every word escaping his lips were a smooth lie but Anne couldn't quite believe it, she felt as though he was lying as she stared at his grey eyes that had dilated but his facial expression seemed to be composed, so she was torn between doubting his words or believing it.

He saw a hint of hurt visible in her blue eyes for a second when he told her he wasn't interested but it was suddenly replaced with doubt as her brows furrowed slightly.

"Fine, I won't do anything you're not interested in doing, so why don't we become friends instead, hm?" A grin became visible on her face as she offered a non sexual relationship between them both, her words sounded genuine which made it seem like she had given up and was now only interested in a platonic relationship but Zion knew better, they were breed mates and there was no way the crazy blonde wanted a platonic relationship with him when she was obviously feeling the same way he did and she wasn't even trying to ignore it like he did.

Zion abruptly stood up and she followed after him, blocking his exit as she stood akimbo, awaiting his reply. Zion sighed in frustration, it was clear she didn't take no for an answer and was hellbent on getting what she wanted. It would have been easier to ignore and let go if his breed mate was a calm and quiet girl but no, the universe just had to make it harder for him to resist by giving him a stone headed, amorously, over confident girl who didn't take no for an answer.

"I'm an Emperial, it's against the rules for humans to know about us and us being friends won't work for the other Emperials, they already don't welcome your stay here." His tone was gentle, not meaning to hurt her but she didn't look like a fragile girl who would get hurt by one's mere words so he saw the corner of her lips curve up.

"But you did, you welcomed me here, so I don't see why we need the other Emperials, from what I've heard, they don't make personal decisions for you." She drawled as she met his silvery grey eyes that looked like the full moon shining down on her. She found it odd that he acquired unique features even though he was half human and he seemed even more ethereal than a full pure bred.

She figured it was weird that he looked even more gorgeous than the pure breeds even though he was half human, she thought he was supposed to look less good looking compared to the full pure breeds as he was half human but his unearthly beauty couldn't be matched with theirs. She figured something wasn't right, yes, his aura was far different from theirs but it wasn't less powerful as she could feel a different but powerful aura emanating from him which he didn't seem to realise.

She wondered if he was something else or maybe it was the result of being a half human and half vampire but she wondered again if no one thought it was weird that he had silver hair and silvery grey eyes which were unique and ethereal, which were nothing like a vampire's or a human.

"I have important matters to attend to, excuse me." Zion ignored her question as he set to leave but her eyes fell on the book he was reading which was laying static on the table.

"You didn't have important matters to attend while you whiled away your time reading..." She picked up the book and Zion reflexively grabbed it from her hold but it was too late as she had already seen the title of the book which made a mischievous smirk play on her lips.

"Breed mates? That's a very intriguing topic, the title alone has piqued my interest to know more, but I'm mostly interested in why you're interested, have you found your breed mate yet?" The girl confidently asked her question with sharp blue eyes holding his gaze, she perplexed him and intrigued him at the same time, it wasn't everyday he came across a confident human who could compose their selves or speak out their thoughts confidently or act fervidly towards a vampire, there was an invisible line drawn between humans and vampires as vampires were superior and naturally daunting but this brave human girl crossed the line without a hint of care.

"No, I was just bored and curious, vampires only find their breed mates when they've reached a hundred years." He wasn't well versed with breed mates but that was mostly the age he had seen vampires find their breed mates, he had never come across a young vampire like him finding their breed mates in an early age, so he didn't count his words as a lie.

He watched her stare at him for a split moment as if reading his face with narrowed eyes before nodding her head.

"Ahh, here I thought I was yours and you were mine but I guess I was wrong." He heard her say and his brows raised up slightly as his lips parted, wondering how on earth she thought she was his breed mate, the friction between them was tense and strange, she could have an idea about it especially if Larisa had educated her on it, but hearing her seemed like she had been in no doubts of herself about them being breed mates before.

"We're not." The words blurted out of his mouth before his mind could process it thoroughly. The words came out cold and hard and Anne felt a sting of pain in her chest as she heard him utter those words so coldly.

"Well, you should go attend your important business, I'll be on my way and out of your hair." She disappeared out of his sight before he knew it and Zion clenched his teeth in frustration before slamming his fist on the glass table with immense force. The glass table shattered into shards of broken glass on the floor as his fists came in contact with it.

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