

Born into a family where he was disregarded by his father, Kunal grew up in a gangster. After leaving his past ways, he tried to live honestly with his friends and family, but fate had strange turns in store. One day, the world changed, with monsters popping out of nowhere and going on a rampage. The mass destruction pushed human technology and morality backward. When all hope was lost, God took action and blessed humanity with an awakening. God gave us superpowers to protect the world and the people we love. But it had an advert effect as the awakened people started to wreak havoc instead. With no laws to stop them, criminals started flourishing, and order nearly collapsed. The cries of various abuse- rape, murder, theft, kidnapping, sacrifice etc could be heard everywhere. Could Kunal and Co., the strongest awakened team in the country, survive and flourish in these damn times where hope has to be found?

Kartikey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Ch 10

Nitin took a step back, calmly watching the axe's hair breathe away from his face. Before the attacker could swing down his axe, Nitin kicked his solar plexus, stole the axe, and beheaded him in one swing, letting the body fall freely.

The retaliation was done in a few seconds, leaving the three other masked men in fear and shock. Nitin looked at the attackers at the door without a hint of emotion, unperturbed by the headless body, the spray of blood on his feet, and the masked men awaiting him with weapons in their hands.

The attacker's facial expressions under the mask crumpled as they grimly watched Nitin pick a scissor.

"Hick, it's one of the great dragons." The youngest of the attackers hiccuped as his legs trembled in fear.

"Don't worry. Just ATTACK! " Even though the eldest of the attackers shouted at them to attack, his body was also frozen stiff in fear, like others.

Ex-great dragon, filled with killing intent, watched their reactions in amusement as he twirled his scissors around.

A few seconds passed, which felt like an eternity for the intruders. Nitin, feeling bored, flashed them a warm smile and cussed at them, "Hey, Pubic Less Motherfucking Bastard! Are you going to enter or not?"

The one-man army's bright expression was a stark contrast to his gory surroundings, and this instilled terror in them. Just as Nitin's had enough, the middle one, wearing a cute rabbit mask, gritted his teeth and swung his axe at Nitin ferociously.

Seeing the attack, he smiled happily, kicked the head at his feet, and struck the incoming axe with astonishing accuracy. The axe, now stuck inside a head, was rendered useless for a few moments. Those moments were enough for Nitin, one of the ex-great dragons, aka. part of the strongest circle of people in the Dragon Gang (the strongest gang in Italy).

Meanwhile, seeing his comrade attack, the oldest of the trio gathered his courage and had just taken a single step to join the fight, but Nitin, seeing him move, threw the scissors and pierced the oldest windpipe with uncanny accuracy.

The rabbit mask guy has been pushing his axe out of his dead comrade's blood-oozing head, only to see the oldest and most senior of them die a violent death. Filled with rage, he tried to kick the legend, whose posture appeared shaken due to throwing on wet ground, but unfortunately for the rabbit guy, it was a ploy all along.

Nitin, who appeared vulnerable a moment ago, grasped his attacker's leg and swung his axe, which, unfortunately for the rabbit guy, hit his testicle and dug in between his legs.

The rabbit guy collapsed on the floor, his body flopping like a fish, with sheer pain coursing through him. His expression was quite colorful, and his posture couldn't look better as he grabbed his testicles, desperately trying to stop the bleeding while resisting astronomical pain.

The youngest of the trio looked at his senior colleague flopping around in pain and the dead body lying next to him and fell on his buttocks as he soiled his pants by pissing himself. Nitin nonchalantly threw the axe, took out his phone, and dialed his friend Sam Nu. while glancing at the TV, displaying three more intruders entering the building.

" HOLA! I hope you are having fun because I am having fun. And hit Abdul for me would you; he is lazing around not doing his job." Nitin started to talk in front of his sole attacker, leaving his back defenseless. Meanwhile, the only one alive saw his target's defenseless back and hesitated, unsure if the demon was really relaxed or just playing with him as he played with the rabbit guy.

He observed his target for a few seconds, slowly clutched his machete, and tiptoed towards Nitin, silently maintaining a pin-drop silence. Too bad for the youngest; his opponent was looking in the mirror, reflecting the situation on his back the entire time.

"Splash!" Nitin abruptly turned around with a warm and benevolent smile and took a single forceful step toward the youngest. The youngest was shocked silly by this strange turn of events and dropped his machete. With his eyes widened to the limit, he fell to his knees, prostrating for his life as he shat in his pants, soiling his pants and the carpet at the same time.

Nitin, watching this show of pity in amusement, frowned as he was thinking of letting the guy live, but the disgusting smell and display he saw forced him to change his decision.

Thinking like that, he carefully nudged the guy with his foot and spoke, "Hey, you always shitting and pissing bud, I forgive you, so raise your head and clean up the mess you have done."

The youngest raised his head fearfully and bowed deeply, again and again, thanking his benefactor profusely while trying to cover his bottom, stained with shit. What the youngest didn't know was that the only reason he was alive right now was because Nitin didn't want to clean up the sh*t of a stranger.

'It's strange; why is there no reaction from either Aishwarya's room or the intruder downstairs?' Nitin's forehead creased as he started walking toward Aishwarya's room while keeping an eye on the shitter bastard.

"Bang! " A gunshot echoed in the area, startling the youngest and Nitin.

Nitin suddenly grew fearful, and he truly ignored his attacker as he raced desperately toward Aishwarya's room, banging into it without stopping and making a man-sized hole in it. He ignored his cut and searched for Aishwarya, only to find a broken window.

"Bang! " Another gun shout echoed, but this time it originated from the glove taken out of Nitin's ankle holster. Before jumping out of the window of the first floor, Nitin had shot the youngest head, killing him instantly and leaving him confused and angered at his sudden death.

" Thud!" Nitin fell, and before he could start running, he saw Aishwarya grasping a double-barrelled shotgun, looking at his blood-soaked face and feet in worry, and Sam, who was dragging an unconscious male, forming a bloody trail behind him.

Aishwarya berated Nitin for not taking proper care of himself as she blew on his wound. Nitin smiled in relief and hugged her tightly as tears threatened to fall out of his eyes. He was glad she was alive, as he had no more strength left for another partition.

Sam watched their touchy reunion, envious and annoyed at the same time.


Sometime earlier,

When the oldest among them shouted, Aishwarya knew her house had been breached. Unfazed, she glanced out of the window and saw their guard collapse on the floor, blood pooling under him, and three men in masks stopping in the hallway. Even though she knew that Nitin was strong, she still worried that he might get overwhelmed by numbers. Thinking like that, she took her double-barreled shotgun and a baseball bat and silently climbed down.

"The boss has gone senile. Why did he send six of us to kill an old hag that has lost her bonkers??" The monkey mask complained as he squatted down. The other two could only nod their heads, as they were aware of his complaining personality.

While the intruders were busy gossiping, Aishwarya silently crept toward them. Aishwarya peeked at their shadow, estimating their position based on it. She threw herself at them and blasted open the head of the intruder who was talking the most. His comrade ignored their comrade's cracked head, and so did Aishwarya as she swung her bat at the person standing next to her (let's call him Hippo). Even though Hippo's comrades also kicked Aishwarya, she ignored it. The hippo could only tank the hit, and tanking it broke his arm.

Aishwarya rolled to diminish the attack and to form some distance from her attackers. Hippo, furious at his arm being fractured, ran toward her crazily, his eyes bloodshot. He ignored his partner's warning to back off, and as a result, his skin made contact with the cold muzzle of Aishwarya's shotgun. His anger dissipated, and he flew to heaven as he tried to appear pitiful. It was a ploy, and his opponent knew that too. So she ignored his plea and blasted his head open.

"Bang! " Hippo's partner, who hadn't run far enough, flinched as soon as he heard the gunshot. As he ran crazily, he lamented about not bringing their guns with them. "Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots echoed, one from upstairs and another from Sam's Glock.

Hippo's partner didn't stop even as he crawled towards the back exit. But he disappeared as soon as he saw security running at him with guns in their hands.

The one-man army, a legend were all Nitin if someone got confused.

Yeah, happy second day of the new year. I hope you like this story and if you have any suggestion feel free to tell me.

Kartikeycreators' thoughts