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Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


Lothaire was finding it difficult to tear his eyes away from her neck, he felt the urge to dig his canines into her supple skin and feel the warmth of her blood in his mouth, he subconsciously rolled his tongue over his canines.

"Its time to feed". Lothaire said making Larisa feel uneasy.

" You still haven't explained everything properly". Larisa stated inquisitively, she had a lot of questions to ask. Lothaire pinched between his thick brows frustratingly.

"what do you want to know?" He asked in an uninterested way.

"How old are you? is the king, Luthor? And is Darius your brother?"

"I'm over a thousand years, king Luthor is dead and I'm like Darius's ancestor". He said watching her bewildered expression. Larisa wondered if he would live forever.

" Do you have siblings?" She asked again, making Lothaire wonder ihi she would ever stop with her questions.

"They're dead". He replied with a cold expression.

" Are you immortal? Can you fly?". 'could her questions get any sillier?' He thought inwardly.

"Yes". He watched her eyes widen in amazement and a sweet smile crossed her face. " Enough of the questions, I need to feed now!" He growled lowly but deeply, he was at a breaking point to taste her blood. Breed mates bloods were said to be uniquely exotic and he could smell her blood which was distracting.

Sweat dropped from Larisa's forehead, she was nervous not only because he would drink her blood but that he would be so close with that glorious half naked body that screamed masculinity, as well as in a Feminine way because of his long dark thick lashes and red full lips.

."uhm...I...it'll be from the wrist right?" She asked in an unsure way as she watched him walk elegantly with his long legs towards her. "Definitely not Angel". Her cheeks reddened as soon as 'Angel' rolled off his tongue. She watched him crawl on the bed next to her and every movement of his felt like he was about to devour her.

He hovered above her and took her face in one palm, then swept her hair backwards with the other, brushing her skin lightly with his fingertips making her shiver slightly, he stared at her for a second with his blazing golden eyes and as soon as their eyes met, his eyes were like a magnet pulling her to them in a dark hole, he looked away and tilted his head as he bent towards her neck.

His canines elongated into razor sharp fangs, Larisa closed her eyes and gulped in suspense until he pierced her milky white skin with his fangs making her let out a shrill cry of pain, his lips and hot breath on her skin felt so good, she wanted to feel his lips and breath everywhere and she weirdly liked him biting her, she placed her hands on his hard chest for support.

Her blood filled his mouth and the taste was exquisite like nothing he had ever tasted before,her scent evaded his brain the warmth of her blood coating his tongue were an unexplainable feeling, it was simply addictive and he was fast losing control, he didn't want to stop, his nails grew longer, his eyes turned a mixture of blazing gold and red making it look like a fiery flame mixed with blood.

His grip on her tightened making her whimper,his body burned hot and Larisa could feel her blood been drained quickly from her body and she immediately knew he was losing control and she had to snap him out of it or he would suck her dry.

"Lothaire, stop!"She yelled but it wasn't enough to make him stop, she could feel him changing, she could feel him getting darker and more dangerous, she continued to yell but her voice only grew lower and more distant until her eyes closed shut and her body fell limp.


Lothaire lost control, only feeling the taste of her exotic blood in his mouth and when she yelled his name, he tried to gain control of himself but the temptation was too great until he felt her body become limp and her breath became unstable.

He immediately let go,he began to feel emotions he never felt before, he was in a panicked state with hands trembling in fear that he had killed his mate, he could hear her unstable breathing making him sigh in relief that he hadn't killed his mate, he was shocked by how strong the mating bond was to the extent that he felt fear.

He cleaned the trail of blood on her neck and covered her with the sheets 'she would feel better with a good night's sleep' he thought as he sat on a chair facing her while he ran his long fingers through his hair, wondering what he would have done if he had killed his mate and how he was supposed to drink her blood to be stronger if he could kill her.

She would think of him as a monster and he wondered what she would think about him if she found out how his family died in the past, that he killed them all.

Lothaire could still vividly remember when he was a young boy barely five and how his mother hated him because she was seduced by the devil and he abandoned her.

She would ignore him and treat him like a ghost, the same treatment came from everyone else especially the king who despised him but his mother's treatment hurt him especially when he saw how loving and caring she was to his older brothers.

He was always locked away in a dark room banned from coming out as little as he was, he was always humiliated by his brothers and mocked because he was a demon, he would cry for his mother but she would act as though she never gave birth to him.

When he was older, he got flogged with poison treated into the whips and mistreated even worse than before but his uncle and his wife had always cared for him since they saw him as a child who didn't deserve to be treated the way he was treated.

As he grew older, he grew colder and his heart was consumed by darkness and hatred towards everyone who hated him for what he was.

He was fourteen when he killed them all, he tore them apart one by one bathing the palace with blood and designing the place with bloody pieces of them, he laughed like a maniac while holding his mother's bloody head in his hand, both his uncle and his wife shook in fear that he would kill everyone but he didn't kill them since he had no reason to, he even left the throne for his uncle since he had no interest in being king and he didn't need to sit on a throne to be powerful since he was already more powerful than a king himself.

He wondered what Larisa would think of him if she found out that he had killed his mother, step brother and step father ruthlessly, she would see him as a monster which he really was but he had never cared about what anyone thought about him until her because she was his mate forcing him to care which threw him into frustration.

He went out of the room to breath in fresh air and mostly because Larisa, while sleeping was as distracting as she was awake but he did not forget to tell Darius to watch her since his maniac father could effortlessly kill her in her sleep but he knew his father was a patient and calculative devil so he didn't worry much.

He was standing at the balcony staring into space when he felt a presence, he didn't have to look to know who it was.

"what do you want?" He asked lazily, still unmoving.

"All I want is you..." Valerie drawled sexily but Lothaire couldn't care less, it was clearly impossible for him to get affected by any woman since he had a mate and she was the only one who affected him, even Valerie knew this much so he wondered why she still bothered to seduce him.

"Why do you try so hard?" He asked rhetorically expecting her to leave but she moved closer adamant of giving up.

"Because I love you...And I don't care if you have a mate, we both know she's not good enough....She's only a weak human and couldn't offer you much but with me by your side we'll...." Her sentence was interrupted by Lothaire, he didn't even know why he allowed her to speak this much and as soon as she said Larisa wasn't good enough.

Uncontrollable anger rose within him, his jaws clenched and he wanted to rip her apart in bloody pieces but he just glared at her with his blood shot golden gaze, didn't say a word and just walked out on her leaving her speechless and terrified by his fearsome look.

She knew he already felt connected to his mate and she felt more bitter than ever, she had to get rid of his mate even though it would leave him broken for an eternity as long as it meant getting him. 'It shouldn't be too hard to get rid of a fragile human, just one push off a balcony or stairs and they're done for' she thought and gave a wicked grin.

"whatever you're trying to do, stop trying". She heard Darius, her older brother speak with the same emotionless expression she had always known him with.

." I'm not trying anything, its not my fault I'm in love with him ". She hissed in anger.

" You're in love with power....You'll find your mate and then I'll know if you're still in love with him". He didn't wait for her reply and left her hanging in words that had failed to come out. Darius was right, ever since she had learnt he was the devil's son, she had wanted

him for herself, so she would be feared and worshipped along side with him but now her chances were low because of an unexpected guest.

Lothaire walked into his room in anger but as soon as he saw Larisa's sleeping angelic face, he immediately relaxed.

He suddenly felt the urge to touch her small white face, he subconsciously crawled into the massive bed and lay down beside her, he stared at her for a long while and brushed her cheeks lightly with his long fingers, feeling the softness of her skin but he suddenly pulled his hand back to avoid losing control again, but it felt peaceful just staring at her and he did till morning, not taking his gaze away from her face.