

This novel has been republished,kindky search for Once Upon A Dark Tale and add your library. The chapters here will be deleted after I'm done republishing it, so add Once Upon A Dark Tale to your library so you can be able to continue reading from where you stopped.

Mel_goddess123 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
97 Chs


Zion was busy teaching Larisa archery but she sucked at it.

"Aim with your sight, you're using your hands." Zion scolded playfully.

"No matter what I aim with, I just suck." Larisa complained pouting her lips at him.

"You're cute." He said grinning. Her eyes suddenly diverted to the beautiful darkness coming her way. It was Lothaire wearing a look that could kill and she wondered what had gone wrong this time but his eyes were fixed on Zion.

Zion who was still grinning wondered what had messed up Lothaire's mood.

"Whats.." Zion's words were cut off with Lothaire's big hand on the back of his neck and he winced in pain.

"Arghh!" Zion screamed loudly.

"I told you to keep her company, not flirt with my woman!" Lothaire had a dark grin on his face as he enjoyed watching Zion's face twist in pain. Larisa was flustered when he called her his woman and she couldn't help but smile inwardly as her cheeks reddened.

"I wasn't flirting, please let go." Zion pleaded but it only made Lothaire's grip harden as he loved the look of pain in his eyes.

"Lothaire Please stop hurting him." Larisa pleaded and Lothaire finally released his grip.

"You don't have to be worried love, he's a tough lad." He said with a short laugh looking at the worried face of Larisa. Zion rubbed his neck in pain as he grinned and it took her a while to realize that Lothaire was merely teasing Zion.

"Come on." He motioned for her to come over and she scurried to his side after waving Zion goodbye who waved at her too all smiling with bright eyes, revealing his perfectly white teeth.

"Have you seen the hot tub?" Lothaire asked as they strolled down the corridor.

"Hot tub?" She asked,

"Yes, you look tired." He replied, she was always tired and it became worse since she came there, she didn't have to lift a finger to get anything done.

"Oh! A hot tub sounds fine then." She said even though she had never been in one. He led her to a room, it was like a bathroom but bigger and more spacious, a large round deep tub with warm water that had smoke evaporating from it stood in the middle of the room. Everything was expensively furnished, it looked like a King's bath house.

She was admiring the bath house when her eyes shifted to Lothaire who was taking off his clothes, 'holy guacamole! Was this the reason he invited her to the hot tub? To show her his ethereal sinfully glorious body?' She thought inwardly.

She couldn't take her eyes off him as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off elegantly, revealing his upper body in its full glory,Larisa's mouth were slightly apart and her eyes widened as she took in his maddening beauty as if she hadn't seen his upper body before, well she could never get used to his beauty.

He continued undressing as he effortlessly undid the belts on his pants, flexing his arm muscles in the process and Larisa gulped as he took off his pants and her mouth almost dropped to the floor as he revealed his long lean muscular legs to her view, only his black underwear was on, but damn he still looked deliciously arousing and Larisa couldn't help but swoon over this sinfully beautiful man in her presence and she wondered if she'd go to hell for falling inlove with the devil's son, but maybe he was worth going to hell for.

His eyes landed on the drooling girl whose mouth had almost touched the floor and a devilish grin appeared on his face.

"Larisa..." He called, she heard his seductively addictive voice wander into her ears which jolted her back to her senses and she closed her mouth in embarrassment.

"Won't you get in?" He said as he walked past her and into the hot tub so elegantly with his magnificient body colliding with the water, he dipped him self fully in the water and came out,the water dripping from his pale skin and black hair made him now look like the god of the sea.

Lothaire turned to face her with a confused expression on his devilish handsome face.

"Aren't you coming in Angel?" He asked and she immediately came out of her trance again. She immediately felt shy because she would have to take off her clothes to get in the bath tub and Lothaire was watching with his sinful gaze locked on hers.

"Uhm...Can you look away?" She asked with a shy voice, even though he had seen her almost naked before, she couldn't help but feel shy. Lothaire grinned with a dark gleam in his golden eyes as he turned his back to her.

She felt relieved that he didn't tease her but that dark gleam in his eyes were something else. She slowly took off her clothes making sure he wasn't going to turn around but he was as stiff as a statue.

She had taken off her clothes leaving only her pink lacy underwear on. She slowly entered the bath tub and the soothing warmness of the water evaded her senses, it felt really nice.

Lothaire watched her pleased expression as she felt the water on her skin.

He let his eyes roam about freely on her body, her white milky skin was just alluring, her brown doe eyes and hair soaked in the water, her pink lips, her full breasts, he just wanted to touch her everywhere but he refrained himself but he wondered if he could at least get a little taste of her blood since he had his fill earlier, just thinking of it made him run his tongue over his canines.

Larisa rested her body on the edge of the tub while she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the soothing feeling on her skin but she had this strange feeling as if a pair of eyes were staring at her and she instinctively opened them just to find Lothaire's golden eyes on her, she fluttered her long lashes obviously flustered by his reaction.

"I want to taste your blood." She heard him say and weirdly, she wasn't feeling disgusted at his request.

"Won't you lose control?" Her voice was low and would have been insignificant to the human ears but he caught every word she said.

"No, I won't." He said in assurance as he locked his golden gaze with her, examining her face for any signs of fear but was surprised to find none.

"OK." She said with an even lower voice. Lothaire shifted closer to her and she watched his canines grew longer as his face was an inch closer from hers but his elongated canines were not as distracting as his pale alluring face, her eyes visited his red full lips but she couldn't seem to look away even though he was watching her every expression.

He pushed her hair away from her neck with one hand and cupped her right cheek with the other, he lowered his head as he trudged forward to bite her, her heart was racing hard as she felt his breath on her neck and within a second, she felt the stinging pain of his fangs on her neck but the pain was soon occupied by the hotness of his lips on her skin which was simply distracting but within a second, he withdrew his fangs from her skin.

Blood trickled from the tiny holes in her skin caused by his fangs but he suddenly licked it off, causing her head to twirl from the hotness of his tongue on her skin and men! she felt aroused.

He savoured her exquisitely delicious blood coating his tongue and he was glad he didn't lose control like the other time, probably because he was full from the maid's blood but still.

Larisa watched Lothaire move back and she suddenly had the urge to kiss his red lips, she was too aroused to think properly and before she knew it, she slammed her lips on his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her blood rushed to her lower abdomen as she felt his hard body on hers and then she pushed her tongue into his mouth, stroking and rolling deeply, she sank her fingers into his dark wet hair and he loved it.

The smacking of lips could be heard in the bath house, Lothaire's hands found its way everywhere on her body, he rubbed and massaged gently on her soft white skin and he could hear a soft moan escape her lips.

Lothaire wondered how his little Angel could have gotten so brave to throw herself to the devil himself but no matter how deliciously tempted she looked,he had to stop.

he could feel his body burning hot and the demon in him was trying to take over and he would probably hurt her if he continued like this with her as he could already feel the demon in him threatening to come out and devour her and it wouldn't care about whether she got hurt or not as long as its carnal desires were satisfied, so he had to harden his resolve and stop himself before he did something that he would regret and he didn't want to hurt his Angel, he would never hurt her.

Lothaire pulled away from her and he watched her confused reaction as she stared at him, breathing heavily from the breathtaking kissing moment they had.

"I'll hurt you if we continue like this." He said.

"I don't believe that." She said firmly as she stared deeply into his eyes.

"You should." He said and was about to leave.

"Is something wrong? You're always hiding things from me...You can talk to me." She said

"Its hard to control the demon in me when it comes to you and I don't want to hurt you." He said with a genuine expression on his face.

"I know you won't." She said with a pained voice

"Why? Because we're inlove? We're not inlove, we're just mates." He said coldly and he didn't want to look at her expression as he walked away, he knew that if he didn't talk to her that way, she'd keep coming to him like a leech so for now he had to avoid her, at least to protect her from his demon.

I'd appreciate your votes a lot if you want to motivate me to write more chapters, note I'm writing at least 2000 chapters.

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