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He opened his eyes to the unfamiliar surroundings, green grasses as long as two grown men stretched as far as the eyes could see before he could make sense of what was happing he felt a piercing pain in his chest a green razor like arm extended out of his chest blood gushing everywhere turning back he only managed to utter the words “is that a mantis” ********************* hello everyone, trust me this book gets better as it goes on so pls be patient

Nwose · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Excuse me Miss Dalia my name is Alan, I just came to check on all the families in the neighborhood to see if anyone is missing but don't worry it's seems you are all ok said Alan while writing on a file in hand, out of a newly found habit Jason as the gentle man he was respectfully looked at his stats but was given a pleasant surprise instead.

Name: Alan

Class: Genetic warrior

Rank: F

Level: 8

Manual: Mystic fire scripture {download: 5 coins}

Skills: fist surge {download: 2 coins} flaming steps {download: 3 coins}

Unlike last time instead of the unable to download icon that appeared on the screen, this one showed something different, "what's different about this guy Jason thought, snapping his fingers as if figuring out the answer to his question.

Jason muttered maybe I have to meet them in person, the more he thought about it, the more he believed himself to be true, trying to prove his theory he turned on his mobile phone searching the web for videos of awakeners or genetic warriors but he couldn't read their stats at all after searching for some time he came to a conclusion "I'm only able to read the stats of people that are performing live but can't download their skills.

By now Alan had finished what he had come to do and was preparing to leave, "I'll see you out" said Jason, "you'll see him out?"

Said Jason's mom sounding surprised "its ok, said Alan with a smile, he was used to young boys adoring him, in fact that was the case with every young person, if you were to ask any young boy or girl what they wanted to be in the feature the most likely answer you would receive is "I want to be a genetic warrior.

Following him out of the house Jason said in his mind "download" immediately a pop up message appeared, {unable to download skill} huh; said Jason out loud "what's that? Asked Alan, feeling curious "it's nothing I don't need you anymore," Jason said as he walked away leaving Alan standing there confused.

Meanwhile inside in a large open space where the sky was blood red, and the ground was ink black, dark smoke coming out of the ground floating in the atmosphere and distorting the surroundings, dead body's laid on the ground and occasionally a bolt of black lightning struck the ground creating an ear splitting boom, in the middle of this strange place was a figure was sitting on a black throne with red engraving's etched onto it.

These engravings where pulsating almost as if it was alive, with eyes closed an ancient voice sounded did you think it would be that easy, with a deep chuckle his voice reverberated throughout the entire dimension ok now let the true inheritance begin.

Jason was feeling helpless "I got a fake system" he mumbled in disappointment, but could you blame him, he thought this was his chance to change his fate, he just realized how much he wanted to become one of the powerful he wanted to become strong so that he could protect his family.

Sure his family was safe now but what if they offended some powerful genetic warrior? He could kill them without breaking a sweat and nobody would say anything, he didn't like that but that was how it was, this was a world that favored the strong, standing in front of his house he got ready to open the door when a message appeared in his head.

{Please you have 10 seconds to find a safe place to rest}

{10, 9, 8….}

What's that? Looking at the countdown on the screen Jason ran into he's house "Jason what's the matter" asked Dalia, "my chest hurts" Jason said with a grunt as he staggered into the house pain spread from his chest to his entire body, "Anna get my bag" said Jason's mom as she called the emergency number {5, 4, 3, 2,} "hello, hello that was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness.

As Jason opened his eyes the first thing he saw was the blood red sky that gave people the feeling of bloodlust and anger, the ground was pitch black and dark mist covered his surroundings making it hard for people to see.

Suddenly with a piercing scream a dead body jumped on him from behind dragging him by the shoulder intending to bite him but with a twist he released himself from its grasp stepping back with fear he shouted "what is that," as he turned and ran, but before he could take a step forward the undead had already caught up to him swinging its long arm as it slashed at his shoulder.

"Slash" the sound of flesh tearing invaded his ears as he screamed in pain his entire shoulder mutilated as he couldn't use it at all, as the undead stepped forward for another attack Jason instinctively threw a punch at it with his right arm bam!

The undead staggered backwards giving Jason a surprise "it has the same level of strength as me, then what was that explosive speed earlier" Jason thought.

Powered by his will to survive Jason endured the pain in his left shoulder and punched the undead again making it lose balance falling to the ground.

Jumping unto the undead Jason punched and hit it with everything he had and finally it stopped moving.

Getting up and looking at the hand that was stained with black blood Jason felt like throwing up but held himself back, suddenly the body started moving making Jason jump back in alert.

But it looked as if his fear was for nothing as the dead body got absorbed into the ground leaving a black dagger a floating white orb and a floating red orb on the ground, feeling he had nothing to lose he picked up the dagger and hesitated a little before picking up the red and white orbs suddenly a system message appeared in his mind.

{Undead killed 1 / 1,000,000}

{Kill all undead beaning and survive to receive your full inheritance, failure means death in this world or the outside world good luck.}

The female voice said to Jason as a white light enveloped him healing his injures, suddenly knowledge of fighting experience that wasn't on his mind before started appearing in his mind,

In an instant he felt like a warrior that fought millions of battles as his opponents where his chess pieces, but that felling was short lived as it disappeared as soon as it appeared, everything is a chess piece he muttered to himself,

Ting {everything is a chess piece beginner level 1/ 1,000,000} a system alert sounded "my first skill" Jason said with a smile, he didn't think there was any free launches in this world if you wanted something you would have to work for it, and he wanted power' the power to protect his family and the power to defeat his enemy's.

"FIGHT" that was the only thing he could do now he didn't feel anger at the system at all he was angry at himself for being too weak.

looking around he saw hundreds of undead beings running towards him like crazy animals with ear splitting roars that would make your heart skip a beat, but that did not affect Jason at all only a strong determination to survive could be seen in his eyes tightening his grip on his dagger Jason launched forward initiating the attacks.

Outside the dimension Jason's body was at the hospital with a drip connected to his arm his body was sucking spiritual energy from the surrounding's "Mom what's wrong with big brother" asked Anna.