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Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
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97 Chs


Larisa came out of the room and met Anne sitting on her small couch, she was startled by her appearance but she knew Anne was just worried about her. She wanted to finally explain everything to her but she couldn't, not when Lothaire was there, watching. She quickly scurried to Lothaire who was preparing breakfast and Anne watched as she spoke to Lothaire.

"Can I talk to Anne outside? I promise I won't take long, we'll just grab coffee at the cafe next to the apartment." Larisa pleaded to Lothaire with doe hazel eyes begging him. Lothaire gave her a long stare before saying,

"Sure." He replied with a calm expression, he didn't seem worried that she might get kidnapped again even if he wasn't there which was quite surprising to her knowing just how overprotective he was.

"OK, thanks, be back before you know it." She said with a beam before leaving the apartment and Anne followed behind her, giving Lothaire one last glance.

Lothaire let her go but he wouldn't make that mistake of not watching her every step she took, her near death experience was never going to repeat itself, ever.

Anne and Larisa strolled to the cafe near them and Anne ordered an Americano while Larisa ordered a cappuccino before they started their conversation.

"So what happened Larisa?" Anne questioned with peering blue eyes at her as she sat up. Larisa pressed her lips in a thin line, she didn't know where to start from or even worse, how to start it. Anne could see Larisa fidgeting in her seat and she gently placed her hand on hers, giving her a gentle squeeze. Larisa looked up at her and she knew her friend would understand but she wouldn't blame her if she got shocked. Larisa cleared her throat before speaking.

"Your dad was invited to Empire D but you don't remember, no one does because you were all compelled to forget. That's where I was this whole time, I was in Empire D with Lothaire." Larisa stated out and she was surprised at herself that she didn't stutter even as nervous as she was to come clean to Anne with her unbelievable story.

Anne just stared at her, there was no judging look on her face or shocked one either, she had a calm and quiet expression as she listened but Larisa didn't know how long it would last. Anne kept silent for her to continue and she did.

"Lothaire...Lothaire is a demon..The devil's son and I'm his breed mate.." Larisa said in a hurry as if it would make it any easier for Anne to believe. Anne's brows raised up and her blue eyes shone slightly wide, she found Larisa's words to be a joke but she knew it wasn't, Lothaire was a living evidence and Larisa's expression was serious.

Anne swept a few locks of her blonde hair from her forehead backward as she sighed in exasperation. Her friend wasn't married to a mafia boss or an evil king but she was mated to none other than the devil's son. As much as she strongly wanted to laugh it off as a joke, she had no choice but to believe, Lothaire was the epitome of darkness and his unearthly beauty could now be understood, he was the devil's son and he was sinfully beautiful but dangerous.

Larisa watched Anne's speechless expression and shocked face too.

"Anne, are you alright?" She heard Larisa ask with a nervous voice, she knew her friend needed her, trusted her enough to tell her so she had to act on her side of the role as a good friend and try to understand her, she was an Angel who supposedly fell in love with a demon and it wasn't her fault, if the universe had designed their fates together then it was definitely meant to be and she couldn't do anything about it even though she knew he was dangerous, too dangerous for her fragile friend.

"I'm fine love, it's hard to believe but I believe you and I'm really glad that you trusted me enough to tell me so I'll try to act rationally on this and support you." Anne said as she gave her palm a gentle squeeze and beamed her a small smile which made Larisa's hazel eyes glimmer with unshed tears, she couldn't be less grateful for having such a perfect soul in her life who was willing to do anything for her.

"Oh my God! Are you seriously going to cry? You're so soft." Anne exclaimed with widened eyes as she laughed at her.

"I'm not! I got something in my eye." Larisa lied as she wiped the tears off her face that had dropped on her cheeks.

"Okay, whatever. So you're telling me I've been to Empire D before and they compelled me to forget so you could stay?" Anne asked with creased brows and Larisa nodded.

"And you're saying you and Lothaire are like soul mates or something, right?" Anne asked again, making certainty of her words and she nodded in an unsure way.

"It's breed mates but I think it's stronger than that anyway, it's not just about mating or stuffs like that." Larisa explained and Anne nodded.

"So what happened there?" Anne queried with lips pressed in a straight line.

"A lot of things happened there and it's a really long story, you know I can't say much, I promised Lothaire I'll b back early, maybe I'll tell you everything in school tomorrow." Larisa said and Anne bit her lower lips.

"Fine, so what happened two days ago? I know something happened." Anne questioned inquisitively with squinted eyes.

"I got kidnapped by some weirdos from Empire D, somehow they found out about vampires in Empire D and stuffs happened, they tried to kill Lothaire." Larisa explained and Anne had a confused expression on her face as she took down everything.

"Wait! They're vampires too??" Anne exclaimed in an unbelievable tone and Larisa giggled at her reaction.

"Yeah! The royal family are vampires and there's a goddess actually and an Angel, ugh there's so much to explain but I'll explain it properly tomorrow." Larisa said in an exasperated tone as she sighed heavily.

"Lothaire's the devil son, isn't he supposed to be the king o whatever?" Anne queried with creased brows.

"He doesn't want to be king but the royal family serves him since he's more superior." Larisa explained and Anne nodded in speechlessness as her mind wandered far.

Larisa thought it was a good time to break the news to her friend that she would be leaving her forever which was heart breaking.

"Anne, there's also something I have to tell you..." Larisa said with a low voice almost like a whisper.

"Sure, go on."

"I'm leaving with Lothaire soon and...we're not coming back, ever..." Larisa trailed off at the last word and she stared at her friend's stricken face.

"I..I don't understand, you're leaving and never coming back?" Anne asked with uncertainty as if she didn't hear her clearly and Larisa fell silent as she knew her friend was angry and hurt that she was leaving.

"Say something Larisa! I don't understand, why are you leaving and never coming back??" Anne questioned with a loud voice which made Larisa jolt back in her seat.

"It's safer there, we shouldn't have come here, he only came because of me, we have to go back, he has to feed on blood and he can't do that here without killing people so the quicker we leave, the safer it is for everyone." Larisa explained and she saw Anne calm down a little.

"I can't believe you're just going to leave everything behind for him, I can't understand because I don't have a breed mate but...if it's what you want and he's not forcing you...then leave but I'll miss you, a lot." Anne said with a glum look on her face, Larisa could see the pain and hurt in her eyes but she was glad Anne respected her decision and didn't make a fuss out of it like she normally would.

A pair of golden eyes watched them and heard everything they spoke about and his golden eyes glinted. He didn't care if Larisa told her friend about him but if she became a threat in anyway then he'd have to get rid of her.

pleaseee give me honest reviews on my novel, I'll really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to your reviews pls.

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