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Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


Lothaire strode down the hall with long legs, his movements slow and precise and with his grim facial expression, he looked nothing less than a tiger calculatingly stalking it's prey, about to attack. He stood in front of a double door and placed his strong arms on it, swinging it open effortlessly. He walked into a dark luxuriously furnished room uninvited, to see Avian standing by the window with his back facing him, the lights were put out but neither the two demons needed any light to see as they had inhumane heightened senses. Avian didn't move an inch as he stared out the window even when he was well aware of Lothaire's presence.

"Where is Laverna?" Lothaire's deep impatient voice rang in the room but Avian didn't move as he took a good while to reply which ticked Lothaire even more.

"She's not a kid so she can go wherever she pleases." Avian said with a calm voice as he continued staring out the window. Lothaire moved forward to where he stood with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

"I need her here, now! So you better go find her and bring her to me!" Lothaire's spine tingling voice raised with an air of authority branding it.

"And if I don't? You might be the devil's son but you can't control me Lothaire, I'm not afraid of you and I have nothing to lose." Avian said with a calm tone but Lothaire felt mocked and his golden eyes blazed with fury.

"Yes, your mate's dead but you still have something to lose and that's your freedom! I'm the only one that can release you from the torment and you're going to be begging me for death but instead, I'll give you life, one that is full of torment for the rest of your eternity so if you want to be free, you better get Laverna here and fast!" Lothaire said furiously with a menacing, dark look.

Avian knew he was right, he was an ancient demon and they were almost immortal but only ancient demons or the devil and his son could end an ancient demon's life, he couldn't ask the devil to end his life, he would ask for something in return, but there was nothing he could give so Lothaire was his only possibility of leaving the soul destroying torment he was being trapped in.

"I'll bring Laverna here tomorrow." Avian replied with his usual stoic expression as he turned his body to face Lothaire whose golden eyes already had flames swirling into them in anger and he wondered what he could possibly want with her or from her.

Avian saw a sinister smile appear on Lothaire's lips.

"Switching so soon? I thought you wanted to play rebellious, but I won't blame you, I guess your mate's death has gotten into your head but don't fear me because the devil is my father, fear me because I have his blood running through my veins." Lothaire said with a forbidding tone that could make a person's blood run cold but Avian was soulless and numb, he was dead inside out, so his warnings didn't prick him.

Avian stayed quiet and took a seat, expecting Lothaire to leave as he shut his eyes closed and preferably the world too. He thought he could escape from the soul torturing torments once he closed his eyes and shut his brain, but it wasn't any better, it just felt like he had escaped a harsh torment to enter a silent one where memories of Onyx flooded his head and every moment felt bitter sweet as he could still vividly see her ocean blue eyes staring at him, her red hair dancing in the wind or her....

Lothaire's deep voice resonated into his ears making him shut his eyes open, to see Lothaire sitting opposite him with one long leg crossed over the other.

"Do you really think I'm an idiot, Avian?" Lothaire queried rhetorically with a sardonic smile on his face, making him look no less than a terrifying devil in human form. Avian knew what Lothaire was getting at but he just gave him a blank look, with no reply. He knew Lothaire was smart and cunning enough to know that he was scheming up a plan with Laverna.

"I know Laverna's part of your little plans, did you really think I wouldn't fucking notice?!" Lothaire growled darkly and his golden eyes glowed in the dark room.

"Notice what?" Avian asked in a rather calm tone at the intense moment.

"I know both of you are up to something and if it in anyway threatens Larisa's safety in the slightest way possible, I'll make sure you live for an eternity in endless torture, where you'll never see the light again and you'll not be able to escape, you won't even remember what the sun looks like." Lothaire threatened with a chilling voice and dark eyes shooting venomous looks at him.

"It doesn't have anything to do with Larisa or you, whatever my plans are won't hurt her in anyway, it's personal and I hope you don't intrude." Avian said, his words came out believable and harmless but Lothaire narrowed his eyes at him, Lothaire couldn't trust the sly demon, he was either lying or saying the truth but he couldn't read his mind, so he'd have to keep an eye on him.

"What are you up to?" Lothaire shot him the straight question, he needed to know if it was his scheming plan that had anything to do with the ominous presence Larisa felt.

"I just said not to intrude, it's personal." Avian said with a firm voice, Lothaire being Lothaire would have tried to squeeze it out of him but he knew Avian wouldn't bend, the sly demon wouldn't utter a word to him no matter what, so he gave up trying to find out from him, he would find out from a different means if there was any.

"Larisa felt a presence as soon as we arrived, your plan doesn't have anything to do with it, or does it?" Lothaire queried with squinted eyes shooting him a suspicious look.

"It certainly doesn't, so that's why you wanted to see Laverna, Larisa's feeling a dark presence." Avian stated out.

"Yes, so get her here as soon as possible." Lothaire said with a hard voice but Avian seemed thoughtful, as if he wanted to say something, he opened his mouth to speak but immediately shut it closed but the actions didn't go unnoticed by Lothaire who shot him a wary look.

"Spill it out!" Lothaire demanded impatiently and Avian was forced to speak, it didn't affect him in anyway so he spoke out his thoughts.

"I think it might be related to the nightmares she had, after killing the sorceress you said the nightmare stopped but what if it was just a mere distraction to get us off trail?" Avian stated out his thoughts, he wasn't too sure of what he was saying but his instincts told him differently.

"I doubted the sorceress gave her nightmares too but it stopped immediately she died, so what are you saying Avian? Feel free to share your thoughts." Lothaire said with raised brows as he adjusted on the seat, resting his arms on the arm rest to listen to what Avian had to bring to the table.

"Have you ever thought it might be the work of the evil you've kept contained?" Avian questioned rhetorically and the moment he said those words, Lothaire's face turned sour and his eyes gleamed darkly.

"She's weak without her heart and moreover, she can't operate in the physical realm, the abyss might exist in the physical world but getting trapped in it leads to a different realm, far from the physical and into another dimension." Lothaire explained with doubt that the embodiment of death he had trapped in an abyss was attacking his mate.

"She can't operate in the physical realm Lothaire, that's why she's attacking her through the spiritual realm." Avian stated out, it made sense to Lothaire but she was weak without her heart, it was almost impossible for her to do anything while being trapped in the abyss.

"She's weak without her heart and the abyss is very powerful, it'll weaken her more." Lothaire said with a hint of doubt but he knew Avian could be right, nothing was impossible when it came to the supernatural.

"How weak do you think the goddess of death will be? Hela has been trapped underneath you for a thousand years, she might as well take out her anger on your mate since she couldn't take it out on you." Avian said reasonably and Lothaire's teeth clenched hard in anger. If Hela was truly behind it, then things wouldn't become nice, Hela being a nut case and a naturally evil being made her a big threat to his mate, because he couldn't figure out what she would be capable of doing to Larisa if she was attacking her through the spiritual realm, plus her revenge and her grudge of a thousand years of being trapped in the abyss, she would be furious as hell.