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Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


Lothaire walked down the park with Larisa, the skies were slowly getting dark which made them realise how much time they had spent at the amusement park and watching movies. The park scenery was beautifully decorated with nature and a beautiful water fountain stood in the middle of it.

Lothaire had an impatient look on his face as he tried hard to suppress his lust for her, but staring at her bliss filled face as they strolled hand in hand along the park made him feel a sense of satisfaction even though he hadn't tasted her yet. He felt happy, knowing that every little thing they did together made her excited and happy at a great length and he would do anything to keep her happy forever.

He found it odd that she thought taking a walk in the park or watching movies was a romantic thing to do, their ideas of a romantic scene was definitely crossed but he found it to be quite serene just taking a walk with her, he liked the feeling. They were walking when she almost tripped and he immediately caught her in time before she went face flat on the grass covered floor. Larisa yelped, startled as she almost fell and Lothaire's eyes narrowed to her shoes.

"You're so clumsy." He said with a low voice and before she could process what he meant, she saw him crouch down at her feet level and started tying her shoe laces properly, her cheeks burned from shyness as Lothaire tied her shoe which seemed like a romantic act to her, she felt like she was in a romance movie, more like a Kdrama and a small, shy smile formed on her lips.

They sat on a bench in the park, still holding hands as they stared at the people in the park, some were couples, or loners who just wanted to take some fresh air, while some were families, doing different outdoor activities.

"You like it, don't you?, it's so peaceful." Larisa said with a small voice as she rested her head on his chest with a smile, as they cuddled and she tilted her chin up to stare at his face.

"Only because you're with me." Lothaire replied with a serious expression as he locked his gaze with hers, unspoken emotions visible in his golden eyes and she gulped softly at how intense they were. She was left speechless and she didn't know what to say, words could no longer form as they stared at each other for minutes.

"I love you Lothaire.." She whispered softly as the words rolled out of her lips, she had blurted out the words unexpectedly as she felt a wave of emotion hit her like a turbulence. She knew the bond was stronger than love but there was no other way to express how she felt for him, it was an inexplicable feeling.

Lothaire stared at her for a second, he could see the emotions swirling in her hazel eyes and he wondered why she got so emotional all of a sudden, as he failed to realize the unspoken emotions in his eyes. He slowly lowered his head to meet hers as he pressed his lips softly into hers shamelessly, not caring that the passers by stared at them and she didn't care either as she kissed him back and he wrapped one strong arm around her small waist as he cupped her face with the other and she closed her eyes as she shut the world out, thinking only about him and his lips on hers.

He kissed her differently, compared to the usual ones he gave her before, it was slow, sensual and passionate, it felt like he was delivering a love message to her, telling her how much he adored her, how much he would sacrifice for her and how much he loved her as their lips stroked each other's softly, as their soft lips melted into one another, tasting each other's sweetness. They finally pulled from the sensual kiss and stared at each other for a moment, both unaware of the attention and peering eyes on them.

They both looked forward and were surprised to find people staring at them so intently, some were even sighing dreamily at the romantic sight in front of them and Larisa's face flushed red but she wasn't embarrassed, she felt shy. Lothaire shot them hard glares and they all immediately scurried out of their sight at the romantic man that suddenly turned into a handsome, intimidating devil. Larisa sighed in relief when everyone's attention were no longer on them.

"I saw a bridge nearby and it has an amazing view, let's check it out before we leave, hm?" Larisa said as she pouted and blinked her lashes adorably at him and he couldn't refuse even if he wanted to the moment his gaze fell on her face.

"Fine." He replied blankly and they stood up to leave. They got to the small bridge that had few passers by on it but Larisa was right, the view was amazing. Beyond the bridge, a tall building with beautiful lightings stood in front of it but what made the view stand out was the beautiful sunset that peeked out of the grey clouds and Larisa stared at it in awe as it reminded her of Lothaire's intimidating golden eyes.

They watched the sunset till it disappeared to be replaced by a half crescent moon and the skies fell dark as nighttime arrived. Lothaire took off his jacket and covered her body with it to protect her from the cold air. A shy smile formed on her lips as Lothaire wore her his jacket to protect her from the cold.

"We should leave now, aren't you hungry?" Lothaire tried to persuade her for them to finally leave, he knew she thought of it as a romantic casual date and was enjoying every moment she spent with him there and he was too but it was late and time to go back home.

"Sure, I'm not that hungry though but let's go, I've had a nice outing with you and it'll be one of my favourite memories I'll never forget." She said with a delightful smile and Lothaire gave her a grin, revealing his perfect set of white teeth and she saw his canines elongate which made her eyelashes flutter.

They both strolled to the car and he made her get in the back seat with him which was kinda odd to her, Larisa was expecting Lothaire to drive home, but he moved his face closer to hers about to kiss her and she doubted it was the same soft kiss he gave her because at that moment, he looked like a predator about to devour his prey. Before she could react, his lips melted into hers and her body melted too as she felt his warm luscious lips on hers and she kissed him back as he kissed her firmly.

He bit lightly and sucked on her lower lips till it became swollen and she let out a soft moan as he did. His tongue skillfully parted her mouth open and he explored the inside of her mouth, entwining his tongue with hers as he kissed her hard and hungrily. His free hand roamed about her body as one hand was wrapped around her waist, pulling her body closer into his.

He lowered his kisses to her neck and at the same time, inhaled her heavenly scent which turned his brain mush. His kisses lowered to her milky white, soft neck, sucking below her earlobe which earned a moan from her lips. His bulge had grown bigger as he went hard and his body burned with intensifying pleasure to be inside her, to feel her everywhere and to touch her. He took off his clothes swiftly, in a rush and immediately pulled her clothes off her body, his hands trembled slightly as he took off her lingeries and he gulped as he took in the sight of her naked body. He laid her down on the car seat as he hovered above her, skillfully parting her legs which he wrapped around his torso as he melted his body into hers and he felt her body shudder as their bodies touched, their bodies tingled with an electrifying sensation.

He took one nipple in his mouth and sucked it firmly as he stroked the other with his free hand, releasing a moan from her mouth as she felt his mouth and touch do things to her body. His raging monster brushed her wet chambers and she almost pleaded for him to enter her and fill her insides with his addictive touch, she itched between her legs as she badly wanted to feel him there, she wanted him to touch her everywhere but she patiently waited, knowing he wouldn't fail to satisfy her and send her to a sweet hell.

Lothaire couldn't wait anymore, his raging monster twitched uncomfortably as he couldn't wait to fill her, couldn't wait to stroke her. With one swift movement, he gave his hips a firm push and his raging monster filled her wet chambers, a loud moan escaped from their lips as their nerves sparkled in ecstasy.

I wish I had what Lothaire and Larisa have, I'm so jealous right now.

Mel_goddess123creators' thoughts